Minutes 2017
November 1, 2017 Executive Board meeting Attending: Danny, Sharon, Erik, Cheryl, Pat, Carleen, Cat and
Henry Absent: Mike and Andy Meeting called to order by Sharon at 7:03 PM A motion was made by Cheryl and seconded by Pat to approve
minutes of previous meeting. Motion was approved. A motion was made by Cat and seconded by Carleen to accept the
treasurer's report as presented for October. Motion was approved. Old Business The upcoming movie night was discussed. Erik mentioned
that he had videos along with Tony. Others will have additional
presentations. Erik encouraged any and all to bring videos and or
slide shows of paddling events. Pat said that the meeting time and
location was confirmed. Location sites for next year's picnic were discussed. The
results being that Sharon will investigate Ninigret in Charlestown.
Block Island with dinner at Ballard's was also presented by Carleen as
an option. Returning to Goddard Park and using the beach to launch
for sea kayakers and flat water paddles going to Hunt's River was also
discussed. New Business Sharon reported that her computer had crashed and the old copy
of "Access Data Base" was destroyed. A new copy is necessary to
retrieve the club's files. Henry moved that the club make funds
available to Sharon to purchase the updated program. Erik seconded
the motion and it passed. Tim Marr and Gary Branch are planning a pool session at the
South County YMCA in Wakefield. Much discussion ensued on how the
needed insurance would be handled, the amount of fee to be charged for
participation, the fee for insurance and whether the fees would cover
all the sessions or just one session. Cat agreed she would attend the first session. At that
time or before she will discuss with Gary the forms needed to be filled
out and the amount of fees needed to be paid for insurance and
registration. Due to time constraints, further action will be
decided by the board via email prior to the first pool session on
November 19th. Henry made a motion and it was seconded by Erik to renew our
insurance through the ACA. The motion was approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:12PM
October 4, 2017 Executive Board meeting Attending: Danny, Sharon, Erik, Cheryl, Pat, Bill
Luther and Henry Absent: Mike, Cat, Carleen and
Andy Meeting called to order by
Sharon at 7:00 PM A motion was made by Pat and
seconded by Cheryl to approve minutes of previous meeting.
Motion was approved. A motion was made by Cheryl and seconded by Danny to
accept the treasurer's report as presented for August and September.
Motion was approved. Old Business Barbara and Alan found people
to remove and accept the old RICKA printer from their home.
This means no money will need to be spent
to dispose of said printer. sued on the recently held club picnic at Goddard Park.
The launch area which was recently
refurbished by the sate, is great for launching power boats from
trailers but is a disaster for hand-carried boat launching.
Other venues were discussed.
Members of the executive board will pursue
them and report their findings at a future meeting
possible social gatherings (holiday party, spring fling, etc.) and
locations were discussed.
These could replace the fall picnic or be
held in addition to the picnic.
Possible events and venues will be
discussed after some research is done. New Business Erik reported that T-shirts not picked up at the
picnic will be mailed to the individuals who ordered them. Meeting adjourned at 8:00PM
No Executive Board Meeting in September 2017
August 2, 2017 Executive Board meeting Attending: Danny, Sharon, Carleen, Erik, Cheryl, Pat and Henry Absent: Ric,
Mike, Cat, and Andy Meeting
called to order by Sharon at 7:05 PM A motion
was made by Carleen and seconded by Erik to approve minutes of previous
meeting. Motion was approved. A motion was made by Cheryl and seconded by Carleen
to accept the treasurer's report as presented. Motion was approved. Old
Business Discussion centered on the upcoming club picnic.
The menu was reviewed and the cheese tray was dropped from the menu.
The cost is $11.75 per person and we will be charging $10.25. The
menu includes assorted wraps, chips, salad, cookies, setups and
delivery. We are asking delivery be made at noon. The
difference in pricing will be absorbed by the club. Other
items that need to be procured were divided up among the executive board
members. New
Business Steve
Harabek was selected as volunteer of the
year. The golden keyboard award will be retired and replaced with
the golden camera award. Sharon has some ribbons to present for
other "awards". Anyone wanting to nominate someone for an "award"
should contact Sharon. Pat
mentioned that the West Greenwich Library has a new meeting room which
can be used by non-profits free of charge. We will try to use that
space instead of the JCC which in now charging $125.00 per hour. Danny is
trying to secure Aaron Carrera for our October Meeting. Aaron uses
a drone to make videos of paddling trips and sets them to music.
Clips were viewed and looked fantastic. Erik
mentioned that August 17 will be the date for anyone who wants to try a
SUP at Lincoln Woods Meeting adjourned at 8:00PM
July 6,, 2017 Executive Board meeting Attending: Danny, Sharon, Cheryl, Pat and Henry Absent: Ric, Mike, Cat,
Erik, Carleen, and Andy Meeting called to order by Sharon at 6:45 PM A motion was made by Cheryl and seconded by Pat to approve
minutes of previous meeting. Motion was approved.
A motion was made by Henry and seconded by Danny to accept the
treasurer's report as presented. Motion was approved.
Old Business Removal of old printer from August residence was discussed.
Henry made a motion to spend up to $200.00 to accomplish the removal.
Sharon seconded the motion and it was approved. Payment will be
made upon submission of invoice. The upcoming picnic on September 17 at Goddard Memorial Park was discussed. Pat had the reservation form and copies were made. Sharon had contacted Fire Works catering and presented their menus and pricing to the board. We decided to go with the Wrap Sandwich Luncheon option which will provide sandwich wraps, garden salad, pasta salad, chips, homemade cookies, plates, napkins and utensils. We will provide drinks, cups, coolers, ice, etc. We will be charging $10.25 per person. A motion was made by Henry and seconded by Cheryl to accept
this proposal. The motion passed. New Business Nominations will be sought for the Volunteer of the Year award.
The executive board will also be asked to submit names for any other
awards that they might deem relevant. Picking a date for the Stand Up Paddling event was tabled until Cheryl and Erik could discuss a date which will work. Meeting adjourned at 7:25PM
June 6, 2017 Executive Board meeting
May 3, 2017 Executive Board meeting Attending: Danny, Sharon, Cheryl, Erik, Cat, Carleen, Andy, Pat and HenryAbsent: Chuck, Ric and Mike Meeting called to order by Sharon at 7:03 PM Motion was approved. treasurer's report as presented. Motion was approved. Old Business June Meeting - Canoe instruction and food, Earl, Henry and Erik September Meeting - Picnic October Meeting - Movie night Insurance policies.
Much discussion ensued about which, if any, policy we would use.
Debate centered around cost and registration requirements. No
changes were made at this juncture. Cat, Danny and Pat were thanked for
their research efforts. New
Business Cat volunteered to write a
monthly article for the newsletter to promote safety and education.
Ideas included an avenue for flat-water kayakers to transition to Level
II sea kayak trips. A listing of first aid and other types of
training was thought to have potential. Pat presented the idea of
purchasing iron-on club patches and presented some pricing information.
No action was taken at the time. Cheryl requested Erik to send her an article he has written
about the benefits of being a RICKA member. Erik agreed. She
will post on website. Cat made a motion for Erik to spend up to $200 for the design
of a 40th anniversary logo. This will be used on shirts and
other promotional items. Pat seconded the motion and it was
approved. Andy noted he had received bogus requests for checks allegedly
from Susan and Sharon. He warned others to be aware of this scam. Cheryl formerly noted a big "Thank You" to Susan Engleman for
serving as RICKA president. Sharon wanted confirmation that the yearly schedule planning
meetings are official RICKA events. This was confirmed by the
board. Meeting adjourned at 8:09PM April 5, 2017 Executive Board meeting Attending: Danny, Susan, Cheryl, Tom, Pat and Henry Absent: Sharon, Erik, Carleen, Cat, Andy, Lori, Ric and Mike Meeting called to order by Susan at 7:04 PM A motion was made by Cheryl and seconded by Danny to approve minutes of previous meeting. Motion was approved. A motion was made by Henry and seconded by Cheryl to accept the treasurer's report as presented. Motion was approved. Old Business Spring Soirée was a great success. It would be nice to have a more private space for mingling. Pat attended a SNEP event and was pleasantly impressed. She mentioned they have a pretty busy calendar. New Business Henry will write letter to Alan, authorizing him to donate the club printer. Susan reported on insurance that is used by a club that Jim Cole is currently with. Danny will investigate Cheryl reported that permits are no longer required for groups to use RI state accesses. Cheryl presented everyone present with a promotional RICKA knife that Jim Cole generously donated and mailed to Cheryl. They will be used as promo items Meetings on the water schedule: June 19 Lincoln Woods. Reservation has been made. April. Green Hill. We will be partnering with the Kayak Centre. Rec kayaks will be available. Pat is coordinating. August 21. Smith and Sayles Reservoir. Chuck will lead. Danny started |