Minutes 2019


November 6, 2019
RICKA Board Meeting 
REI Cranston
22 Chapel View Blvd
Cranston, RI 02920

Present: Skye Pechie, Bill Luther, Pat Lardner, Erik Eckilson, Peter Hill 

Meeting called to Order at 7:01 p.m. by Pat

Approval of Minutes from October 2019:

There was a motion made by Erik and seconded by Skye; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Approval of Treasurer's Report from October 2019: 

There was a motion made by Skye and seconded by Erik; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Old Business:

Meeting locations for meetings beginning in April 2020: Bill said that Blackstone Valley Watershed Council in Lincoln is available at $100 per

 night. There is also the John Hunt House in East Providence which is $75 per night, and Saint Martha's church is East Providence

which is $50 per night. We would be aable to stay until our business is completed at each of these locations.

 Erik mentioned the visitors' center in Pawtucket is another option. Pat said that she knows of a potential speaker.

Bill mentioned Richard Coupland bringing a slideshow of his trip to Scotland in the future.

New business: 

Pat spoke on the rolling clinics after receiving information from Richard Coupland. The cost will be $1000 for the 4 clinics which will be: 1/12, 2/9, 3/8,

and 4/12 from 1-3pm. The max number of participants is 10 per session. ACA membership will save the club five dollars per participant.

RSVP to Rich is required at rlcoupland@msn.com.

Erik made a motion to rent the pool for 4 sessions for $1000 plus up to $5 per person for insurance if they are not ACA members;

Skye seconded it and there was a unanimous vote.

Pat relayed that Henry said that August 8-14 2020 will be the Adirondacks trip at Rollins Pond, sites A001 to A031. 

Pat would like RSVPs for the Santa Paddle on December 7.

Upcoming Meetings

November 18 th:  Movie night, West Greenwich Community Center. Several movies have been submitted - it looks like it will be about 10.

There is no board meeting in December.

Meeting adjourned at 19:46 after a motion made by Skye, seconded by Bill, and a unanimous vote

Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie 

October 2, 2019 (minutes not yet approved)
RICKA Board Meeting 
REI Cranston
2 Chapel View Blvd
Cranston, RI 02920

Present: Pat Lardner, Danny O' Shea, Cheryl Thompson, Carleen McOsker, Marty O' Loughlin, Peter Hill, Sean Murphy, Gary Powers

Meeting called to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Pat

Approval of Minutes from September 2019: There was a motion made by Danny and seconded by Peter; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Approval of Treasurer's Report from September: There was a motion made by Carleen and seconded by Danny; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Old Business:

Gary updated us on the follow up to the Pawtuxet River Cleanup, including the organizations our cleanup report was sent to.  Gary noted that
ave The Bay responded that they would touch base with the Pawtuxet River Authority Watershed Council and
Pat relayed that she had heard that the
DEM was reviewing our report.  Pat and Gary both mentioned that it would be worthy to consider a local river cleanup annually.

Danny updated us on the recent Sept. 28/29th Wilderness Trip down the Pawcatuck & Wood Rivers.  Danny noted there were
10 RICKA people
and the trip included a 3-hr. paddle both before and after camping.  Danny mentioned the trip was a success with the only
issue being a late-night
interruption by teenagers on SUVs. Shawn mentioned the site may had been known as a local hangout area.

New business: 

Adirondack Trip 2020:  Danny to talk to Henry and Chuck about getting an update on next year’s trip.

Spot X Satellite Messenger:  Pat provided an example and relayed reasons behind the purchase of the Spot X Satellite Messenger.

Upcoming Meetings:

October 16 - All set, Carl Ladd presentation on trip planning, West Greenwich Community Center

November 18th - Movie night, all set, West Greenwich Community Center is booked

Upcoming Holiday Paddles:

Halloween Paddle - Oct 26th at Roger Williams Park

Turkey Paddle – Nov 2nd at Webster Lake followed by dinner at Point Breeze

Christmas – December 5th – December 8th in Wickford (Pat might add RSVP)

Meeting adjourned at 19:44 after a motion made by Pat, seconded by Cheryl, and a unanimous vote

Minutes submitted by Gary Powers 


September 5, 2019
RICKA Board Meeting 
REI Cranston
2 Chapel View Blvd
Cranston, RI 02920

Present: Skye Pechie, Danny O' Shea, Pat Lardner, Marty O' Loughlin, Peter Hill 

Meeting called to Order at 7:03 p.m. by Pat

Approval of Minutes from August 2019:

There was a motion made by Danny and seconded by Marty; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Approval of Treasurer's Report from June, July, and August: 

There was a motion made by Danny and seconded by Skye; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Old Business:

Gary updated us via email on Greenway Challenge that he only had 1 person interested and he would be pursuing a team outside of

RICKA, including the RICKA

a member of they wish. He also provided an update on the Pawtuxet cleanup which sounds like it is all set.

Marty - Taunton River Scavenger Hunt – only 1 person attended and Gary won the scavenger hunt. Peter mentioned that

Facebook invitations might help with event publicity 

New business: 

RICKA Picnic

The food has been ordered and 22 have signed up already. Awards have been ordered.

Pat will supply dashboard notices saying those parking at the launch are with RICKA.

Upcoming Meetings :

October 16 - All set, Carl Ladd presentation on trip planning, West Greenwich Community Center

November 18th  Movie night, West Greenwich Community Center

Spring 2020 Meetings: Update from Pat for Bill who could not make the meeting, open discussion on meeting locations‹

 Candidates for life membership were also discussed and these could be awarded at the Soir'ee.

Recreational Trail Advisory Committee

Danny O'Shea has been nominated, letter of nomination has been submitted electronically after a unanimous vote of our board via email.

Meeting adjourned at 19:46 after a motion made by Danny, seconded by Peter, and a unanimous vote

Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie 


August 14, 2019 RICKA Board Meeting 

REI Cranston

22 Chapel View Blvd

Cranston, RI 02920

Present: Skye Pechie, Danny O' Shea, Bill Luther, Sean Murphy, Cheryl Thompson, Pat Lardner, Paul LeClerc, Erik Eckilson, Gary Powers,

 Marty O' Loughlin, Steven Pechie


Meeting called to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Pat

Approval of Minutes from June 2019 (no July meeting):

There was a motion made by Danny and seconded by Cheryl; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Approval of Treasurer's Report from June:

Tabled until next month - report not available 

Old Business:

BCU Training: Update: Gary

Gary said he thought the training was very extensive and was a long day. He heard nothing but positive feedback from those participating

 (Danny did as well). Gary's interpretation was that we could take the certification test at a later time after some practice. 

Adaptive Kayaking volunteer opportunity  RICKA has communicated via Paddler and email blast to members seeking volunteers.

Cheryl participated in a training for this in Worcester and relayed information about her experience.

New business: 

Erik nominated Paul LeClerc as whitewater chair; Danny seconded this and there was a unanimous vote.

RICKA Picnic

The catering order has been placed. Pat contacted management at Goddard Park regarding parking to avoid issues relating to boat trailer parking.

 She was told by park staff not to worry and we will also put notices on the dashboard of our members' vehicles parked there. We are not sure where the sea kayaks will launch.

Considerations for Awards at the annual picnic:

Volunteer of the Year Nominee Gary Branch (recommendation from Tony Moore)

Discussion ensued; Steve suggested that we provide a second award for appreciation of a particular member. Lifetime membership was also brought up as an award.

Danny made a motion to nominate Gary Branch for volunteer of the year; Pat seconded it and there was a unanimous vote.

 Motion made to nominate Sharon Dragon for lifetime membership; Danny seconded it and there was a unanimous vote.

Danny nominated Jennifer Stanton for rookie of the year. Erik seconded it and there was a unanimous vote.

Danny also said that Frank and Jim have completed 100 continuous months of paddling and should be recognized. We will provide a certificate or something similar.

Regular meetings were discussed. We will try to get Carl Ladd to speak at our October meeting on the third Tuesday(10/15), perhaps at the Louttit Library.

Steve suggested that he teach first aid on the water as a backup if Carl cannot speak.

Pat said that RICKA has been requested to put forward a nomination for representative on the DEM Recreational Trail Committee.

 They must be a RICKA member in good standing and be nominated by the RICKA Board of Directors to represent the organization at

Recreation Trail Committee Meetings.

Skye and Steve said they would consider it depending on the meeting location, frequency, and time. Henry was brought up as another candidate.

Marty mentioned the scavenger hunt happening this Saturday. We will reimburse him for gloves if they are provided.

Skye brought up the need to mask the board members' email addresses on the website in some way - adding spaces to email addresses, substituting "at" for @ ,  or something similar.

In its current configuration, it is too simple for bots to harvest email addresses off of our website.

Gary said he has only gotten one response to the Greenway Challenge and the cost increases on 9/5. He also asked about sponsorship.

Erik made a motion to spend up to $300 for the RICKA team.

 Danny seconded the motion and there was a unanimous vote.

Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie 

No July 2019 meeting

June 5, 2019 RICKA Board Meeting 

REI Cranston

22 Chapel View Blvd

Cranston, RI 02920

Present: Skye Pechie, Danny O' Shea, Bill Luther, Sean Murphy, Pat Lardner, Peter Hill, Carleen McOsker, Erik Eckilson, Gary Powers, Marty O' Loughlin

Meeting called to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Pat

Approval of Minutes from May 2019:

There was a motion made by Erik and seconded by Danny; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Approval of Treasurer's Report from April and May:

There was a motion made by Bill and seconded by Danny to approve both reports; there was a unanimous vote to approve

Old Business:

British Canoeing Paddle and Explore (2 Star) training: 

We will monitor the response to RSVPs to try to keep the class size manageable considering there are only 2 instructors booked. Certification might be

possible, but will not be a given. Pat will ask Greg for his opinion on number of participants.

ACA leadership training: Pat said that her experience was fantastic and that the other students joined RICKA. She said she would recommend the class in the future.

 Carl Ladd also mentioned speaking at a meeting. Having a club meeting at Osprey was discussed, possibly in October.

May Speaker: Pat said that she wrote a thank you letter in support of David Robinson's work (he is moving his office so we need new contact information) .
The meeting was well attended including new members - 32 people.

New business: Erik said that the leadership class will not involve rescues or otherwise intentionally getting into the water. There will be paddle scenarios on the water to practice

making decisions. Pat made a motion that RICKA purchase pizza for lunch participants; Peter seconded it and there was a unanimous vote.

Gary said he would like to have a cleanup on the Pawtuxet River launching on Knight Street, and could contact someone he knows at Save the Bay

to help with supplies. We will also try to coordinate with the Pawtuxet River Authority. The International Coastal Cleanup is the same day as our picnic, but we might be

able to do it the previous weekend and have it be part of ICC. They count what is collected. Having a dumpster or arrangement with the city for waste disposal was

discussed. This cleanup is tentatively, September 14. 

Gary also mentioned participating in the Greenway Challenge and seeking others to join him; Erik brought up possibly putting together a RICKA team. It is September 28

this year. Gary will write something up for the Paddler.

 Pat said that the projector worked very nicely at the May meeting and she looks forward to using it at the film festival. 

Danny said that there are about 30 people going to the Adirondacks in August and he is considering designing a patch for the attendees. Sean made a motion to spend up

to $50 for the patches; Erik seconded it and there was a unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 19:59 after a motion made by Bill, seconded by Sean, and a unanimous vote


May 1, 2019 RICKA Board Meeting 

REI Cranston 22 Chapel View Blvd Cranston, RI 02920

Present: Skye Pechie, Danny O' Shea, Bill Luther, Sean Murphy, Pat Lardner, Cheryl Thompson, Peter Hill
Meeting called to Order at 7:00 p.m.
Approval of Minutes from April 2019:
There was a motion made by Danny and seconded by Cheryl; there was a unanimous vote to approve.
Approval of Treasurer's Report from April: This report tabled until next month as it was not yet available 

Old Business:
British Canoeing Paddle and Explore (2 Star) training: We are booked for July 20.
The cost is $700 for the two trainers. Greg stated that those who wished to have the assessment last year could do so this year. 


May Speaker: Pat:  David Robinson on Green Jacket Shoals - WGCC Tuesday, May 21 2019.

Communication of RICKA email, Paddler, Facebook - we will try to get the word out to the public to attend.

We will ask the Kayak Centre to post it on their website, post it at Demo Days, distribute it to WPWSR, etc.

New Business:

Partnership with Kayak Centre: free membership with a purchase of a paddlecraft. Cheryl said that this was voted on and
approved years ago and just not implemented.
We will do this for this year and revisit next year. We will also consider doing this with Osprey, Kayak Waveology, and other businesses.

Pat will attend Kayak Centre demo day May 4th and bring our new banner-others welcome.

Pat mentioned that the Wilderness Chair discussed obtaining satellite message tracking such as InReach for the wilderness trips and other uses.
Bill made a motion to allow Chuck to spend up to $500 for the device he deems best, and monthly service for it. Danny seconded it and there was a unanimous vote.

Pat brought up RICKA purchasing a projector for presentations. We could use it for movie night. The Kayak Centre has one that cost less than $200 and
worked very nicely at their film festival. Skye made a motion to spend up to $250; Cheryl seconded it and there was a unanimous vote.

Sean mentioned how enjoyable the Film Festival was and that the RI stop was the furthest south. He asked whether we could encourage the Kayak Centre to
host it yearly - we will look into this.

Cheryl said that Mark Allio sent her an email saying that we would be the first RI ACA club but that the ACA mailing address is in MA (Bill's address).
We could move the mailing address to the club PO box. We will check with Sharon who manages the PO box - Bill does not mind if the mail no longer goes to him.

April 3, 2019 RICKA Board Meeting 
REI Cranston
22 Chapel View Blvd
Cranston, RI 02920
Present: Sharon Dragon, Skye Pechie, Danny O' Shea, Bill Luther, Sean Murphy, Pat Lardner, Marty O'Loughlin, Cheryl Thompson,
 Gary Powers, Carleen McOsker, and Erik Eckilson
Meeting called to Order at 7:04 p.m. by Sharon 
Approval of Minutes from March 6, 2019:
There was a motion made by Pat and seconded by Erik; there was a unanimous vote to approve.
Approval of Treasurer's Report from March:
There was a motion made by Danny to approve, which was seconded by Skye; there was a unanimous vote to approve.
Old Business:
British Canoeing Paddle and Explore (2 Star) training: there was a discussion about ensuring that certifications can occur without running out of time-
possibly a cap on attendance, better distribution of information so that people know what to expect, and/or certain amount of experience. We will have a
 discussion with Greg about how to make this go smoothly. We are looking to book July 20. The cost is $700 for the two trainers. Erik made a motion to spend up to
$1000 if needed. Sharon seconded the motion and there was a unanimous vote. 
Regarding the May meeting which is at the Louttit Library in West Greenwich: the library booked the wrong date and now Monday the 20th is unavailable.
The meeting will be held Tuesday May 21st and David Robinson will speak on Green Jacket Shoals. Greg Paquin and Rich Copeland are available as
speakers for the fall meetings.
New Business:
The June meeting on the water will be at the Wood River (launching WPWA with a short talk by Kassi Archambault; Pat will lead). Erik suggested we do one of this year's
meetings on the water in salt water-this will be July 15 Great Salt Pond led by Erik.
Cheryl said that BVPC had their planning meeting last night and have their schedule set with 16 paddles. Flatwater will have their planning meeting on Sunday.
Meeting adjourned at 19:35.

March 6, 2019 RICKA Board Meeting 

REI Cranston22 Chapel View Blvd
Cranston, RI 02920

Present: Sharon Dragon, Skye Pechie, Danny O' Shea, Bill Luther, Peter Hill, Marty O'Loughlin, Cheryl Thompson, and Erik Eckilson
Meeting called to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Sharon 

Approval of Minutes from February 6, 2019:
There was a motion made by Danny and seconded by Erik; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Approval of Treasurer's Report from February:
There was a motion made by Skye to approve, which was seconded by Danny; there was a unanimous vote to approve.


Regarding the April 16 meeting which is at the Kayak Centre - Matt or Rich Copeland will speak, depending on what Pat or Carleen has arranged.
Marty will follow up with Dave Robinson on Green Jacket Shoals for the May 20th meeting at Louttit Library in West Greenwich.  

Old Business:

Picnic: Pat booked Goddard Park site F for September, September 21. Bristol Town Beach was not available for our dates.

British Canoeing 2 Star program: we will look into dates available and obtain a writeup

ACA leadership training: we have 3 members signed up and can take a fourth for half sponsorship.
With the one additional person who has committed from WPWA, the class can be run. 

New Business:

Cheryl said we have a full slate of officers for next month's election: 
President: Pat Lardner
Vice President: Danny O' Shea
 Secretary: Skye Pechie
Treasurer: Andy Viera

Sharon made a motion that we donate $75 to the WPWA; Bill seconded it and there was a unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 19:38.



February 6, 2019  RICKA Board Meeting -

REI Cranston

22 Chapel View Blvd

Cranston, RI 02920

Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Danny O' Shea, Bill Luther, Peter Hill, Marty O'Loughlin

Meeting called to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Pat

Approval of Minutes from January 2, 2019:

There was a motion made by Danny and seconded by Peter; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Approval of Treasurer's Report from January:

There was a motion made by Danny to approve, which was seconded by Skye; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Old Business:

Sharon booked Chelos near the airport for the Spring Soiree for March 14 at 6pm.

Pat priced rental canopies for the picnic and found that the cost would be too great. Wilson Park does not

accept reservations so that is ruled out. Goddard Park would need to be booked on March 4, for $50.

Bill reported on Bristol Town Beach which has a pavilion and had several weekends in September available.

A vote was taken and it was decided to go to Bristol this year by a unanimous vote. We will book a Saturday in late September,

September 21 if available.

The pool session was well attended; Marty suggested that we publicize these to non-members to encourage them to join.

 Pat said that may be we could open the Stump Pond session to potential members who join by that day.

 Bill will find out whether insurance would cover non members during an event like this.

New Business:

British Canoeing program has reached out regarding whether we would want to do the 2 Star program again (now called

 "paddle explore personal performance"). Prerequisites were discussed to focus attendance, inform potential participants

on what is involved, and hopefully be able to run the test this year. We will ask Greg for help with this.

 Preregistration will be required and expectations will be set. We will revisit this at the next board meeting.

The Reel Paddling Film Festival is 3/19 at 7pm at the Wickford Kayak Centre. 

WPWA is sponsoring a ACA leadership certification training on 5/17-5/19 with Carl Ladd; Pat brought up a partial sponsorship towards the total, such as half the

 cost, as we have done before. Peter suggested we subsidize half the cost of the first 4 RICKA members to sign up. If by some date to be determined 4 RICKA

members did not sign up, we could offer these subsidies to WPWA as long as the recipients joined RICKA. There was a motion made by Danny and seconded by

Bill, to subsidize half the cost of the first 4 RICKA members to sign up. If by some date to be determined 4 RICKA members did not sign up, we could offer these

subsidies to WPWA as long as the recipients joined RICKA, and there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Meeting adjourned at 20:11.

January 2, 2019 RICKA Board Meeting - REI Cranston

22 Chapel View Blvd

Cranston, RI


Present: Sharon Dragon, Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Cheryl Thompson, Danny O' Shea,
Bill Luther, Peter Hill, Marty O'Loughlin
Meeting called to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Sharon 
Approval of Minutes from November 2018:
There was a motion made by Skye and seconded by Cheryl; there was a unanimous vote to approve.
Approval of Treasurer's Reports (November and December 2018):
There was a motion made by Danny to approve both, which was seconded by Cheryl; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Old Business:

 Pool Sessions: it was agreed in December via email for RICKA to pay $600 for the pool sessions.Discussion ensued regarding insurance, ACA membership, and waivers.


 It was decided that Pat will attend to collect waivers in January, Peter will collect them in February, and Marty will collect in March.

New Business:

 Third Annual Spring Soiree:  It was decided to have this at Chelos in Warwick near the airport on 3/14/19 at 6pm tentatively.

Sharon will contact  the restaurant to be sure that they can accommodate us.

Picnic 2019: There was a discussion about different locations and suitability for various types of paddlers. Pat will contact Goddard

Park and Wilson Park, Bill will contact Bristol Town Beach. Pat will look into renting a tent, tables, and chairs to open up more

options for locations that don't have a pavilion. We will use the same catering company, Fireworks, as previous years.

We will ask for gluten free dairy free diets to better accommodated this year. 

Bill proposed hosting programs geared towards "ordinary" paddlers such introducing people to basic safety on the water,

providing boats and gear. Partnership with Coast Guard Auxiliary was discussed. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:49


