Minutes 2013


Executive Board Meeting 
November 6, 2013

Attended:  Susan Engleman-vice president / Sharon / Henry / Cheryl / Tom / Andy / Mike / Cat / Barbara / Steve Cournoyer
Meeting start-7PM   Meeting end- 7:45 PM

• Approved the minutes of the last board meeting as posted to the web.
• Treasurer’s report-Blackstone Valley Paddlers were paid money owed.  The rolling clinic broke even this year.
Motion was made and passed to accept the report as posted.
• Venue for the picnic--Sharon visited the Fireman’s Club in East Greenwich.  She described the boat access.  The club is across from
Goddard Park.  She said the  club is a hall up from the water. 
There are round  tables inside and  a small patio.  The members of the club have access to half of the club inside.  RICKA can go
outside and have half the hall. In order to put boats in RICKA members
would have to drive a short distance.  The board voted to stay with Goddard Park for the party. The party will be on a Sunday in
September. Susan will come up with a date. The caterer will be Morins.
• Pool for the rolling clinic-Cat said the JCC pool is available for $100.00 an hour.  She is looking to Cumberland for a place for the
 rolling clinic.  The rolling clinic would be held at the end of February or
March.  Cat will decide.
• January meeting will be held at the Kayak Centre.
• Member at large possibilities.  Steve Cournoyer was appointed and Susan is considering others. Cat brought up that sea kayakers might be asked. 
What a member at large is was discussed-they are the voice of the membership and their concerns.
• Movie night update-6 people will present.  Susan has candy and popcorn.
• Cat discussed the PAC renewal- It is signed and she will send it in.  The board discussed RICKA  members joining ACA.

October 2,2013

Attended: Susan Engleman -Vice President / Sharon / Cheryl / Jim /Tom /
Barbara / Alan.
Meeting start-7 PM  Meeting end- 8 PM
Old Business
Minutes of September meeting were approved by all; as posted to the web.
Jim moved to accept the treasurer’s report, in addition to that Andy should post a check to the
Blackstone Valley Paddle Club in order to balance the books.
Sharon will send Andy the report so he can forward the check.
SUP paddle group issue was discussed. Aileen wanted Susan to bring this to the board again. 
Jim made a motion to wait until someone wants to join RICKA and
they ask for something to be done . They will come to an executive board meeting to demonstrate their interest. 
This was approved by the board.  Any more SUP
discussion is tabled until this happens.
Picnic for 2014-Place Fireman’s Club it is across from Greenwich Cove.  They have an enclosed picnic area. 
Sharon and Susan will inspect area for suitability. 
RICKA will use Morins  as the caterer.
January meeting-Susan will try to contact the Kayak Center again.
Members at Large-AJ was elected for 2 years with an option for a 3rd. 
Susan wants to offer AJ this so he can complete a full term in office and she can do
another year as VIP.  Susan wants the board to think about adding more Members at Large. Potential Members have to be asked by February.  
New Business
New pools for the rolling clinic will be discussed when Cat is present.
Jim said he is on the RI Rivers Council. He discussed possible things that he would pursue in his position and
encouraged people to write to him. 
Some ideas that were brought up-- access signs, crosswalk for paddlers to be posted.
Sharon and Erik are testing out the transition of members to Google.

September 4, 2013

Attended--Susan Engleman-vice president / Alan / Henry /Jim / Tom / Andy / Barbara / Cat

Approve August minutes as posted to the web.
No old business
Treasurer’s report approved.
Winter meetings-September will be Last Green Valley.  October meeting was confirmed by Cat. Greg Paquin of
Kayak Waveology will give the presentation.
November will be movie night. January is in the works  so  all that is needed is February thru May.  This will be put on next months agenda.
Policy for SUP (STAND UP PADDLE) paddlers on RICKA trips.   Board discussed that the purpose of RICKA is to
promote paddling and  to do so safely.
 It was decided that each trip leader would talk to SUP paddlers about RICKA rules and help them make a safe decision
about being on the trip.
Adaptive paddling-Cat discussed introducing to RICKA. She wants to see is any members are interested.  She will bring
 more information back to the board. 
Jim mentioned that getting grants help an undertaking such as this. Cat will inquire of other organizations as well as RICKA members
are interested.
 Picnic review-caterer: people prefer Morins and place Goddard Park was good. Crowd control was necessary,maybe to rope off a
parking area near the pavillion.
Other possible spots were discussed--Burlingame, Ninnigret and Colt State Park. Fort Getty was too expensive.
Volunteer of Year trophy needs some repair, parts of it are fragile.  Cat will look into making a proper box to transport the trophy.
Planning guide for picnic-AJ has one.
Cat will be looking for new venues for the rolling class.
Susan will send certificates to the people who did not attend the picnic.
Cat will look into having a CPR-FA  class for RICKA.

July 31, 2013

Attended--Susan Engleman vice-president / Cheryl / Jim / Andy / Barbara / Bill /Cat / Tom
Meeting start-7PM    Meeting end- 8:30PM
Old Business
Approved minutes from the July eboard as posted to the web.
Vendor listings were discussed. These vendors are the ones who offer discounts and have been listed with RICKA.
The board decided that the listings would not affect anyone very much.    
A vendor specific application is in the works.
The selection of the program for the Last Green Valley’s presentation for  Septembers meeting was discussed. 
Bill made a motion to pay the group $150 for their presentation. 
The motion was passed by all.
October presentation discussed.  Cat will contact Greg  Pacquin for a program.
The Volunteer of the Year trophy winner Tony Moore.
Treasurer’s  report discussed.  Cat mentioned that the rolling clinic broke even this year.  The idea of increasing the
membership and rolling clinic fees was brought up-this will be
an agenda item for a future meeting. There were several reasons for rolling clinic not making money; pool rental
increase and hireing Carl Ladd.
RICKA board email was discussed.  If there is a problem it should be done privately.  If it is an agenda item or
informational then put it on the RICKA Board email.
Susan made a motion for this.  It was passed by all.
Roger Williams trip to Newport was discussed and the board will inquire further.
Andy said 18 people signed up for the picnic -so far. More publicity is needed. Have to let people know. 
Susan will put ore information on Facebook.
Information should also be put on the individual paddle boards. Susan wants to do something for the instructors and
 people should contact her.
Jim made a motion to give Mike Rock $200 for the class.  Motion was passed by all.
Jim discussed membership.  Sharon will replace our present group with Google. Jim suggested we notify the
membership several times so that the email newsletters do not get put in the junk section of the
computer Changing in January would allow time to officially transfer.

JULY 10, 2013 
Attended: Susan Engleman Vice President / Elijah / Carleen / Sharon /  
Lysa / 
Jim / Bill / Barbara / Alan. 
Meeting start 7:15 PM------Meeting end 8:20 PM
Approve last eboard minutes as posted on the web. Approved May and  
June treasurer’s report as posted.  Jim made a motion for this and  
it was approved by all present. 
Possible list of Last Green Valley presentation was discussed.   
There are 4 power point presentations to choose from.  This was  
tabled  by Lysa.  Susan suggested  that the board do some homework on  
which presentation they might choose and send Bill their preference  
by the 17th of this month. 
Sample member application for vendor discounts was discussed.  It  
was decided that it should have a place for the vendor to sign. 
The JCC room rental-Jim made a motion to rent for 3 months in  
advance.   Andy was instructed to send a check in for rental only for  
3 months at a time. 
East Bay Paddle was voted to give them a spot on the web as vendor  
of the week.  Cheryl will deal with this. 
Picnic awards were discussed-it was decided for Susan to keep it  
small.  They should be funny and on the joke line.  For this and  
Volunteer of the Year nominations should be sent to Susan (include  
reasons) and she will decide or pass to the executive board.  Sharon  
made a motion for this and it passed by all. 
The item for the e-mail newsletter was tabled for when AJ would be  
Membership is now 272 -there  are 46 new members and 138 have not  
The board is not interested in Grampy’s tri State Challenge. 
Elijah motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 

JUNE 5, 2013
Meeting start 7 PM /  Meeting end 8:15 PM
Attended--AJ Barbato-president/ Susan/ Sharon/ Cheryl/ Jim/ Bill/ 
Cat/ Barbara/ Alan

Old Business

Minutes were approved as posted to the web. Treasurer’s report will 
be given at the next meeting. Andy will take care of the filing for 
RICKA non-profit.
Programs for the Fall--The Last Green Valley has contacted Bill.  
They will be asked to provide a meeting program.  In October there 
may be a review of the Northern Forest Canoe -was discussed along 
with the up comming  Paddle Across RI.  Having Movie Night in 
November was discussed.  Jim brought up the conversation he had at 
the Kayak Ctr. with Jeff Shapiro. Jeff expressed the desire of having 
RICKA come to the store to have a meeting. Barbara will contact the 
store to try and set up a meeting .
The Yahoo Groups-How they function-the holder of the group sends an 
invitation to a person to join the group.  This does not always work 
properly.  RICKA may need to switch over to another service.  Yahoo 
is free and a proper switch has to be researched.  Now it is 
difficult to add new members to the group. RICKA should be able to 
add new members easily, Sharon will research this.
EMS called AJ and wants to partner with RICKA for the benefits of 
both .
AJ wants to print out new membership applications using a tri-fold 
form. Putting a code on the application was discussed so RICKA can 
tell where the application was from.

Susan memtioned  about getting a SUP  class from the Kayak Ctr.
Cheryl filed for non-profit for BVP
The board members discussed putting a paragraph in the newsletter 
and on the web directed to non-members on paddle trips.  After 3 
paddles the board has advised that non members should consider 
joining RICKA.
Meeting adjourned.


MAY 1, 2013 
Meeting start- 7 PM    Meeting end 8 PM 
Attend--AJ Barbato-president/ Henry/ Susan/ Sharon/ Andy/ Carleen/  
Jim/ Cheryl/ Barbara/ Erik/ Bill/ Mike/ Frank/ Tom/ Charlie 
The board approved the April minutes as posted to the web. 
PADDLE ACROSS RI support- the place to meet the group has not been  
decided.  When it is decided it will be posted to the message boards  
before June 15. 
RICKA donations 
Heroes On The Water---did not come up with specific needs. The group  
is small and just getting started.  They told Bill that  a small  
donation of equipment would be appreciated.  The French River  
Connection wants to get to know RICKA better Mike said.  The  
Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council submitted a donation request  
to RICKA .  The board gave unanimous  approval for a donation of  
$250.00.  The other two groups will be put on the back burner.  AJ  
will handle the donation for the River Council. 
Charlie Laroque was given a life membership and a plaque to  
commemorate his time as treasurer.  Patty Gold membership was  
resolved by it being paid. 
PICNIC-The price of the picnic to RICKA will be $20.95, with tax and  
tip it will be $26.00.  RICKA will charge its members $15.00 -- 
nonmembers is $22.50. 
Andy will handle the Pay Pal money and check payments.  He will send  
the numbers to Susan for the caterer. Susan will handle the awards  
and PR.  AJ will put together a flyer.  August 24 is the picnic. 

Billington Sea Kayak in Morton St. Park was discussed.  Other small  
retailers were discussed and getting them interested in being on the  
web page. 
Sharon was offered 2 subscriptions to Atlantic Coastal Kayaker.  One  
she will take and the other will be given to a board member. 
Renewals are half way to being complete. 
Carleen discussed changes in the sea kayak schedule and that people  
should be encouraged to look on the message board for changes. 
White water class June 22-23 

APRIL 3, 2013  
Meeting start 7 PM       Meeting end  8:30 PM 
Attended-Susan Engleman- vice president/Henry/Cheryl/Lysa/Jim/Barbara 
Accepted the minutes of March Ex. board as posted to the web. 
Jim presented RICKA weatherized posters to be placed at local accesses. 
He showed posters that will be given to the dealers who RICKA would  
like to have the dealers participate and sign off on new boat and PFD  
The people would receive a i yr. membership in RICKA. Jim will put  
the PDF on the Yahoo site for the eboard members to get more copies. 
General elections information will be posted by Cheryl/Susan an Jim. 
The treasurer’s report was accepted as posted to the web. 
Paddle Across RI-RICKA will show support.  The was alot of  
discussion as to where to meet the paddle group.This will continue at  
the next board meeting. 
RICKA donations-Bill brought up HEROS ON THE WATER again. This is a  
group for disabled veterans.  Cat, an adaptive paddler instructor,  
discussed what might be done for the group.  She will contact the  
people and report back next month. 
The Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council sent a grant request to  
The exboard decided to hold acting on the donations  requests until  
next month . 
Discussed way to get boat dealers on the web.  It would be done with  
interviews and pictures. 
Picnic--Side dishes will be watermelon for dessert/garden salad/ red  
bliss potatoes/ corn on cob.  We will eat at 12:30 and RICKA will  
provide  the drinks.  The awards ceremony will be smaller and fun and  
gag awards. Andy/Cat/Cheryl will provide names. 
Cat reported that the JCC pool was very good.  The response to the  
rescue workshop was not good.  She will report on CPR and FA next month. 

MARCH 13, 2013 
ATTENDED- AJ Barbato-president / Susan / Sharon / Elijah / Bill /  
Carleen / 
Barbara / Henry /Cheryl. 
Meeting start-7:06 PM  Meeting end- 8:19 PM 
Approve February minutes as posted to the web. 
Approve February treasurer report as posted to the web. 
Bill discussed donations in the past and future. RICKA has given to  
GSA and Last Green Valley.  Heroes on the water was brought up as a  
possible donation.  It was decided to put information on the web and  
newsletter and ask for member input for contributions.  It was  
decided that whoever got the donation it could be up to $250. 
Donna Abjorson ,a SUP (stand up and paddle) paddler spoke to the  
board about her sport and how it would work with RICKA.  The  
discussion of need and necessity was brought up by members of the  
board.  Susan will use Facebook to try and generate interest.  This  
subject of SUP will be revisited in  a year. 
Elijah asked for and got approved  the sum of $30.  This was for a  
video- This is the Sea.  This would be for the RICKA library. 
The picnic will be at Goddard Park August 24.  RICKA will rent the  
pavilion for $50.  There will be a new caterer called the Picnic Company.  
They want a minimum of 75 people. It will be the Great  
Southern BBQ. The cost will be $20.95.  RICKA will fund a good part  
of that price. 
Bill discussed river cleanup and that they are not successful.   
Henry suggested giving trip leaders a trash bag and asking members to  
clean up as much as possible. 
Bill wants to promote small dealers for a week on the web page. 
Erik will set up flat water training classes with Bill and Jim 

FEBRUARY 6 , 2013 
Meeting start-7 PM  Meeting end- 8:50 PM 
ATTENDED-AJ Barbato-president / Tom / Susan / Jim / Sharon / Lysa / 
Andy / Barbara / Alan / Erik / Mike /Cat / Charlie 
Minutes of previous executive board meeting were accepted; as posted  
to the web. 
Treasury reports- Andy explained  how the treasury reports will be  
posted and intrepreted.  The Fiscal year filing dates will be April 1  
to March 31,the same as the membership year. 
Erik will head the nominating committee for the up coming election. 
Do we need to schedule FA and CPR classes for RICKA? Cat will take  
care of this after March 15. She will get the process started and  
bring information to the April board meeting. 
Summer water meetings will be scheduled by Cheryl. 
Training schedules for FW/SK/WW are tabled until the March meeting. 
Picnic planning- a new location contacted ; Goddard Park. It has a  
large pavilion /allowed to launch /rent of pavilion $50 /no permits  
are needed / no extra cost.  August 24 date is being held (September  
and October rented). Tom made a motion to accept Goddard Park or  
8/24 /13 
ByLaws proxy  & voting AJ will announce at the Feb. meeting there  
will be a change in th bylaws- to remove a quorum at general meeting  
voting .  The executive board will stay the same. 
ACA Paddle Club grant.  It was decided that this was quite involved  
and needs to be studied further. 
Cat will retain Carl Ladd as head instructor for the rolling  
clinic.  She will spend $300 for the session.Carl will be at each  
session for the first day. 
Jim gave an accounting of membership expenses. 
Jim presented an idea to get new members.  RICKA would have to  
contact the boat dealers to gice the first time boat  and PFD buyers  
a certificate for a one year membership in RICKA.  The dealers would  
sign off on the purchase to validate and the paper would be returned  
to RICKA.  People looked on this favorably. 
Another way to increase membership was brought up by Cat this was  
adding SUP  as a new group.  No action was taken. 
Adding more members at large was discussed and the board felt that  
members at large need to be given more to do in order to keep them on  
the board.  To fill the empty slots on the board- Susan brought up 2  
more possible members at large . 


January 2, 2013

Meeting start 7PM- meeting end 8:14 PM
Attended-AJ Barbato president / Susan /Henry / Cheryl / Jim /Andy /
Barbara /Tom /Mike /Cat

AJ posted by law revisions to the board. It was decided to post
these revisions via a linkon the web. Jim will print a few copies of
the by laws and bring to the January meeting . This will also happen
for February meeting. In March the membership will have a final vote.
Update of the treasury.AJ and Andy will handle the particulars.
Charlie is putting a package together for the new treasurer.
Sharon will be present next month so Andy can work with her in her
new position.
Speakers-Mike K. does not want a fee for his program.It was decided
to give him some RICKA products. Future speakers were discussed.
There will be a contact person and that would be the Vice President.
Susan will contact Mike to make sure all is OK.
Speakers Jan-Mike Krabach / Feb-Carl Ladd /March-Kevin Allsworth /
April-Wilderness Paddling / May-Jack Radcliffe
Rolling Class-Barrington pool will not be used. Other pools will be

Trivia constests have almost run out of prizes-towels were discussed.
laminator-board decided not to continue with laminating cards.
Sharon will have to get a new post office box next month
Cat submitted a returned over payment from ACA,
The ACA # will be posted on the web for the members to use if they join
the ACA