Minutes 2014
DECEMBER 3, 2014
ATTENDED: Susan Engleman-president/ Alan/ Cheryl/ Jim/ Andy/Barbara/
Lysa/ Cat
Meeting start-7PM Meeting end 8:20PM
*Minutes of the last meeting-Jim made a motion that they be
approved-this was passed by all.
*Treasurer’s report-Andy reported that a small amount of money was
collected. Jim moved to accept the report-it was approved by all.
*Picnic venue-Susan stated that it would probably not be Ft. Getty.They
have not replied to her. More of a consideration is Ninigret Park.
Reservations will be taken 3/1/15-tides will be considered for the date. A motion was made and passed by all for Susan to go ahead-with Ninigret Park.
*Rolling Clinic-Cat reported on her observations. She wants to see a
reduced coast at the pool. She will concentrate on URI and investigate
three pools there.
Tim Motte suggested talking to people there about a reduced rate. Cat wants more publicity to get more people-even asking Erik to put a blurb in the newsletter. A new title was considered.
*Speaker Updates-Jan.off season fitness/Feb. watershed presentation/
March ?/ Chris Fox from WPWA/ May ?. Jim suggested that someone from
Northern Forest Canoe Trail.
*Reel Paddling Film Festival-Cat made a motion that RICKA not pursue
this because it is outside what the club is about-this was seconded by
Cheryl and Lysa-motion was passed by all.
*Acknowledging past/present and future presidents and members of RICKA.
Charlie Larocque/Charlie Allsworth and Chuck Croteau were among the
names mentioned. Jim mentioned that the names would be put on an e-mail
list for the association.
*WPWA White Rock Dam removal-update The fish ladder and migration would
make it easier for fish migration easier and improve the current. Jim
discussed the dam at length for the board.
*Jim went into detail discussing the permitting situation with DEM .
*Nonmember posting to the classified section of the newsletter was
tabled until Jan.
NOVEMBER 5, 2014
ATTENDED: Susan Engleman-president/ Cat/ Andy/ Jim/Sharon/ Barbara.
*Approved the minutes as posted to the web.
*The Treasurer’s report was accepted by the board.
* Sharon made a motion that the two canoes, of Elijah Swift that Jim
loaned to the Wood Pawcatuck Watershed Association, be donated to them.
Cat seconded the motion and it was passed. The last kayak from Elijah will be given to Joe Donato, the motion was made by Sharon and seconded by Cat-it was passed by all.
*Susan contacted Ft Getty and presented some dates dates . Costs for
RICKA--$100 refundable maintenance/$300-deposit/ unknown insurance-$$.
Susan will call Ft. Getty again to pursue dates and cost of insurance.
The Executive board will meet Dec. 3 discuss. Erik will post.
*Rolling Clinic-Cat presented the information to the board. Her figures
showed the pool at URI was larger so the clinic could go with the same
hours and more
people as in the past in 2 sessions for the same amount of money as at the JCC. A motion was made by Jim to have Cat pursue URI and seconded by Andy-passed by all. Cat will report her findings at the Dec. 3 meeting.
*Speakers for 2015- Jan. will be off season fitness/ Feb. Julie will
present her water table. March author fell through.Sharon will call
Tammy Venn for March or
April. Denise Poyer will also be called for either one of those dates.
The months of March April or May are open.
*Cat discussed the RICKA membership applications.
*Jim mentioned the last paper newsletter-will be discussed in Dec.
*Sharon moved to adjourn at 8:10-passed.
October 1, 2014
ATTENDED: Susan Engleman-President/ Cheryl/ Henry/ Lysa/ Mike/ Barbara/
Cat/ Sharon
Meeting start 7 PM -----Meeting end 8 PM
*Approval of minutes of previous meeting as posted to the web. This was
passed by all.
*Approval of Treasurer’s report as posted to the board. This was passed
by all.
*Picnic update-discussion from last meeting. Does RICKA have a picnic
every year or every other year? . Attendance has been going down.
It might be time to ask the membership about a new place and have a potluck. There was a motion for RICKA to subsidize up to $500 for a picnic in 2015. RICKA would cook its own food.
Motion was made by Sharon and seconded by Henry. Susan will call Ft.
Getty for more info.
*Lifetime Membership ---Susan passed out copies of 2012 executive board
notes. It was about the criteria for achieving life time membership.
*Question to allow inflatable kayaks on RICKA trips was discussed
again. Cat had prepared information for the board members. Use of
kayaks is growing and the policy should be determined on a case by case basis.
*Reschedule January meeting to the 26th. Cat made a motion to reschedule
the meeting. Passed by all-RICKA needs programs for
*VOLUNTEER OF YEAR TROPHY-needs repairs- it will be done before the
in 2015.
*Cat will arrange for a new pool for the rolling clinic.
*Nominating committee-Erik will be contacted.
*PAC membership renewal will be coming up in November.
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting and passed by all
Executive board
Attended : Susan Engleman-President/Eric/Erik/Andy/Jim/Barbara/Cat/Tom
Bill/ Carleen
Meeting start-7PM Meeting end 8:30 PM
*Approved the minutes of the July executive board as posted to the web.
*Treasurer’s report-a motion was made by Jim and seconded by Cat to
approve-it passed by all.
*Picnic totals at this time are 31 people and more will be added.
Discussed the possibility of changing the picnic to every other year.
A motion was made to table this until the January executive board.
*The volunteer of the year was discussed and a nomination was made and
seconded. It was voted on and passed. One member voted no.
*The board decided to issue a lifetime achievement plaque to a member
who is worthy of it. Jim mad a motion to do so -it was passed by all
except one member voted no.
*Fun awards-Erik will award the Golden Keyboard.
*Susan asked Bill to do the auction for the lamp.
*Two members will be given awards for most consecutive paddles.
* Jim will bring items for the silent auction that will benefit RICKA.
These items will have a minimum price.
*Blackstone Valley Clean Up --This is something the board decided RICKA
will not get involved in.
*DEM current standings- Jim met with Alan Libby and Christine Dudley to
find reasons for the rules change report.
Ultimately, chance of change would be next year after public hearings. Press release would be put out in the future.
*Carol Salisbury wants to come back to the board as a member at large.
*Question brought to the board-Does RICKA allow inflatable kayaks? This
will be discussed at a future board meeting.
*Conservation Corner brought up a beach clean up on September 20. This
has been written up in Eco RI.
NO meeting August 2014
JULY 2, 2014
ATTENDED: Susan Engleman-President/ Cheryl/Lysa / Tom/
Jim/ Sharon/ Alan / Barbara / Carleen / Cat
Meeting Start-7:02 PM -----Meeting end 8:18 PM
*Minutes were approved as they were posted to the web.
*No treasurer’s report
*Barbara reported on her meeting with Lynn Bell at the JCC. Barbara
confirmed the new flat rate room rental fee and the rooms available.
Barbara reported that the payment of the damage deposit and how it will be carried from month to month meetings. After discussion the board agreed to rent the Social Hall for the meetings so it would be easier. Barbara would deal with the JCC after getting the money from Andy.
*The Wood Pawcatuck lecture series was discussed.
The group will have two this month. RICKA members can get the schedule
if they go to the groups web site
Susan also has the information.
*INFLATABLE PFD-Jim brought this up because at his recent training
someone showed up with one. Jim mentioned there is no restriction for a
However a person who uses one must have a regular PFD in the boat and the ability to recharge their inflatable. If the inflatable has a problem they can change into the PFD. Jim’s question ---is it time for for RICKA to change its rules about inflatable PFDs? The board decided , after discussion, that RICKA is not ready and will keep the ban on inflatable PFDs..
*Paddle Across RI (PARI)- Chuck Horbert wrote to Susan about RICKA
joining the group during the last leg-from Westerly to Barn Island boat
September 15--Dutch Oven Cooking-
October 20--Watershed Demo
November 17--Movie Nite
*Cat reminded board of the ACA insurance coupons for event fees.
*Jim spoke about some of Elijah’s boats that are at the Wood Pawcatuck
Assoc. for their use. Jim also showed the board a carabiniere that is
multifunctional for RICKA.
*Look at calendar for SNEP and Blackstone Valley groups to have two
joint paddles.
JUNE 4, 2014
Engleman-President/Cheryl /Cat /Eric Conn /Jim /Andy /Sharon/ Barbara
/Tom /Lysa
Meeting started 7 PM ended 8:15 PM
Call to order
-Minutes from the last meeting were approved as posted to the web site.
-Treasurer’s report was approved as posted to the board. Andy announced
that new checking account was opened at Citizen’s Bank.
Sharon has an ATM card for membership use. Andy will use his card for the treasury.
New Business
* The JCC informed Andy of room rental increasing in September. Barbara
volunteered to meet with Ms. Bell at the JCC to discuss RICKA’s
Barbara will report back to the board at the next meeting.
* Andy announced that the “Registered Agent Volunteer” is needed to sign
for the state incorporation articles. The person has to be a resident of
Barbara volunteered to do the job.
* The Buzzards Bay swim on 6/28-Susan was contacted by the organizers to
encourage kayakers to participate by forming a perimeter around the
It was suggested that this request for volunteers be put on facebook and the website.
* Susan received an e-mail from a group looking to find a host family
from RICKA membership,for an exchange student. Andy made a motion that
RICKA does not get involved in this-the motion was passed by all.
* The August executive board meeting has been changed to July 30. Jim
made a motion for this that was passed by all.
* Clarification needed-Flat water training is on 6/29 at Stump
Pond/Kayak touring 7/13 Westport/BCU2 training is not on the RICKA
The notice will be put on the message board-RICKA has no involvement.
* Sharon received a request from Wood Pawcatuck Watershed Assoc. to
renew RICKA’s membership. Cheryl made a motion to pay $75 to renew.
Motion passed except for Cat and Andy who voted no.
* Chairperson’s report---
----Cat will pursue members for her Safety and Education committee.
----Cheryl discussed Blackstone Valley ranger paddles.
----Andy discussed that there will not be any white water classes and
that a group will be going to the Dead River.
---Jim discussed the 6/13 Paddle across RI. The group has campsites.
There is also a proposal to make this paddle a water trail. Jim
discussed the
GPS class he is teaching at Kettle Pond.
MAY 7 , 2014
Attended --Jim Cole -vice president/ Alan/ Cheryl/ Henry/ Cat/ Sharon/
Carleen/ Bill/ Erik/ Barbara
Meeting start 7 PM Meeting end 8:09PM
Jim called the meeting to order-Alan made a motion to accept the minutes
as they were posted to the web. Henry seconded the motion and passed by
Cheryl made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report as written by
Andy. Alan seconded and passed by all.
* Discussion of the Ad Hoc Safety and Education Committee will be
tabled until the next meeting.
* Sharon spoke about changing the RICKA bank account to CITIZEN’S. It
would be easier for her and Andy. Andy will coordinate with Susan.
Sharon will accept the ATM card for deposits. she does not want to be a signer on the account. Sharon also mentioned that she has not found a printer, size is a consideration.
* Cheryl discussed the CPR/FIRST AID class reimbursement for Cat and Tom
McHugh. Both are eligible. Cat declined her reimbursement.
Tom will be reimbursed for $50. Motion was made by Bill and seconded by Cheryl-passed by all.
* Sea Kayak Meet Up Group discussed by Bill. Bill needs assistance to
make group work during the week. He wants to post information on the
sea kayak message board. After some discussion it was decided to change the name to show and go group ( just to be clear for all). Jim suggested to send a notice to the sea kayak group to see if there is any interest. Bill will get started with the particulars.
NEW BUSINESS- committee reports
* Rolling Clinic-Cat reported 11 participants. Four practice
participants rest students-a larger pool is needed -which may have
accounted for low enrollment this year.
* Membership-Sharon reported 250 renewed.
* Webmaster-Cheryl reported Bill has been sending her stories. She went
on to mention about Ranger Nights and Flat water.
*Sea Kayak- Carleen reported schedules are being constructed and people
should know that changes can be made. There will be level
5 paddles and attempt to pair experienced and new trip leaders together. The June 28 class is full .
* White Water-Erik reported Ad Hoc trips.
* Newsletter-Erik reported he needed more sea kayak reports.
* Wilderness-Jim reported on wilderness paddling. He suggested not on
the water wilderness demos. For example-how to build a fire ,
put it out and survival skills. Jim will put together some possible programs.
Summer programs-June-Nipmunk River/July-Green hill Pond/
August-Providence River.
* Erik brought up removing the ads on the Flat Water board. Henry made
a motion to pay $56.00 --was seconded by Erik and passed by all.
*Bill proposed donating $50.00 to ecoRI because information from them
is used by RICKA. Sharon seconded and motion passed by all.
April 2 2014
Attended: Susan Engleman Vice-president/ Cheryl/Tom/ Cat/ Jim/Bill/ Lysa/ Barbara/ Carleen/ Andy
Meeting start 7 PM meeting end 8:21PM
Minutes were approved of the last meeting as posted to the web.
Treasurer’s report was approved by all. Andy brought up changing banks
Sharon will have to be present to follow through. Motion was made by
Susan and passed by all.
* Susan will e-mail Don Martin about his Dutch Oven presentation in the
Fall. The cooking time needs to be nailed down.
* Rolling clinic was discussed and if it should be opened to the public
and the pricing structure would have to be changed. It was suggested
that the public be
offered member rates if they join RICKA. Cat proposed establishing an Ad Hoc Safety and Education Committee. This would address getting more volunteers and subsidizing training. Cat will organize and individual chairs will recommend people. Carleen brought aspect of RICKA being uninsured. Susan made a motion to let Cat go with her committee. It was seconded and passed by all. Next year the rolling clinic will be opened to the public with different pricing. This will be brought up in September. April 6 and 13 will be a rolling clinic at the JCC. People will be able to register at the last minute.
* Jim discussed RICKA members who are ACA certified . Stated that RICKA
should help these people renew their membership to encourage them to
remain with
*Andy talked to Mike Rock about running an intermediate white water
class this year. This will run tentatively June 22.
* Sea Kayak training-registration will be June 28 at the Westport River.
People will bring their money to the first class. Erik is organizing
and Cat will handle the insurance.
Elijah’s equipment-family wishes to donate it to RICKA for the club’s
Jim will get assistance from Bill and Cheryl in listing some items.
Some small items will go to the picnic for RICKA members.
* Bill brought up a concert April 27 to benefit
Westport Watershed group.
MARCH 5 , 2014
ATTENDED: Susan Engleman Vice-President /Cheryl/Lysa/Bill
meeting start 7 PM end 8:30 PM
*Approve minutes of last executive board meeting as posted to the web.
*Treasurer’s report-Andy stated membership is starting to ramp up. $150
is owed to Blackstone Valley Paddlers. Cat made a motion to approve
report-was accepted by all.
* Speaker for September-Don Martin is scheduled to do a dutch oven demo
at his shop. Susan has asked for an outline of his presentation; he has
not replied.
If he does not then Susan will ask for the energy company to present. Susan has a presenter for October Sophia DeMaio of the Aquidneck Land Trust.
* Rolling Clinic-Cat discussed the required boat cleaning at the JCC.
She went on to say that it would be good to find another pool. She also
said that the JCC forgot about
RICKA renting the pool. Next year the rolling clinic should be scheduled for late March or April.
* Picnic cost-$19.75 members /$29.00 nonmembers/$5.00 children 10 and
under. Prices are going up and need to be discussed for next year.
* Training/subsidized programs update-Bill discussed flat water training
at Stump Pond in June or July. Bill mentioned intro to sea kayak
training. Sea kayaks should be 15 ft. long.
The course will be taught by Jon Sharlin and Dave Francis. Information will be put on message boards. Subsidizing volunteers was brought up by Susan. The board determined that it would be very involved to pursue. Cat brought up RICKA taking training from outfitters. April will be CPR training-Blackstone Valley class will take up to 25.
* Jim should lead the discussion about the national survey at a meeting.
* Having a real paddle meeting-Cat made a motion to leave the have
summer paddle meetings as just paddles; was approved by all.
*Sharon put in a request to buy a color laser printer for her position.
Was approved by all.
* Keep 70 cent stamps
* Lysa discussed paddle event in NY.
* Wilderness FA class was discussed-not through the Red Cross.
*Cheryl discussed the Blackstone Paddler's offering a paddle once a
month into another watershed.
FEBRUARY 12, 2014
Meeting start 7 PM Meeting end 8:20 PM
Attended--Susan Engleman vice-president/ Henry/ Cheryl/ Jim/ Tom/ Alan/
Barbara/Erik/ Bill Hahn/ Bill Luther/Cat.
*Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as posted to the web
*Treasurer’s report approved as posted to the board.
*Elijah Swift’s plaque disposition was discussed. Susan showed the
board pictures where it was placed on the boat.
* The RICKA library and boating equipment of Elijah was discussed by
Bill Hahn. He stated that Elijah’s family wants to give his boating
equipment to RICKA to promote boating.
The library needs to be reviewed to see how relevant it is to RICKA. Bill Hahn offered to store the library until its disposition is finalized. Alan made a motion to include return mailers with any item that is checked out. This was approved by all.
* Publicity chair Frank removed himself from the position. Bill Luther
will be known as conservation/publicity chair. The Geo-cashing chair
will be eliminated. Henry will become a member at large.
*Nominating Committee-Erik will be in charge. Cheryl will be on the
committee. It was suggested that people contact Erik if they are
interested in a position. Erik will present the slate at the March
*Speaker up date- Feb.17 Bill Reid/Last Green Valley? Forestry. March 17
Erik Eckilson “Trip Planning”. April 28 Matthew Goldman-author “Constant
Waterman”.May 19-Mike Krabach ‘Skin on Frame Kayaks’.
June/July/August meetings on water.
*Picnic update-Susan called Morins about the menue. The board voted to
have the 2012 menue.
FA&CPR-scheduled for April14 and April 21. Blackstone Valley Paddle Club
will sponsor and pay for BVPC members.
The cost will be $100. It is hoped RICKA will subsidize trip leaders as they have done in the past. A second class is being formed, there are limited seats. Jim made a motion to subsidize half of the class. Motion was approved by all.
*Boating training classes were discussed. The board suggested there is
a need to know what is needed or wanted by RICKA members. RICKA needs
to increase its pool of volunteers. The training information will be
put on message boards.
*Cat reported that Carl Ladd will coach the March clinic for $150.
*Cheryl reported someone is cleaning up the island behind the Pratt Dam.
He wants to know if RICKA is interested in the island.
executive board meeting
January 8, 2014
ATTENDED-SUSAN ENGLEMAN-vice president/ Cheryl/ Tom/ Jim/ Mike/ Andy/
Barbara/ Alan/ Cat/ Steve/ Sharon
meeting start-7PM meeting end 8:30 PM
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as posted to the web.
Andy gave the treasurer’s report. Jim made a motion to approve the report.
This was approved by all.
Elijah Swift’s accident and passing were discussed. The accident with
William ,from the Kayak Centre, occurred on the Pell Bridge;while going in
opposite directions. The eulogy will be posted on the RICKA
web site. A donation of $100 will be made to Elijah’s church-per request of the family. Several idea beyond the donation were proposed. Steve proposed a small plaque honoring Elijah be installed on the URI ship Endeavor. This and the $100 donation were approved by the board.
The return of the RICKA library was discussed. Susan will contact Bill Hahn.
Open positions on the board were discussed. Susan wrote to Frank Cortessa to
ask what he wanted to do with his publicity position.
Picnic update-Goddard Park has 2 pavilions. Gazebo F will be reserved; has
no sides and can take 10 picnic tables. It will be reserved for Sept. 14. A
tent will be rented if weather will be a problem. Susan
will contact Morins to confirm the date.
Speaker’s for February to May.The list is tentative--February-Last Green
Valley. Susan will e-mail Mike Krabach about March. Jim will contact Jim
Dina about April . May will be Mike Tougias--presently
looking for information to contact.
E-mail distribution list. Sharon will renew the PO Box. Some board members
will be able to send e-mails to all board members.
Rolling Clinic-March 2 & 9 /April 6 &13. The classes will be at the JCC
from 2-4. Cat will write up rescue techniques for the newsletter. It was
approved that Carl Ladd will be present for the first session at both
Cost will be $100 per hour for the pool. Members will pay $60 per person for rolling
and rescue instruction/ $25 for practice plus $5 event fee for non ACA
Greg Pacquin-tabled until Bill Luther present.
Non-RICKA Geo-caching members-contacted Cheryl about pool rental. The board
suggested they contact Carl Ladd.
Jim discussed his position on the Rivers Council. He showed the board
examples of possible signs to be posted at boat landing in RI. He stated he
needs information from people as to where the signs are needed.