Minutes 2010


Barbara August, Secretary
October 27 , 2010

Present: Mark Roberts (President)/AJ Barbato (Vice-President)/Barbara August (Secretary)/Andy Viera/Alan August/Mike Bussell/Elijah Swift/Catherine Radcliffe/Bill Hahn/Carleen McOsker/Cheryl Thompson-Cameron
Absent: Charlie Larocque/Erik Eckilson/Benn Thompson/Bill Brown/Jim Cole


Minutes and financial reports from the previous ex- board were approved as posted to the executive board email list.
Cat made a motion to renew the PADDLE AMERICA membership and approve rolling class fees. Place and dates will be forthcoming . Alan seconded motion.
Terry Meyerwas appointed Conservation Chair by Mark Roberts.
Bill Hahn stated ,as last meeting, all changes to by-laws are motions. They will be discussed and then voted on.
Article 7 involved discussion of the president’s duties and the vice-president’s duties. The secretary’s and treasurer’s duties were also discussed.
The rest of the by-laws will be discussed at the next meeting

Barbara August, Secretary
September 29 , 2010

Meeting start-7:00 PM
Meeting end-8:30 PM

In attendance--Mark Roberts / AJ Barbato / Elijah Swift / Erik Eckilson / Mike Bussell / Bill Hahn / Jim Cole / Barbara August / Cheryl Thompson-Cameron / Bill Luther / Alan August
absent--Benn Thompson / Andy Viera / Carleen McOsker / Bill Brown / Charlie Larocque

-Bill moved to accept meeting agenda and Elijah seconded-carried unanimously.
-Motion for Jim Cole to purchase a printer was moved by Cheryl and seconded by Erik-carried with one dissenting vote.
The review of RICKA’S constitution and by-laws
Article 1-The name of the document was reviewed and it was agreed on for a consolidation of language.
Article 2-Competiton and Education sections were reviewed
Article 5-Dues section was agreed on
Article 6-Reviewed sections on executive board and general meetings.
The remainder of the document will be reviewed in a later meeting.

Barbara August, Secretary
August 25 , 2010

Meeting called to order 7:15 PM Meeting adjourned 8:30
In attendance-AJ Barbato / Cheryl Thompson-Cameron / Cat Radcliffe / Bill Brown / Mike Bussell/ Charlie Larocque / Barbara August / Alan August
Absent Mark Roberts / Elijah Swift /Erik Eckilson/ Carleen McOsker/ Jim Cole/Andy Viera/Benn Thompson

--Cat made a motion to recind the May 25, 2010 motion to change the RICKA bank account. Cheryl 2nd it -unanimous vote to pass the motion.
--AJ made a motion to reimburse Mike Rock $200.00 for his expenses during the last class he taught.. Cat 2nd-all were in favor.
--Mike made a motion to replenish the postal account. Cat 2nd-no discussion..This would finish off the postal account at the next mailing in October.
--The following statement was read to the board about newsletter for December and executive board meetings. “RICKA does not publish a newsletter in December in order to give the editor and printer a break. At one time there were complaints from members who were not getting their newsletters on time By having the executive board meetings earlier the members would get their newsletters in a timely manner and not miss any trips.”
--Cat made a motion to record minutes of executive board as a date rather than month no second so motion failed.

--October general meeting will be at Kettle Pond.
--Because the membership needs to be informed about the change it was voted to suspend the Roberts Rules of Order for this one instance and inform the membership via newsletter both hard copy and e mail.
--AJ made a motion to suspend Roberts Rules for this one time to allow a change the board meeting location for next the next executive board meeting-this was to suspend the separate mailing notification Cheryl second the motion. It will be up to the president as for the place.

--Jim Cole sent word that BVP has paid RICKA $820.00 representing RICKA dues collected by the BVPC on our behalf.
--A motion was made to present Caryl Salisbury her award in a formal presentation at the next meeting she can attend.

Barbara August, Secretary

June 30 , 2010

meeting start--7:00 PM
meeting end--8:10 PM

In attendance: Mark Roberts / AJ Barbato / Charlie Laroque / Barbara August / Cheryl Thompson-Cameron / Cat Radcliffe / Alan August / Bill Brown / Elijah Swift.
absent: Erik Eckilson / Carleen McOsker / Jim Cole / Mike Bussell / Benn Thompson / Andy Viera

Minutes of last meeting were approved as they were posted to the web.
Treasurer’s report was approved as was posted on the board site.


-Final picnic status and issues-Aj showed samples of towels and med kits.The board approved heartily. Issues in process-The insurance for last year has been raised to $134.00. AJ is working with Jamesstown to get boating activities included on the insurance.He expresses high confidence that all will work out.
-Volunteer of year trophy-is back from last years winner Mike Rock. A new winner has been determined. AJ had to repair the trophy. Cat wants Caryl Salisbury to be acknowledged for her service on the newsletter wiith a placque. AJ has a list of names for those who will receive an award for going above and beyond and those who have given assistance as trip leaders. Cat will contact Carleen for her input to the lists.
-Paddle mailings and account status-Alan presented a statement about standard class mailings. Summary: There was a savings of $45.93 to RICKA eventhough the number of mailings was less than needed. It was made up for by sending extras to certain people.
-Transparancy in changing to first class- was tabled until Jim was present to explain further.
-The board voted not to renew our standard mail permit without formal board approval.
-Proposal: Replishment to postage account must me approved by board in advance. This was approved. Standard mail will not be offered to new members. The board approved the change..


-Jim proposed to pay ACA membership for Erik Eciklson and Bill Luther. These two are volunteers. The board reaffirmed policy on ACA that pays for events that are staged. This was tabled until Jim is present.
-Jim Coleproposed alternate meeting spots. Kettle Pond Visitors Center in South County / Cranston Library at Sockanosset Crossing / William Hall Library auditorium. These would be used for general meetings. The schedule will be decided when put together for the fall meetings. Generally apreed to alternate between north and south.

OPEN ISSUES- nothing

Barbara August, Secretary

May 26 , 2010

Meeting called to order at 7 PM
In attendance: Mark Roberts / AJ Barbato / Charlie Laroque / Barbara August / Cheryl Thompson-Cameron / Cat Radcliffe / Alan August / Bill Brown / Andy Viera
Absent: Bill Hahn / Elijah Swift / Carleen McOsker / Mike Bussell / Jim Cole / Benn Thompson

Minutes were approved as posted on the web.
Treasurer’s report was approved as posted on the e board web site.

-PICNIC/ BBQ reported on: Reservation and deposit are made. Have to pay town for reservation and clean up (it may be returned). Jamestown requires its own insurance that RICKA will pay for .
-Volunteer of the year- the paddle chairs will be notified to make nominations. The flat water group will not make nominations this year.
-Special recognition gifts- AJ made a decision about the bags that cost about $5. Need to determine how many awards to get. Paddle chairs will be contacted for names. There will be 2 different types of awards Special awards will be given to those who have gone over and above in their service to the club. Cat will get a list of names to thank in the newsletter.

-Want to leave minutes on the web.. Cat may use a summary of minutes when she does the newsletter
-Checking account authorizations-president and membership chair need to be signers on the account with online access.Cat may use the account during rolling clinic. Will change the account to Washington Trust .
-Jim Cole sent memo on how he deals with nonrenewals and renewals.Jim also sent e mail about bulk rate mailing and how it affects the club membership.
-paddle for chairities- Mark said to embrace individual charities and if anything is to be done it will be posted on the individual paddle message boards only.

-Alan discussed the newsletter and the reality of printing it.
-Financial reporting Treasurer will include details in each checking account transaction..
-AJ proposed joining SAVE THE LAKES (the board passed the motion to join) the purpose of the group is to preserve the fresh water bodies of water in RI.

Barbara August, Secretary

April 28, 2010

Meeting called to order 7:00 PM

ATTENDED--Mark Roberts/AJ Barbato/Erik Eckilson/Andy Viera/Mike Bussell/Charlie Larocque/Carleen McOsker/Cat/ RadcliffJim Cole/Bill Brown/Barbara August /Alan August
ABSENT--Benn Thompson/Cheryl Thompson Cameron/Elijah Swift/Bill Hahn

Minutes of the past meeting were approved.The posted treasurer’s reports were approved.

--Elections will take place during the May meeting.
--Reported that the permit for the July picnic was being processed. Contact the same food vendor as last year at the same price for members.
--New cover for RICKA news letter was shown. Some will be taken to shops to be put out.This will start next month.
--Papers of incorporation were signed by some board members. The papers will be processed and filed May 1.
--Information on the first aid course was tabled until Cheryl is present.

--Recreational Liability conference-It was reported that no” not for profit “organization was ever sued successfully. Risk may be low but actions should be taken to defend our organization were proposed. Each paddle chair should insure that their web sites state--risks in paddling --there are rules that make paddling safe--paddle leaders have information about the paddles. There was discussion about paddle leaders and shore talk. It was decided to write up something short to be read by the individual leaders. Cheryl will be contacted about this.
--Strategy meeting reported on. Several issues were brought up. There was an agreement to stage this as a proper presentation next month.
--The By-Laws will be presented to the board when discussion is warrented on particular topics. Suggested changes should be sent to Mark Roberts. Typographical and word changes will be sent to Bill Hahn.


Barbara August, Secretary

March 31 , 2010

In attendance: Bill H. / Erik / Cat / Cheryl / AJ / Jim / Bill B. / Mark / Barbara


CPR/FA-Scheduled for April 22 and 29. Cat will get a check from the treasurerfor the room rental. Rangers will do a Wilderness and Remote First Aid class that will be run by the Red Cross. The dates will be June 12 and 13. It will be held at Camp Canonicus. There may be some openings for RICKA members. Cat will look over the curriculum for the Remote FA class.

Slate of officers-Erik’s work was approved.

Recreational Liability Conference- Doug Nagle will attend with Mark and Cat. Cat will sign up Doug on line in addition to her. The three to attend will receive mileage (IRS cost) and meal expenses. The three attending will be reimbursed from RICKA.

Picnic- It will be July 25 at the Fort Getty Pavilion (as last year). AJ will spearhead this event.

Strategic Planning meeting-Mark will publish the findings and present them to the board.


White Water training-the first session will be a beginner class on the Deerfield. The dates have not been set.

The Blackstone Valley Paddlers will do a trip on the Providence River for Blue Ways.

The Wood Pawcatuck Watershed Assoc. wants to set up a group similar to BVP under their liability. The paddle schedule will be Wednesday nights in south county. This will start in May. Trip leaders are being sought.

Facebook page-this was started for the sea kayak people. This was hoped to attract people.

Election-the procedure will take place if 25 people or 1/3 of the membership is present.

Bill thanked everyone for their assistance.

Editors job-It was suggested:

  • --the editor would correct grammar and punctuation of articles.
  • --If the articles contains inappropriate or inclrrect information. The editor should contact the person who wrote it and sort through it.
  • --Material that comes to the editor , that is in conflict with what the club is or how it has worked . The editor should contact the author and try to sort it out. If unable then it should be brought to the board to settle any problems. It was suggested that phone calls would be the best. Cat needs a mechanism to get board input and she will present a draft to the board.

Mark asked why his article has not been published. Discussion was offered.

Cheryl asked for Expressions Web 3 in order to do her work .

AJ presented special designed covers for newsletters. These newsletters would be put in paddle shops.

Jim discussed the fact that long names can cause printing problems. He will have to change the printing.

Changing officers term limits was tabled until next meting

Barbara August, Secretary

February 24, 2010

In attendance: Bill H / Mark / Elijah / Erik / Cat / Benn / Cheryl / Charlie / Jim / AJ / Barbara / Alan

The minutes were accepted as posted on the web
Treasurer’s report to follow

CPR & First Aid classes will be as posted on the last newsletter.
Erik gave the board the new slate of officers for the April election. Mark will be president/ AJ Vice-President / Barbara -Secretary / Charlie-Treasurer.
The sea kayak group is not well represented and were going to be encouraged to participate more.
Mark discussed the strategic planning meeting. He proposed that people meet March 13 th at his gallery to discuss RICKA and where the organization is going.

Recreational liability conference will be held April 16. Mark wants to go-Doug Nagle will be contacted to see if he wants to go.
The white water school will be conducted by Mike Rock. There will be 2 sessions- Beginning and Intermediate on the Deerfield River. There will be 2 days for each session in May or June.

A DVD on canoeing was presented and a motion to purchase it for our library passed.
The board discussed the bill in Massachusetts for kayakers to wear PFD’s and instructors should include wet exits in lessons.
RICKA will reimburse 1/2 of entry fee to members who take and pass the First Aid/CPR course.
People have expressed interest in pool time to follow up taking the rolling clinic.
Bill will contact the people in Jamestown to see what dates are available in July or August. for the party.
Jim has the carabiners and will send out to new and renewals.
Jim suggested paddle videos for new members

Barbara August, Secretary

In attendance Bill H / Cat / Elijah / AJ / Mike / Bill B / Cheryl / Jim /Alan /Barbara

No treasurer’s report
Cat was acknowledged for getting her first newsletter out on time.

CPR/FA classes will be in March or April
Rolling clinic very successful.  All learned and had good time.There were 7 students and 5 practicing paddlers.  Cat gave a special thanks to Marty O’loughlin for a great job as dry land assistant.  She also thanked Bill Luther for his past work with the clinic.
Slate of officers for the April election-Erik is working on it and it will be announced at the March general meeting.

Jack did not participate in the rolling clinic.
Monthly programs-Cat will check with Jack for March and the RI Oyster farms will be contacted for later. Barbara will coordinate the programs.

RICKA long term planning retreat was proposed by Mark.  He will speak next meeting. 
RICKA needs to get into new areas.
Jim needs to get proper software in order to do his membership job properly.  The board authorized it. 
Jim ordered the carabeeners for the membership cards. Membership was discussed. 
Membership is going down.  Possible to loose standard mail rates.  Will discuss this in May. 
Cat will put an article in the paddler about renewing.
Blackstone Valley Paddlers will start up in May. The group started in 1999 as a special program in RICKA.  After1 year it was permanent. The program was started and run by rangers and volunteers to encourage tourism in the Blackstone Valley.
OSA is closing its shop and going mobile.
AJ is going to be associated with a camp for disabled children (to teach) 
The planning for the BBQ will be on the next meeting.

Barbara August, Secretary
In attendance-- Bill H. / Erik / Caryl / Cheryl / Benn / Cat / Joe / Bill B. / A.J. / Charlie / Mark / Barbara / Alan

Caryl was recognized as out going editor.

Cat needs assistance with the newsletter. She and Mark will have a meeting to form a newsletter committee. Cat described the news letter needs. Alan stated what he could give Cat and how he would continue. Caryl described when to contact people about copy right issues. A posting on the web site will announce when the meeting between Cat and Mark would take place.

Insurance --If RICKA wishes to use a facility for a class then insurance is a must. The picnic had insurance, that came from the town.Joe discussed his findings from ACA and USCA. If we ally with a national organization we will have to follow their rules. It was mentioned that these are the rules we already follow. A motion was made to give Cat $100.00 for the ACA. It would be for the Paddle America membership tier in ACA. She will get more clarification about the insurance of our events or not. If we must change the insurance it will be changed to Affiliate membership. FA/CPR Mike McKenna will do class in Spring. Rolling Clinic-one slot is left. Call Cat for information.

April is election time Erik volunteered to head the nominating committee. The slate of officers would be presented at the March meeting and election would be in April at general meeting.

Cat mentioned ACA workshop she took with Todd Wright. Alan will check using Pay Pal for membership possibilities. It would be an option for people to pay membership, in addition to check. It will be discussed at the next meeting.