Minutes 2025

Rhode Island Canoe and Kayak Association

February 5, 2025 RICKA Board Meeting 

Held via Zoom videoconferencing 


Present: Skye Pechie, Steven Pechie, Erik Eckilson, Deb Britt, Jen Stanton, Frank Cortesa, Sharon Dragon, Peter Hill, Paul Leclerc, Cheryl Thompson, Pat Lardner, and Richard Coupland 


Meeting called to Order at 7:03 by Erik 

Approval of Executive Board Meeting minutes from January 2025:

There was a motion made by Steve, seconded by Jen, and there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Approval of treasurer's report:

Tabled until next month due to difficulty with the file itself


Old Business:    

 Pool Sessions: Rich said these are going smoothly and have been well attended. There are ten participants plus alternates signed up for the next two.

Website/Newsletter design Erik said we will have to figure this out 

 RICKA Wilderness patch, other swag? - Danny was not present 

Preventing spam emails - Erik said we have gotten a new round of these  and there was discussion on ways this could be fixed. It was decided that we would start by removing email addresses and phone numbers from the Paddler, except for one contact person and contacts for paddles and events

Ongoing Updates

 Practice Groups Cheryl said that the Flatwater/Paddle Club planning meeting is April 12. Rich said that the Sea Kayak planning meeting is at Jon Sharlin's house on May 3. Erik asked about hosting 2-star training Rich said that this may happen in future years, and perhaps we would have more rescue practice such as one we have had in Weekapaug Pond. Paul said that dam releases are coming and he'd like to put up whitewater trips. Erik said that he and Chuck went to a wilderness tripping seminar in NH run by AMC, and it was valuable

Membership Gary sent an emailed report including 212 members through November with 116 joint BVPC/RICKA

New Business: 

Upcoming Member Meetings

 February - Deb said that the speaker is set, and Erik said this would be publicized and open to the public

 March: Erik said this was to be an introduction to RICKA, and Pat said the West Greenwich Community Center was not going to work for an in-person meeting. Erik said the Kayak Centre hadn't replied to an email about doing it there, and so we could postpone this to when people are thinking more about starting to paddle anyway. We will aim for May 19 and will not have a March general membership meeting

 April  Spring Soiree - Sharon said she would call them for the date of Thursday, April 10.

Open discussion:

Erik adjourned the meeting after a motion made by Steve and seconded by Jen, and a unanimous vote, at 19:36

Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie 

Rhode Island Canoe and Kayak Association

January 8, 2025 RICKA Board Meeting 

Held via Zoom videoconferencing 


Present: Skye Pechie, Steven Pechie, Erik Eckilson, Deb Britt, Jen Stanton, Frank Cortesa, Sharon Dragon, Brenda Rashleigh, Pat Lardner, Tim Gleason, and Richard Coupland


Meeting called to Order at 7:02 by Erik


Approval of Executive Board Meeting minutes from November:

There was a motion made by Steve, seconded by Sharon, and there was a unanimous vote to approve.

 Approval of treasurer's report from November/December:

There was a motion made by Steve, seconded by Sharon, and there was a unanimous vote to approve.


Old Business:    


Paypal account reset - Frank said he hasn't achieved this.

Pool Sessions Rich said the contract is in place, the first session of four is coming this weekend. He believes all sessions will be full. There was discussion about the cost and other pool options for future years.

Website/Newsletter design compatibility with mobile devices, ease of use - Erik said he will schedule a session for this discussion 

RICKA Wilderness patch, other swag? - Danny was not present 

 Preventing spam emails - Erik said we keep getting these and there was discussion about risks and if there is anything that can be done without removing all email addresses. 

Ongoing Updates


Practice GroupFlatwater/Paddle Club, Sea Kayak, Whitewater, Wilderness - nothing to report 

Membership Gary emailed a report including that there were 212 members through November with 116 joint BVPC/RICKA.

New Business:


Monthly Executive Board Meeting best night for meetings - Erik said there are some conflicts with Wednesday and asked if there is input. Frank suggested a poll for the board members to weigh in.

Plans to 2025 - Erik asked if anyone has suggestions for anything.


Upcoming Member Meetings


January - Jonathan Malone on his wilderness adventures - it was decided to reschedule this because it wasn't yet advertised. Rich suggested that we do this in March, in person, and use it as a membership recruitment opportunity, having someone present for each practice group. Pat said she would check on the West Greenwich Community Center's availability. 

April Spring Soiree - Jen said Chelo's in Warwick worked out well last year. Sharon offered to call them and Thursday, April 10 was chosen as the date.


Open discussion:

Brenda said that she and Tim are now certified as BC coaches and will be providing leadership training. Tim said that the 4 star leadership training would cover leading the majority of our trips and that they have reached out to some candidates to provide this free of charge. Erik asked if it was open to others and Tim said yes, depending on meeting the required conditions. Rich asked if there would be certifications and Brenda said they were not assessors, and so people would need to be assessed elsewhere if they wanted to do so. Rich asked for photos to be taken during this in hopes of motivating people.


Steve proposed changing who is responsible for ACA paperwork, since he is at work without the ability to contact ACA during the day. He said he is functioning as the middleman and has done the best he can, but believes it should be transferred to another person as the ACA representative. Erik said he would be happy to take this on, and Rich said he would work with him to send the scanned releases and the like. Rich asked for a summary of the tasks Steve does and he agreed to send this to him and Erik. Steve said he would inform the ACA of Erik being their new contact. 

Erik adjourned the meeting after a motion made by Steve and seconded by Frank, and a unanimous vote, at 19:48

Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie

