Minutes 2012
MEETING 11/14/12
Attended: Susan Engleman-Vice President / Bill /
Henry /Tom /
Cheryl / Jim / Sharon / Barbara /Elijah /Cat
Meeting start- 7 PM Meeting end- 8:15 PM
minutes of previous meeting were approved as
posted on the web.
Bill Luther brought up RICKA adopting a section of highway to
clean. The board does not wish to pursue it. It did suggst cleaning
up an access or waterway.
The treasurer was not present. It was suggested that the
treasurer become more involved. Sharon stated that she will handle
the deposit of membership money, as membership chair. The board
decided that by Feb. 1 all of the treasurery issues will be settled.
Susan will contact AJ and get the plan in motion. Andy will be
contacted again to see if he will assume treasurer duties.
ACA Paddle Club renewal- Cat will go for a 12 month renewal. She
discussed the renewal and the requirements. Susan will contact Erik
to run the ACA logo more prominently and to run the RICKA logo
instead of the Paddler logo.
Speakers ---May Jack Radcliff /Feb. Carl Ladd (VFH) training /
March Kevin Allsworth rescue / April Wilderness Camping with Bill Luther and Jim Cole /
Jan.is open. Barbara will reserve rooms for the JCC.
Elijah was given the go ahead to purchase a book on the NORTHERN
FOREST CANOE TRAIL. Motion made by Susan and passed by all.
It was suggested to have a small section of the newsletter to review
books in the library.
Cat straightened out the
rolling clinic fees.RICKA will pay the
school and not the Friends of the Blackstone.
Practice participants will be limited. The
rolling clinic will be in Feb . and March. Cat
will set actual dates
and fees will be through Pay Pal. Info will be in
the newsletter.
Discussed Carl Ladd doing instructor training for
$350. Cat will
contact him. Motion made by Bill and passed by
Executive Board Meeting 10/3/12
Rhode Island Canoe and Kayak Assoc.
Attended: AJ Barbato-president/Susan
Engleman-vicepresident/Mike V./ Jim C./Barbara/Cheryl/Henry/Mike B./Erik
/Lysa / Sharon / Tom /
Elijah / Charlie.
Meeting start-7PM Meeting end 8 PM
Approved September minutes as posted to RICKA web
Treasurer’s report given and approved.
By laws were emailed to board members. They have
been instructed to read and send AJ any changes before the November
meeting. He will rewrite
and repost the bylaws to the board members. There
was some talk on how to present the final copy to the members for
Jim discussed SNEP web expense. He is looking for
$72 and that the Wood Pawcatuck Assoc. will pick up the rest of SNEP
expenses. Jim
reviewed the money that will be paid to BVP . Jim
will mail out the certificates from the picnic.
The picnic was reviewed by the board. The caterer
(Morin’s ) was given high marks. A change of venue was discussed.
Goddard Park and
Spring Lake will be looked into. There was
discussion about doing it every other year.
Susan discussed the November movie night at the
JCC. People will be allowed 5 to 10 minutes for their presentation.
Next year Bill Luther wants to do a river cleanup.
Barbara asked and got approval of $300 for stamps.
Board decided that a rescue program would best be
done before the next paddle season. Speakers are needed for Jan. and
Feb. Speaker
names that cam up were -Bill Luther and Mike
It was suggested that a book notice could be put
in the newsletter.
Executive board meeting
September 5,2012
Meeting start-7 PM Meeting end 7:55PM
Attended: Susan -vice pres / Alan /Henry / Cheryl
/Cat / Mike V. / Barbara /Andy /Lysa /Bill Luther
Susan called the meeting to order and the minutes
were approved as they were posted on the web. The Treasurer’s report was
$4,818.19. Some of the money is owed to the Blackstone Valley Paddlers.
-Cat discussed RICKA classes for the Fall. First
Aid and VHF radio classes. The idea came up that the VHF class might be
a program for a general meeting in February. Cat will see about
scheduling First Aid for early November if not then in Spring.
-Waterfire- AJ wants to know if it is worthwhile
to participate in Waterfire. Waterfire charges for people to
participate. The idea was not well received by the board. It will be put
in the newsletter and members can participate. It will not be sponsored
-It was decided to contact the caterer and
schedule people to eat at 12:30.
Lysa will put names of RICKA members who have
given to the organization on poster board Susan wll give a short speech
about these people. The caterer wants names by Sept.10-more names can be
added up to Sept 14. Awards were discussed. Susan will deal with the
caterer on the day of the picnic.
-Lysa has 2 books for the library.
-Barbara discussed new contact person at the JCC
and the need for her to be kept in the loop with what goes on at the
JCC. She also stated that all reservations have been made for Sept. to
-Bill returned the Volunteer of Year trophy for
the picnic.
RICKA Executive Board
Meeting Minutes 8/1/12 Lincoln Woods
In attendance were: Tom McHugh, Frank Cortesa,
Susan Engleman, Cheryl Thompson Cameron, Henry Dziadosz, Bill Brown,
bill Luther, Elijah Swift, Mike Vechinsky, Sharon Dragon, Lysa Amarall
and Cat Ratcliffe.
The meeting was called to order by VP Susan
Engleman at 7:05.
A motion was made to accept the minutes of the
previous meeting by Henry and seconded by Cheryl. The motion was
Due to the absence of the treasurer, no
treasurer’s report was presented.
Discussion ensued on making a smooth transition in
the treasurer position, due to the fact that Charlie will soon be moving
out of state.
The 35th Anniversary awards were discussed. It was
decided that Bill L. and Henry would review the list compiled by Jim
Cole and make their recommendations. Lysa distributed the certificate
that she had created. The Board thought they were just what was needed
and it was decided to use the form that Lysa had presented.
The speakers for the upcoming meetings were
discussed. This is the schedule as it stands.
September Author Paul Fournier
October Denise Poyer – Wood/Pawcatuck
November Movie Night
It was also decided that long-time member Kevin
Allsworth would make a whitewater safety / rescue presentation in the
Elijah passed around a list of duplicate books
contained in the library. It was decided that these books should be sold
and the proceeds used to purchase new books for the library.
The board decided to send a fruit basket to
President AJ Barbato when he returns home after his surgery.
Cat brought up the point that there had been some
difficulties with the pool that was used for the last rolling clinic. It
was decide that the board members would be on the lookout for an
alternative venue.
Discussion ensued on ways to expand the use of the
library by the membership. It was decided that one way would be to have
a “Book of the Month” section in the monthly newsletter.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM.
Henry Dziadosz, Acting Secretary
Minutes of RICKA Executive Board Meeting
A.J. Barbato, Sue Engleman, Jim Cole, Mike
Vechinsky, Eric Eckilson, Cheryl Thompson Cameron, Henry Dziadosz, Lysa
Amaral, Frank Cortesa, Andy Vieira, Sharon Dragon and Bill Luther
The meeting was called to order by A.J. Barbato at
6:52 PM
A motion was made to accept
the minutes of the previous meeting (as posted) by Henry.
The motion was seconded by Cheryl and
The whistles have been
They are to be used as gifts at the picnic.
The Blackstone Valley Paddlers also
purchased some on the same shipment.
Bill discussed the volunteer
of the year award.
Names were previously submitted by the
After discussion it was decided who
should be given this year’s award.
Bill also proposed a lifetime member award using the
following criteria.
- 15-20 years of active membership
- must have lead at least three (3)
successful activities and/or programs
- has been a positive influence on the
membership of the club
After much discussion, Jim
made a motion to accept the award, Cheryl seconded the motion and it was
Following the previous award
discussion, it was decided to research past and present members of the
club and establish a “35 Year Award” to acknowledge their contributions
in forming and transforming RICKA into what it is today.
Jim Cole will produce a list of likely
candidates and the awards will be discussed at the next meeting of the
executive board.
Jim Cole mentioned the length
of time he had put in to update the membership files and that there was
nobody trained to assist him.
Sharon Dragon stepped forward and agreed to
assist Jim in this important work.
The speaker who was selected
for the September meeting has been contacted but has yet to respond.
Another attempt to contact him will be
Other options were explored.
Bill mentioned that Denise
Poyer of the Wood Pawcatuck Watershed Association might make an
informative and engaging speaker.
The speaker fee we normally give could be
used as a donation to WPWA.
Bill also inquired about stories he has
written and posted on the web about watershed associations.
The feedback was very positive.
The new membership fliers were distributed to the
members of the executive board.
A.J. made a motion to adjourn; it was seconded by
Lysa and approved.
The meeting adjourned at 8:08 PM
Henry Dziadosz, Acting Secretary
August, Secretary
Meeting start--7:06 PM end 8:18 PM
Attended-AJ Barbato-president /Henry / Cheryl /
Tom /Bill Luther /Susan /Barbara /Carleen / Charlie
Susan brought up RICKA’S
speaker fees of $150 as being too much and we must seek alternate fees.
Proposals were brought up that included having a
program every other month and to post the meetings with dealers or see
about going to the dealers shops.
Discussion ended with trying to get the programs
organized ahead.
Whistles were discussed. These will be presented
to people who attend the picnic as a party favor. The picnic will be
RICKA’S 35 yr anniversary.
Motion was made by Henry and
passed. A quantity of 100 will be purchased. The whistles are USCG
Purchase of 2 way radios for
flat water groups was proposed by Cheryl. Motion was made and passed to
allow $150 for 2or 3 sets of flat water radios.
Finishing By Laws- AJ stated
that work on the By Laws and there is a need to come up with a common
meeting date to finish. 1-2 hours is all that is needed.
It was suggested that AJ and Susan meet to get the
By Laws together and send a copy to the board members for any
notations-the board members would be given 1 month.
June 27 ex board would be at REI in
Cranston. August board meeting would be at Lincoln Woods Pavaillion. Tom
will put on a bbq for board members and combine it with a board meeting.
Henry discussed the geo cashe addition to the club
and what it is and how it is intended to promote RICKA.
August, Secretary
Meeting start- 7PM Meeting end-8:15
AJ-president / Mike V./ Cheryl / Tom / Jim / Erik / Susan / Barbara
/ Andy / Frank / Bill /Charlie /Alan
Treasurer’s report-all 4 previous month have
been sent and Cheryl will store.
Picnic-Susan proposed awards to be given at
the picnic. Each paddle group will pick five people in their group
to receive awards.
These will be classed “fun awards”. There
will be 2-3 people in each group that will receive special awards.
Susan wants to give each
person who goes to the picnic a gift because
it’s an anniversary year. Whistles and lanyards were discussed.
AJ discussed picnic applications and that he would attend the
Jamestown town council meeting in case there were any questions.
Susan has a copy of the contract with the
RICKA profiles will be expanded to people who
are not on the executive board. Frank will follow up and discuss at
the next meeting.
Jim wants to keep ex presidents on the email
Training classes-6/23-24 White water class
will be run by Mike Rock and there will be a charge of $50.
Flatwater class will be 7/1 and people are needed for rescue.
Reimbursement for board members-people are
advised to send receipts to treasurer regularly and do not hold on
to them. AJ will get extra checks to pay bills.
Jim proposed to change procedure for sending
out carabineers for renewals.
AJ will be sending out a paddle safety talk
and signals to board members.
July executive board will be rescheduled to
June 27.
2012 Elections:
On April 16th 2012 an
election was held at the RICKA general meeting where AJ Barbato
-president / Susan Engleman -vice president/ Barbara
August-secretary / Charlie Laroque -treasurer were
elected for a 2 year term to RICKA.
Barbara August, Secretary
Meeting start-7PM
meeting end-8:34 PM
Luther-president/AJ/Mike V./Susan/Tom/Carleen/Barbara/ Cat
-Discussed sale of t-shirts. Carleen offered
to take some. Cheryl still has a few.
-Picnic is Sept. 16 at Ft .Getty. Sue
presented the menue. It is different from last year. The cost from
the caterer is $20.
There will not be dessert, instead there will
be an anniversary cake. The cost will be $15 for RICKA members and
for non-members. Motion was made and passed.
-Susan discussed the need to restructure awards and to put it on
the next agenda.
-AJ brought up the swap meet at the picnic-no
problems with permits.
-Restructuring membership dues was tabled
until Jim is present.
-Publicity chair information is tabled until
Jim discusses it with Frank and both are present.
-Bill brought up eco-tourism email he
receivedand how it affects RICKA.
-Cat discussed bill she received from the
rolling clinic. She will talk to Frank Matta about it and report
-The board discussed the health of the
treasury. A check will be returned to the Blackstone Valley Paddle
Club for dues RICKA collected
on their behalf. The check is for $540 before
Pay Pal fees are deducted . It was brought up that Andy needs to get
more involved with the
treasury. It was mentioned that because he
will no longer be president Bill’s name will come off the checking
account and AJ’s will be put on.
-Minutes and treasurer’s report will be put on
2 servers for safe keeping.
-Flat water paddles will start April 28. June
will start outdoor meetings and that will be the 18th at100 Acre
Cove in Barrington.
July 15 will be at Wakefield pond in
Burriville. August 20 will be the north branch of the Pawtuxet in
-Discussion of personal liability related to
high level of certification of individuals needs more clarification
from those concerned.
-AJ will contact Bill Hahn about the by-laws.
-Fort Getty will cost $200 for clean-up . It
will be refunded.
-Common adventure paddles was put aside-it is not feasible
Barbara August, Secretary
March 7th 2012 Meeting Start 7PM- ended- 9PM
ATTENDED: Bill Luther-President/ AJ /Mike V. / Mike B. / Tom / Cat /Cheryl /Jim / Alan / Barbara / Andy /Susan /Carleen /Charlie / Bill B.
T-shirts were shown, Alan will charge RICKA $10.50 a shirt and RICKA will sell for $20.00 each. They will be sold at meetings. Orders can be taken
through the web and use Pay Pal. When the first 16 are sold then more shirts will be ordered.
Media back-up for the secretary and treasurer¹s reports was discussed. Jim puts secretary and treasurer reports on the Yahoo board site.
There was discussion about putting information on 2 servers twice. Next meeting this discussion will be revisited.
Lucky for Life secondary drawing. RICKA will make a donation to drawing for publicity purposes. Jim made a motion for this and it was approved.
Discussed the health of the treasury. Andy provided information on the treasury for the past 2 years. The board discussed ways to trim the budget.
Picnic will be scheduled for mid September. Susan and AJ will schedule the picnic with Ft. Getty.
Swap meet-Susan will get back to Jake from the Kayak Center. Susan stated that he told her that RICKA would be able to use the field near their
ramp before May. Susan will check with him about insurance and see if there are any additional costs to RICKA.
Charitable donations were discussed Mike V. discussed a Boy Scout troop needing PFDs. Jim reported the request from Wood Pawcatuck Watershed Association
needing foot peg retro-fitting for 30 kayaks. Further discussion on this will continue when the treasury is better off. This was a motion that passed by the board.
Speakers for meetings - will try come from RICKA membership. The author of TALES FROM MISERY RIDGE will be contacted to be a speaker for Sept 10 or 24.
Erik will run the April general meeting.
Tom announced that Community boating has sit-on- top kayaks and is looking for RICKA members to teach classes. Cat will find out more.
RICKA will be creating Geo Cashes.
The board discussed having the individual chairpersons give short reports at the general meetings. This would give people information as to what is going on.
Jim wants to find a person to do the publicity. He is doing the membership work.
There was a discussion about common adventure type of paddles. It was decided that this would be brought up at the sea kayak planning meeting.
Barbara August,
February 1st, 2012
Meeting Start 7 PM End : 8:35 PM
Bill Luther- President/ Frank / Mike V./ Susan/ Lysa/ Cheryl/ Jim/
Erik/ Bill Brown/ Barbara/ Charlie/ Mike Bussell
Posting of the
Newsletter on Facebook had many opinions among the board members.
Erik discussed the newsletter going on
Facebook the month it is published. Susan will take put a RICKA link
on Facebook to it. The current newsletter is on the web.
Nomination of officers is in current
newsletter. Names will be read in March and voted on in April.
Rolling clinic discussion tabled, Cat was absent.
Discussed any interest in Wilderness First Aid
classes. If no interest consider taking a year off. Erik will
talk to Mike Rock about Whitewater classes and Flatwater classes
will be organized this year.
Used equipment sale needs to be checked into.
It will be tabled until the next meeting. Erik will try and
contact people who published article to get info.
Grants will be tabled until next meeting, Cat was
Was suggested that RICKA join American Whitewater
Jim discussed giving door prizes at the general
meetings. This will start February meeting.
Board members are encouraged
to put their bio’s in the newsletter.
Cheryl will add contact for bio’s on the web site.
Logo design discussed. Discussed making a
trip leader Volunteer T-Shirt .This will be discussed at the March
meeting, along with the picnic.
Susan discussed the combination of the membership
and fiscal year of RICKA. Jim felt that it did not need to be
done now.
Susan will contact AJ about the revision of the
Erik for April,
Jim will discuss wilderness paddling in May.
Charlie discussed Treasurer’s report.
Barbara August,
January 4, 2012
Meeting Start 7 PM End : 8:41 PM
Bill Luther President /Erik / Cheryl / Mike /Andy /Jim /Tom / Susan
/ AJ /Charlie / Cat /Barbara / Alan
Bill brought up the treasury balance of $2,200.00
. Reports from the treasurer confirmed it. This was due to the picnic
and web site renewals.
The balance in the treasury will go up when member
renewals come in. Charlie Larocque will be stepping down in a year.
Budgets for training need to be submitted to the
executive board at least three months ahead. The budgets should include
a proposal of what will be done.
Consideration of the budgets will be held back
until renewal money comes to the treasury.
Cat will look into cold water training for beginners.
Charitable donations from last year were
discussed. Bill wants to delegate this to someone else.
Cat will coordinate this in March. The information
will be posted in the newsletter.
The nominating committee for 2012 will be headed by Erik.
Ways to welcome new members and renewals was
discussed. Jim brought up a small $1.00 First Aid kit as a small gift to
new members.
A motion was made and passed to give Jim $50 to
buy these kits.
Status of Pay Pal was discussed. All is up and functional. Cat will be
able to use it for the Rolling Clinic.
Alan August was given the Member at Large position.
Meetings to
finish the By-Laws were discussed. It was estimated that it would take
3-4 hours to finish. AJ stated that it is 50% finished; he will contact
Bill Hahn to see what he wishes to do. The meeting will be kept separate
from a regular executive board meeting and will follow Roberts Rules of
Order. Place and time for meeting will be announced.
New Business:
Cat will draft a thank you letter to Friends of
Blackstone and Frank Matta after the Rolling Clinic.
Jim proposed motion to give him a 1 yr. honorary
membership.. motion made and passed by all.
Jim brought up multi-year memberships as another way to renew. He will
send proposal to the board.
Alan will contact Chick Noreau to create a 35 yr.
anniversary design. He is authorized to pay him $300.00.
Motion was made and passed by all. It was decided
to see if there was any interest in basic flatwater canoe instruction
Barbara asked for postage stamp money- $195.00
Charlie read his
treasurer’s reports as posted on the RICKA board web site.