Minutes 2018
November 7th Executive Board Meeting
Meeting was call to order by Pat at 7:00
Present: Pat, Cheryl, Skye, Peter, Bill, Erik and Danny
Skye made a motion to approve the September secretary's report. Danny seconded the motion and it was approved.
Cheryl made a motion to approve the October treasurer’s report. Danny seconded the motion and it was approved.
Cheryl made a motion to approve the September treasurer's report. Danny seconded the motion and it was approved.
Old Business
November Meeting - Movie Night at Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center located behind the Louttit Library
in West Greenwich, RI. Pat confirmed venue. Erik will bring a projector and screen. Erik, Danny, Pat, Earl and Tony will provide trip videos.
Chuck will do a slide show of the Adirondacks camping trip.
Donation to Louttit Library in West Greenwich, RI a motion was made by Erik and seconded by Cheryl to make a $150 donation to the
Louttit Library for use of the Community Hall for meetings. The motion was approved.
ACA Insurance – Bill confirmed that the annual cost of the ACA Paddle America Club insurance is $250.
he issued was tabled until it needs to be renewed.
Other Business
Marty O'Loughlin will be joining the board as a member at large.
Pat will be posting a notice on the flatwater message board for the Wickford Christmas paddle in conjunction with the Kayak Centre.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:05
September 5th 2018
Executive Board Meeting
Sharon called to order 7:04 PM September 5, 2018
Sharon, Pat, Danny Cheryl, Carleen, Skye, Peter,
Bill, Erik, and Henry
Carleen made a motion to approve the
August minutes presented by the secretary.
Skye seconded the motion and it was approved
Henry made a motion to approve the
August treasurer’s report.
Skye seconded the motion and it was approved.
Old Business
The annual picnic scheduled for September 22nd was discussed. Assignments made at last meeting are all being finished up.
We seem to be on track with everything.
Speakers for October and November membership meetings were discussed. Mark Allio (REI) will be our speaker for October and will talk about
SUP skills. Erik will have biography on Mark and Pat is firming up the location at West Greenwich Library. November’s meeting on the 19th
will be
movie night.
Danny will have a (one) movie for the event.
Pat is again firming up location with library.
We are looking at having the April
meeting at the Kayak Center with a possible presentation
their recent trip to the Hebrides.
New Business
Erik presented a new design for a
tri-fold brochure and it met with rave reviews.
The board enthusiastically supported printing some
up for distribution.
Bill discussed renewing our ACA
membership and insurance.
The board authorized him to move forward with this
The 2-star paddle instruction class was discussed. Participants related that the class was well worth the time and effort and was a great
value to increase their paddle skills.
Much discussion ensued on possible
changes/improvements to the course if we should do it again in the future.
Adjourn 7:42 PM
Called to order 7:04 PM
Sharon, Pat, Danny Cheryl and
Cheryl made a motion to
approve the June treasurer’s report.
Pat seconded the motion and it
was approved.
Danny made a motion to
approve the July treasurer’s report.
Henry seconded the motion and
it was approved.
Pat made a motion to
approve the June secretary’s report.
Cheryl seconded the motion and
it was approved.
Old Business
Ninigret will be the site of the club picnic on September 22nd. The caterer has been arranged. Pat will see to watermelon, coolers, ice etc.
Sharon will take care of tablecloths, chips, drinks etc. Flatwater will be led by Pat and Sea kayak is TBD. Meet for paddle at 9:30 with a 10:00 launch.
The volunteer of the year
will be a sea kayaker and Carleen will come up with a suitable person.
Erik will be awarded the
Golden Camera award.
New Business
October meeting program will be presented By REI
on a subject TBD.
November Meeting will be movie night.
Adjourn 7:31 PM
No July 2018 Meeting
June 6,2018 Executive Board meeting
Attending: Danny, Carleen, Sharon, Cheryl, Pat, Peter and
Absent: Mike, Skye, Erik and Andy
Meeting called to order by Sharon at 7:04 PM
A motion was made by Carleen to approve minutes of the January meeting. The motion was seconded by
Danny and approved.
A motion was made by Danny and seconded by Cheryl to accept
the treasurer's report as presented for January. Motion was approved
Old Business
2 Star training was discussed. Eventually a decision was reached for the club to financially support the training as the
flatwater training was also being supported by the club. We will be hiring a trainer and an assistant for $700.00.
The tentative date for this training will be August 26th at a place to be determined. Henry mad the motion for this action
and it was seconded by Sharon.
Motion was approved.
With Cat stepping down, are in need of a Safety
Bill Luther had expressed some interest in the position. Erik will follow up.
Renewing our membership in the Wood - Pawcatuck River Association was discussed. Henry made a motion to continue our membership.
Pat seconded the motion and it passed.
The Pollock Street
location for the August meeting on the water was confirmed.
Pat suggested we cancel the July Executive board meeting since we do not have anything pressing on the calendar.
Everyone agreed with the stipulation that we can deal with
any issue that may arise by email.
It was mentioned that the Harmony library is looking for someone to do a presentation on paddling information and opportunities
in the local RI area and in nearby MA and CT.
Chuck Horbert will be contacted to see if he will
be willing to perform this service.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55PM
RICKA Executive Meeting
May 2, 2018 Executive Board meeting
Attending: Danny, Pat, Cheryl, Erik and Carleen, Skye and Peter
Absent: Sharon, Cat, Mike, Henry and Andy
Meeting called to order by Pat at 7:00 PM
motion was made by Cheryl and seconded by Danny approve minutes of the April
meeting. The motion was approved.
A motion was made by Cheryl and seconded by Danny to accept
the May treasurer's report as presented. Motion was approved.
The location for the August Meeting on the Water was discussed. Our original idea was to have a surf night at Narragansett
Town Beach, ut Peter confirmed that kayaks are not allowed. Locations on the Narrow River were discussed.
Discussion was tabled for a later meeting.
Carleen will email Greg Paquin at Kayak Wavelogy and invite
him to discuss the BCU 2 Star Training at the next board meeting on June 6th.
We welcomed two new Members at Large to the executive board –
Skye Pechie and Peter Hill.
Carleen reported that the Sea Kayak Potluck and Planning
meeting will be held be this Saturday.
Cheryl reported that Flatwater and Blackstone Valley Paddle Club trips are on the calendar.
The Blackstone Valley Paddle Club will have a joint paddle with
Southern New England Paddlers on May 7th.
RICKA Executive Meeting
April 12, 2018 Executive Board meeting
Attending: Danny, Pat, Sharon, Cheryl, Erik and Cat
Absent: Mike, Carleen, Henry and Andy
Meeting called to order by Sharon at 7:00 PM
A motion was made by Cheryl and seconded by Danny to accept
the February treasurer's report as presented. Motion was approved.
A motion was made by Pat and seconded by Erik to accept the
March treasurer's report as presented. Motion was approved.
April General Meeting – 4/17/18 at the Kayak Centre.
May Club Meeting – 5/21/18 at Save the Bay Center, Providence
- $275 room rental.
June Meeting on the Water – 6/18/18 at Friends of the Blackstone Environmental Center, Lincoln - $250 donation for use of rental canoes as
needed for tandem canoe training.
July Meeting on the Water - 7/16/18 at Alton Landing.
August Meeting on the Water – 8/20/18 at Narragansett Town
Beach – Surf Night.
and the club will pay the $5 event fee required for
non-ACA members. Board members will work together to get the waivers
The cost is $500. A motion was made by Danny and seconded by
Sharron for RICKA to pay for this $500 training. Motion was approved.
A motion was made by Erik and seconded by Sharon for RICKA to reimburse members for the $25 cost of the December clinic. Motion was approved.
Cat will confirm participants. Reimbursement will then be
arranged through Andy.
The need for additional Members at Large was discussed.
Cheryl advised the BVPC will once again be sponsoring a SUP
night with EMS in August.
RICKA Executive Meeting
15, 2018 Executive Board meeting
Attending: Danny,
Sharon, Cheryl, Erik and Henry
Absent: Mike, Carleen,
Cat, Pat and Andy
Meeting called to order
by Sharon at 7:06 PM
A motion was made by Danny to approve minutes of the January meeting.
The motion was seconded by Cheryl and approved.
A motion was made by Henry and seconded by Danny to accept the treasurer's report
as presented for January. Motion was approved
Old Business
The location for the upcoming "Spring Fling" was discussed at length.
Pros and cons of Dan's Place vs. Chelo's were brought up.
Eventually Sharon made a motion that we return to Chelo's.
The motion was seconded by Cheryl and approved.
It was decided that the event will be held on March 22nd, Arrival time will be 6:00 and meeting time will be 6:30.
Sports bags with towels are to be raffled off.
Once those are distributed, the other attendees will receive iron-on club
Club picnic will be held at Ninigret this year. Dates with favorable tides are August 25th, September 8th and September 22nd.
Henry made a motion to empower Sharon to choose the date which best
lines up with Ninigret's availability, when she visits with
them next week.
The motion was
seconded and approved.
The tentative membership
meetings are
April- West Greenwich Library with REI
May- Kayak Center
(either of the above may be substituted with Joe Sherlock)
June, July and August- on the water
September- on the water
New Business
Flatwater planning meeting is scheduled for April 7th.
Meeting adjourned at 7:53PM
January 3,2018 Executive Board meeting
Attending: Danny, Sharon, Erik, Pat, Tim Motte and Henry
Absent: Mike, Cheryl, Carleen, Cat, and Andy
called to order by Sharon at 7:03 PM
A motion was made by Erik and seconded by Pat to approve
minutes of the November meeting. Motion was approved.
A motion was made by Danny and seconded by Henry to accept
the treasurer's report as presented for November. Motion was approved.
A motion was
made by Henry and seconded by Pat to accept the treasurer's report as presented
for December. Motion was approved.
Old Business
Tim Motte reported on the function and use of the pool sessions. Many flat water paddlers have become sea kayakers due to this exposure.
He explained how the training for sea kayakers was set up and also mentioned that sharing their skills with newer paddlers helped them to
become better leaders and paddling instructors.
Tim also
strongly stated that all levels of paddlers were welcome at these sessions.
He also noted that learning to roll was secondary to having good self rescue
Sharon made
a motion to have the $25 pool session fee for participants be paid by the club
for all RICKA members who attend. Danny seconded the motion. The
motion passed.
It was also
asked that future trainings be posted on the sea kayak page and that a link be
inserted on the main page of RICKA.
The picnic
location was discussed and the consensus was that we should return to Ninigret.
Further arrangements will be made as the time draws near.
New Business
It was resoundingly agreed that we should hold another Spring Fling this year. Dan's Place in West Greenwich is the probable location. It was also decided that the
event should occur on Thursday night instead of Tuesday
Sharon reported that the Access data base program which the club purchased was able to pull all the old membership files from her hard drive. Sharon asked to purchase
Excel so the information would be in a more universal format. Henry made a motion to purchase the Microsoft Office Suite (which was $150 instead of $110).
The motion was seconded by Pat. The motion was passed.
Sharon made
a motion for the club to again become a member of the Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed
Association for the fee of $75. The motion was seconded by Henry and
Pat made a motion that RICKA support the Wood-Pawcatuck Wild and Scenic Rivers Committee in their quest to have the rivers they represent become a
designated part of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. This action would take the form of a letter sent to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System
showing our support for this action. Henry
seconded the motion and it was passed.
adjourned at 8:00PM