March 1st 2023

Expense approval processes for RICKA ongoing administration:

This document is intended to outline type of authorizations to be discussed and agreed. 

A secondary intent of this process is to leave a “paper trail” for all expenditures. 

1.     The President, and if the President is unavailable the Vice President, can approve expenses up to $150. 

2.     Board members contemplating expenditure for the club, for which they would expect to be reimbursed, should contact the President to discuss and receive verbal approval prior to committing to a purchase.

3.     After verbal approval the requester will send a brief email to the board including identification of the item/service being purchased and a brief 1-2 sentence explanation of how the purchase benefits the club.  These will be retained by the treasurer and used to identify the expenditures in the monthly treasurer’s report.

4.     All purchases above $150 require prior approval by a majority of the board.  Either:

a.     As an item discussed during a scheduled board meeting and approved by vote.  OR

b.     If the need for action is urgent, by a polling of the board members via email.

These decisions will be recorded in the Executive Board Meeting minutes.

5.     Repetitive expenses that are required for the organization to function will be approved in as a group and approval renewed annually.   Examples include expenses for the web sites, post office box, zoom, ACA membership, message boards, domain name, and others.   They will be documented on a list with expected amounts and approved in a scheduled board meeting. 

6.     Approved purchases can be made by requester with reimbursement from the treasurer or with reasonable notice the treasurer can issue a check to the vendor.

7.     As with any other board decision a member can record a dissenting vote or opinion in the meeting minutes.