Minutes 2022 

Rhode Island Canoe and Kayak Association

December 19, 2022 Special RICKA Board Meeting 

Held via Zoom videoconferencing 

Present: Skye Pechie, Richard Coupland, Sharon Dragon, Steven Pechie, Pat Lardner, Eric Eckilson, Peter Hill, Deb Britt, Brenda Rashleigh, Cheryl Thompson & Daniel O'Shea  

Meeting called to Order at 7:00 by Danny

Danny announced that the meeting was being held to discussed the banking issue that was shared recently. He asked Sharon to summarize what is going on, and she said that she had shared everything she knew in emails to the board.

Danny asked how much money we had, and Sharon said $500 is in PayPal, and that the thieves took all of our money. She went into the account 12/10 and found that we had a negative number across the top. The account is at -$500. The bank then charged us overdraft fees. She said that about $30, then about $800, then about $1200 and so on were spent at Amazon starting in late November. 

Rich asked whether the debit card has a credit card logo on it and Sharon said she did not have it in front of her. Pat said that this is relevant because we should be mostly protected by Visa or Mastercard, as long as it was reported in time, and she wonders why Citizens is taking so long to return a clear cut answer. Sharon said she reported it as soon as she saw the charges, and Citizens canceled the card, and asked her questions such as whether she knew who did it and if she had the card. They told her they would get back to her in 7-10 days. 

Pat asked about notifications to alert to us possible fraud, and Sharon said that she did get a text that she missed. Sharon said that because all of our money was in checking, we were vulnerable to this, and she would like to see us open a savings account. She said that we use the debit card to deposit checks. Skye said that she does this with a savings account and app. Pat asked if we had a police report, because she would if it was her personal money, and that it might help - also that we might need to contact the attorney general's office if Citizens is not getting back to us. Sharon said she tried to contact Citizens on Friday, but they did not have any information for her. 

Rich said that we will receive a new debit card, but without money in it, it does not do us much good. 

Danny asked if any bills are coming up - Cheryl said that the websites are paid for, other than the sea kayaking website. Rich said he wants to be sure we don't put more money into the affected account, because we will then put that towards the owed balance. Sharon said that anything for membership would stay in PayPal for now. Rich suggested that we use the PayPal balance for anything needed for now.

Pat asked how many debit cards are out there. Cheryl said she has one, and Sharon said that Gary previously had one but she did not know if he still did. Sharon said it was confirmed that the card was hacked versus one of the physical cards.

Rich recommended that we send an email announcing the hacking problem, and that we need to hold off on final rolling clinic scheduling until it is resolved. If we get the money. Rich said he would not endorse "scraping the bottom of the barrel" to pay for the pool sessions if we do not recover. There was discussion about having people pay $25 for the sessions - we could have them pay at the pool session and put that money in PayPal later. The total for all 4 sessions is $896, plus a couple of hundred dollars for insurance.

Brenda suggested we do 3 sessions instead of 4, since people may not attend as many if they are charged. Rich said he has the contract ready to sign, and it does not need to be done until the middle of January. There was discussion on waiting until the board meeting. Sharon said she would keep us all updated on anything that occurred going forward and that we should be hearing from Citizens. Rich said he would send an email saying that we are working through contract issues with the pool sessions, and announce tentative session dates. He requested that this be posted on the website as well - Cheryl said she would post it tomorrow. Peter proposed that we keep in touch via email until the next scheduled meeting. Brenda asked that if we got the money back, the pool sessions would go on as planned, and was told yes. It is if we do not that we will have to revisit the idea.

Danny asked if Sharon was opposed to making a police report, and Sharon said no - Pat offered to help with this. Sharon said she would call Hopkinton Police tomorrow. Steve suggested that she contact state police as they have a financial crimes division. Deb asked whether the bank account itself is compromised - Sharon said she did not know and Deb encouraged her to check with the bank.

Meeting adjourned at 19:44

Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie


Rhode Island Canoe and Kayak Association

November 2nd, 2022 RICKA Board Meeting 

Held via Zoom videoconferencing  


Present: Frank Cortesa, Skye Pechie, Richard Coupland, Sharon Dragon, Steven Pechie, Pat Lardner, Jen Stanton, Brenda Rashleigh, Paul Leclerc, Erik Eckilson, Ron Entringer, Peter Hill, Deb Britt, & Daniel O'Shea 


Meeting called to Order at 7:00 by Frank


Approval of minutes from October 2022 

There was a motion made by Steve, seconded by Sharon, and there was a unanimous vote to approve


Approval of the treasurer's report from September 2022

There was a motion made by Steve, seconded by Danny, and there was a unanimous vote to approve

Ongoing Updates:

Membership - Frank gave a report including that we have 252 members, 116 of them also being BVPC members

Conversation - Pat discussed available grants from WPWSR, shared via WPWA, and what others have done with these grants

Old Business:

New Business:

 Movie night: Erik said we have 9 members contributing movies for movie night so far. Richard mentioned having Greg Paquin make a video about Autumn Gales, and Jon Sharlin may also provide pictures from his collection.

 Rolling clinics: Rich outlined challenges getting answers from YMCA, and we expect increased costs. Rich would like to have 4 sessions this year. There was discussion about charging participants who don't have individual ACA memberships or potential of charging to defray more of the cost of running the sessions. Frank made a motion to fund for 4 pool sessions costing up to $1200, seconded by Erik, and there was a unanimous vote. There was discussion of collecting ACA membership information and encouraging people to fill the waivers with their ACA number out ahead of time. Steve made a motion to cover insurance for non-individual-ACA members up to $400; Jen seconded it and there was a unanimous vote.

RICKA Promotion of PFD usage - Rich said he is working with Gary on a PFD-promoting phrase to be printed on the back of the next batch of our business cards. Steve said he is writing up an article with safety education to be sent to local newspapers and has reached out to Coast Guard Auxiliary officers asking for ways we can partner with them. Rich suggested more rescue practice for both sea kayakers and flatwater and asked about getting a group discount on classes. There was discussion on having an introductory class on paddling. We then talked about how this relates to promoting the club and using the Facebook page.

PO Box Access  Frank asked about this and Sharon said that the membership chair has the keys. It can be changed, and costs about $60 a year, so could be moved to a post office close to whoever is picking up the checks.

Open discussion

Sharon said that she set up Venmo for the club, and we can use this to reimburse expenses. Steve wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and happy December holidays, and a fabulous and safe cold weather paddling season. Brenda said that there may be a navigation session at a library.

A motion to adjourn was made by Steve, seconded by Brenda, and there was a unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 20:05


Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie


Rhode Island Canoe and Kayak Association

October 5, 2022 RICKA Board Meeting 

Held via Zoom videoconferencing 


Present: Frank Cortesa, Skye Pechie, Richard Coupland, Sharon Dragon, Steven Pechie, Cheryl Thompson, Pat Lardner, Jen Stanton, Chuck Horbert, Ron Entringer, Brenda Rashleigh, Deb Britt, Gary Powers, and Peter Hill


Meeting called to Order at 7:00 by Frank


Approval of minutes from August 2022 (no meeting in September)

There was a motion made by Steven, seconded by Frank, and there was a unanimous vote to approve


Approval of the treasurer's report from August 2022

There was a motion made by Skye, seconded by Frank, and there was a unanimous vote to approve

Ongoing Updates:

By-laws discussion: Frank said that the process is going smoothly

Trails advisory - Frank is interested in water trails as part of this; can we make improvements? He will discuss this with Danny.

Membership report – Frank said Gary will update us later in the meeting

Zap the Blackstone – Gary - will revisit later in the meeting

Conservation – Ron and Pat - Pat said that the only business she knows of is ZAP

Old Business: 

 Picnic: Sharon said that things went pretty well and thanked everyone for their contributions. She suggested that we consider going back to a platter or buffet so there is no issue with what was ordered individually vs. what is issued to people.

Movie night: Frank asked if this was scheduled - it was not. He asked for the board's feelings on doing this in person versus Zoom. Several people offered input. It was decided to do this year's on Zoom. Pat made a motion to this effect; Steve seconded it and there was a unanimous vote. It will be on November 15. Frank designated Erik to spearhead this effort.

 Streamlined membership process: Gary said it is fully integrated into the website and was tested. Sharon asked about making deposits and Gary said that he would continue doing this through the remainder of the year. Sharon said that we need to find someone to get checks from memberships, sort how many are BVPC, and deposit them if he does not continue. There was discussion about payment being retroactively approved. Gary said that everyone will be checked, and anyone who has not paid will no longer be a member. Gary offered to have another review of the features of the system for anyone interested - he said everyone on the board was given an opportunity to test the system. Jen asked about a separate person collecting checks - they would have to be in communication with the membership person if not one and the same. Frank offered a separate review of this process outside the board meeting, in the future, focused on just this issue.

Membership: Gary gave a report including details on BVPC and averages. We have slightly more than last year.

Zap the Blackstone: Gary said that RICKA got lots of attention, and we were listed on the ZAP website. Gary and Ron were featured in the Woonsocket Call, Chuck and Cindy were on PBS, and lots of politicians came by. Gary said 535 pounds of debris were picked up and we could have picked up tons more. Ron said Gary did a great job coordinating. Eighteen members signed up and 4 did not show(these were canoes).

New Business:

Annual Picnic – covered above

November Movie night discussion – covered above

       Banking Updates - Sharon updated the board on progress getting together with Andy, to get her the ability to write checks and transition from his being on the account. If we use the President as the second person on the account, we could be changing this every two years. Cheryl agreed to be the second person. Sharon said that more suggestions are welcome - perhaps we should add another person to the account. There was further discussion about checks and access to the account. 

Upcoming General Meetings

        October - Chuck to present - via Zoom on October 18

November - Movie Night - via Zoom November 15

Open discussion

Steve said that the ACA notified us that they changed their insurance carrier, and so our membership is extended and now expires 2/1/2023. The cost is $125 a year. 

Pat mentioned the recent kayaker drowning and whether there is anything we can do to promote safety. Chuck said that will be one of his first slides during his presentation. Jen asked whether we have ever taken out an ad in a publication to serve a combined purpose of safety and promoting membership. Chuck said we ordered keychains in the shape of PFDs. He also said that the US Coast Guard Auxiliary is always looking for opportunities for outreach. Steve suggested that we write and submit articles to local newspapers, or letters to the editor. He also said we could establish a relationship with the USCG Auxiliary for this purpose. Rich said we could make up something with safety information, and information on the club, that could be left at boat launches.

Rich also mentioned that Brenda had requested to transition her role as sea kayak chair to him. Brenda will continue as a member at large. Steve made a motion to this effect, Skye seconded it and there was a unanimous vote.

A motion to adjourn was made by Pat and seconded by Steve followed by a unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 20:10


Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie


Rhode Island Canoe and Kayak Association

August 3, 2022 RICKA Board Meeting 

Held via Zoom videoconferencing 

Present: Frank Cortesa, Skye Pechie, Danny O'Shea, Sharon Dragon, Steven Pechie, Cheryl Thompson, Gary Powers, Pat Lardner, Erik Eckilson, Jen Stanton, Sean Murphy, Ron Entringer, and Peter Hill 

Meeting called to Order at 7:00 by Danny  

Approval of minutes from July 2022

There was a motion made by Steven, seconded by Danny, and there was a unanimous vote to approve 

The treasurer's report will be tabled until next month 

Old Business: 

      By-laws discussion: Erik said this will be announced at the picnic, posted in the September and October Paddler, and read at the following meeting 

     Errant paddler issue: seems to be solved for now, will revisit if needed 

     Flatwater safety training: Erik said it was well received and successful - we may do an open night for practices at Stump Pond in the future. A few new BVPC paddlers attended.

 Expedition 2022: Frank put some links in the Paddler and invited members to participate in any section. Experienced paddlers are needed to shepherd the public segment from Festival Pier. He is putting together a summary of where and when each paddle is. 

 Membership: Gary gave a report including that we have 244 paid members, 1/4 of which are paying by check. Many of those paying by check are members with an additional adult on their membership.

  45th Anniversary: Erik said we will have cake for the anniversary as well as carabiners 

  Picnic: Peter said we are all set.

 Zap the Blackstone: Gary we do not have a lot of signups yet, and we were invited to set up a tent at Slater Mill on September 10 for the celebration. Pat said she has the banner. Frank said that RICKA is also welcome to set up a table at some of the Expedition 2022 events. There was discussion about a flyer/brochure to have available.


 Conservation: Pat did not know of anything.

New Business:

Streamlined membership process: Gary presented a slideshow on current and proposed practices, including that he created a membership email for the club, to be passed on to whoever is the current chair. Sharon apologized to Gary for making an incorrect assumption about picnic checks being handled by the membership chair due to their being sent to the PO Box. She gave background on checks being a membership chair responsibility. There was discussion about handing checks and PO Box duties. Jen offered to visit the PO Box for Gary in the short term.

Trails Advisory Committee: Danny said this is a DEM grant program and it met this week, voting on bike path improvements. He invited ideas for small grants for water trails, handicapped access, etc. We would contribute some of the cost.

Meetings: August is Upper Pawtuxet, September is effectively the picnic. Ideas for October programs are welcome. 

Open discussion: 

Erik asked that we look over the Paddler before he sends it out. 

Motion to adjourn made by Steven and seconded by Peter followed by a unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 20:03 

Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie 


Rhode Island Canoe and Kayak Association

July 6, 2022 RICKA Board Meeting 

Held via Zoom videoconferencing 


Present: Skye Pechie, Deb Britt, Danny O'Shea, Sharon Dragon, Brenda Rashleigh, Steven Pechie, Chuck Horbert, Gary Powers, Erik Eckilson, and Peter Hill


Meeting called to Order at 7:00 by Danny 


Approval of minutes from June 2022

There was a motion made by Sharon, seconded by Steve, and there was a unanimous vote to approve


Approval of treasurer's report from May 2022 - motion made by Skye, seconded by Steve, and there was a unanimous vote to approve

Old Business: 

       Insurance coverage: Steve said he, Frank, Cheryl, and Erik had a discussion via email and agreed that the level of insurance we have as a club is higher than an individual would receive, yet lower than a professional guide service. He also talked with our ACA representative. We need to have the additional ACA insurance for special events (ie  rolling clinics, flatwater training) or when required by venues (ie picnic). If we were to upgrade this coverage, it would require such things as having only certified guides leading our trips.

       Errant paddler issue: Danny said he has seen improvement in this area partly thanks to Steve's safety talk. Steve said he put a reminder in the Paddler regarding this as well. Danny had a different issue with an elderly paddler (who requires assistance getting into and out of their boat) wanting to paddle alone on the same route, after not being able to paddle with the group. This person was told not to do so due to high wind in addition to the usual safety concerns. This person was not barred from paddling in the future but thought Danny had done so. Steve said that we should also consider body mechanics of assisting someone into and out of their boats, and the risk of injury to those helping. Peter cautioned against deciding who can or can't paddle - participants are supposed to judge their ability to participate. Deb related a story where this person had to be towed for 3/4 of the trip. Brenda that the higher level sea kayak trip they use an RSVP system, so the leader can have conversations with those interested

        By-laws discussion: Erik said this will be announced at the picnic, posted in the August and September Paddler, and read at the October meeting 

Flatwater safety training: Erik said that we have 9 people signed up and he and Bill will follow the same format as previous events

        Meetings: July is 100 Acre Cove, August is Upper Pawtuxet

       Membership: Gary gave a report including that we have 227 paid members, which is better than average

        45th Anniversary: Erik said he had nothing to report. Sharon that just a cake and special carabiners would suffice. The carabiners are around $1 a piece depending on how many we order. She recommended we get 250 - Chuck made a motion that we purchase 250 45th anniversary carabiners and distribute them to the members. Erik seconded them. There was a unanimous vote

       Picnic: Peter said we are all set. Sharon said we got Pranzi like last year. Roast beef, turkey, and vegan, all on Italian bread with gluten free available for all. There is also pasta salad which is also offered regular and gluten free. It is $15.50 per person They also offer a sheet cake which is additional. Sharon proposed that RICKA buy the cake. 

       Zap the Blackstone: Gary that the write up is connected to the main, BVPC, and flatwater pages. The river has been cleared for contact for now. If this changes, we will change sites to the Gorge. Gary would like to have people sign up so he can prepare the teams. 

New Business:

Open discussion: Gary brought up the spoof emails that look like they come from the President. Someone complained about receiving one. Gary asked if there was anything we could do. Gary suggested we send out notices to members that this could happen. Deb said she would like her phone number and email off the main page of the website and Peter agreed. Skye suggested that we all have them removed, since it is the president who gets spoofed.

Motion to adjourn made by Peter and seconded by Steve followed by a unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 19:56


Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie



Rhode Island Canoe and Kayak Association

June 1, 2022 RICKA Board Meeting 

Held via Zoom videoconferencing 


Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Richard Coupland, Ron Entringer, Paul Leclerc, Erik Eckilson,

 Cheryl Thompson, Jen Stanton, Gary Powers, Sharon Dragon, Frank Cortesa, Bill Luther, Brenda Rashleigh,

and Steven Pechie


Meeting called to Order at 7:00 by Frank


Approval of minutes from May 2022

There was a motion made by Steve, seconded by Danny, and there was a unanimous vote to approve.


Approval of treasurer's report from April 2022 - motion made by Danny, seconded by Skye,

and there was a unanimous vote to approve

Old Business: 

       Insurance coverage: to be tabled to the end of the meeting

       Errant paddler issue: Pat said that Deb gave a great safety speech on Saturday, and one of the

paddlers in question behaved perfectly. We will reiterate this piece of the safety speech in the future.

       By-laws discussion: Frank brought up the concern the sea kayakers had about wording. There was

 discussion about semantics and the process of changing the bylaws. Peter said he thought the term "coastal cruising"

was archaic. Jen suggested we put it in the Paddler and state that there would be a vote when enough members were

present to vote. Steve suggested we post it in the August and September paddler, read the proposed change at the

 August meeting on the water, and vote at the picnic. Cheryl said we might as well change the flatwater nomenclature

as well. Steve made a motion that we propose change the name "coastal cruising" to "sea kayaking" and the name of

"flatwater cruising" to "flatwater", publish changes in the August paddler, announce this at the August meeting on the

water, publish again in the September paddler, and vote at the picnic. Frank seconded this motion and there was a unanimous vote.

       Membership: Gary gave a report including that we have 200 members, and that he will put out another renewal reminder shortly

        45th Anniversary: Erik said he has not done anything yet. There was discussion regarding whether something should

 be done, and if so, what. Peter said he would look into water bottles. Erik suggested a cake and getting past presidents to attend,

waiving the cost of the picnic for them. 

       Picnic: Peter said he needed to check on the nonprofit paperwork being accepted but that we were otherwise all set.

       Zap the Blackstone : Gary said a site was chosen(Central Falls Landing) and he needs to scout it to be sure it needs cleaning. 

New Business:

Flatwater safety training: Erik said that we have always purchased the ACA insurance for this event, and the ACA fee

for non-members was passed on to the participants. It is now $10 so would be capped at $250 for the maximum 25 participants.

Sharon made a motion to cover the ACA fee for the flatwater training. Pat seconded it and there was a unanimous vote.

Cheryl said thank you to Erik and Bill for doing this training again. 

Expedition 2022: Frank said that this trip re-enacts a 2000 trip down most of the Blackstone. It will be August 12-15.

The organizers are looking for sponsorship. There will be some camping and some traveling home each night. There was

discussion on the navigability of the river and the sections that could be paddles.

Open discussion: Ron discussed the Land Water Summit, a multi day event for improvement and protection of the environment.

He would like to help to publicize this including to put it on the Conservation page. He also mentioned a water chestnut pulling training on July 16 as well as a pull in Lonsdale Marsh.

Insurance: Frank suggested forming a subgroup to research the answers to the questions brought up last month.

He asked Steve, Cheryl, and Erik, and said he would participate himself.

Motion to adjourn made by Steve and seconded by Peter followed by a unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 19:56


Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie


Rhode Island Canoe and Kayak Association- May 4, 2022 RICKA Board Meeting Held via Zoom videoconferencing 


Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Richard Coupland, Danny O'Shea, Cheryl Thompson, Jen Stanton, Peter Hill, Sean Murphy, Sharon Dragon, Frank Cortesa, Brenda Rashleigh, Deb Britt, Gary Powers and Steven Pechie


Meeting called to Order at 7:01 by Frank


Approval of minutes from April 2022

There was a motion made by Steve, seconded by Danny, and there was a unanimous vote to approve.


The treasurer's report for April 2022 will be read next month to get in sync - April report at the June meeting, May at the July meeting, etc.

Old Business: 

Rich said that the pool sessions went well and new people were brought in for each session. The last date had to be moved due to the Y not being open on Easter.

       Peter said that the picnic is booked and we can get a discount for being a nonprofit. Sharon will handle lunch.

New Business:

Conservation: Pat said that RICKA is participating in ZAP on August 27, and all paddlers are encouraged to remove invasive wherever we see them. WPWSR River Days will feature a joint paddle with SNEP on June 26 at Alton Pond. Frank suggested that Ron and Gary coordinate on our participation in ZAP.

By-laws: Frank said he received a concern from the sea kayakers - Cheryl said that Aline Moore mentioned it at the soirée - that "coastal cruise" was a term they would like removed in favor of sea kayaking. Rich and Brenda agreed tonight and recommended a by-laws update. Frank asked that we table it until Erik can work on the bylaws update when he is present.

Insurance: Rich brought up insurance coverage for non-ACA members. Cheryl said that our ACA insurance is only for events - trainings, pool sessions, etc. it does not cover paddles and leaders. Rich asked about having waivers signed at each Paddle. Steve said he did research regarding our status with ACA and described this. It is event by event only, for paddling activities only, and is invoked for each one. Each non-member involved costs $10, a waiver must be filled out, and 30 days' notice is required. This is the type of membership we have as ACA affiliates. Peter said the reason we use this at the rolling clinic is because the venue requires it. Pat said we do use it at picnics when those venues require it. Frank asked for confirmation that we have never had insurance for regular paddles. Cheryl said yes and that we have had a lawyer look into it and it has come up many times. Cheryl said that unless we displayed gross negligence, the lawyer said we are in the clear. Steve said that paddling is an inherently dangerous adventure sport and perhaps we could have a check box on the membership form acknowledging understanding this. Cheryl said that the lawyer said that a waiver would not hold a lot of water. Sharon said that forms are not filled out when people join or renew online. Frank said we could put something on PayPal to require people to acknowledge this. Rich recommended that we add something to membership renewals stating that paddlesports are inherently dangerous and RICKA is a volunteer organization not insured against loss. Non-members would have to sign a form at the paddle. Gary said that even if we are not covered as a group, we may only be liable as a not for profit organization, which may protect the board and only leave the club's finances vulnerable. Frank asked if we should ask for an updated lawyer’s opinion. Peter said that ACA a may be a good resource. Rich asked if we could add $10 to ACA to cover ACA insurance for each member. Steve will run this by our ACA representative. Frank said he will summarize what we have discussed and bring it back to the board. Rich said he would like it to be clear to everyone what is covered and what is not.

Rich brought about the advertisement email from the Y. Frank said that they offered to sell us an ad at their event. The notice is short, for May 10. A discussion about previous advertising ensued. Frank said he would write and politely decline the Y. Frank noted that publicity chair is open.

Spring meetings: Peter said CRMC would present on May 23rd. The June meeting is on the water at Stump Pond. July and August.

Open discussion: Steve said he will ask Erik to add some reminder information to future Paddlers regarding two issues. One is not staying behind the leads and sometimes loading up and leaving the launch. Steve said that everyone needs to know who the lead and sweep are and to stay between them, and to communicate so leaders don’t have people going "missing". Peter said this should be discussed in the safety talk and described the sea kayaker’s practice of "common adventure" versus having a leader per se. Pat mentioned that the listings for each paddle state that the leaders are there to provide direction as a courtesy. Cheryl said this could be changed to "trip coordinator" if desired. Brenda said we may want to bring this to a lawyer as well. There was discussion regarding the leadership of the trip and nomenclature. Sharon said that we could put a reminder in the Paddler. Jen said that good language is on the laminated card that Pat made. Brenda said that something in the Paddler would be a good reminder in addition to safety talks at the launch; she said we may want to discuss potential actions next month relating to issues with rule following and how to deal with them. Cheryl said we could put it on the message boards, as an email blast, and in the Paddler. Rich said it may get to the point where the person who is not following rules needs to be contacted and asked to reconsider in the future. 

Motion to adjourn made by Steve and seconded by Skye followed by a unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 20:28


Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie

April 28 Annual Meeting and election was called to order by Pat at 6:04.

Pat gave a speech and thanked the board, officers, members, and trip leaders. 

Steve Pechie took over as moderator, presented the proposed slate:

President: Frank Cortesa 

Vice President: Danny O'Shea

Secretary: Skye Pechie 

Treasurer: Sharon Dragon

and opened nominations from the floor. Hearing none, he entertained a motion to elect the slate as presented and have the secretary cast one ballot for this slate. Cindy made this motion, Jen seconded it and there was a unanimous vote.


Steve then read the proposed amendment to article VII subsection M regarding adding the wilderness committee as a standing committee and add this to the bylaws. Sharon made a motion to add to article VII subsection M,

Danny seconded it, and there was a unanimous vote.

Rhode Island Canoe and Kayak Association  
February 2, 2022 RICKA Board Meeting 
Held via Zoom videoconferencing 

Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Kassi Donnelly, Elise Torello, Paul Leclerc, Richard Coupland,
Ron Entringer, Gary Powers, Danny O'Shea, Bill Luther, Peter Hill, Sharon Dragon, Jen Stanton,
Erik Eckilson, Sean Murphy, Brenda Rashleigh, Deb Britt, Frank Cortesa, Steven Pechie, and Cheryl Thompson


Meeting called to Order at 7:00 by Pat

There was a presentation by Kassi Donnelly and Elise Torello, of the WPWA, on their interactive water trail map. The board provided feedback and asked questions.


Approval of minutes from January 2022
There was a motion made by Steve, seconded by Danny, and there was a unanimous vote to approve.


Approval of treasurer's reports for October 2021, November 2021, December 2021, & January 2022
There was a motion made by Danny, seconded by Sharon, and there was a unanimous vote to approve.

New Business:
           Nominations: Erik said that the slate will be published in the       Paddler. Sharon has agreed to be on the slate as treasurer.
Erik said the proposed bylaw change discussed last month will be published in the Paddler for 2 months.

Pool practice: Paul proposed we look into having pool practices this year. Rich explained his reasoning for not doing them due to Omicron, but said he would look into having some if time slots are still available for March, April, or May. Sharon said that if the organizer feels comfortable and people want to attend, that is up to them at this point. Deb said that we should see if the Y is available before moving forward, because it gets booked up. Frank asked about the cancelation policy at the Y and Richard said that we converted the payment to a donation - we don’t know whether they would refund us if we canceled. It was left that Richard will see what dates are available and we will publish them in the Paddler. 


Spring Meetings: Pat said she is waiting to hear back from the Kayak Centre about a virtual presentation for March or April

March would normally be the soirée, but we may have it in April at an outdoor venue. There was discussion of restaurants that might be suitable and invited ideas for more

Open discussion: Cheryl asked about making plans for the picnic. Pat asked if we wanted to repeat last year's in North Kingstown and Peter said he would look at tides.

Gary said that Blackstone Valley is interested in having RICKA participate in Zap the Blackstone. He said he will work with Ron and Pat on this
Erik said that this will be our 45th anniversary - maybe it calls for a logo or a giveaway. Brenda suggested we put something in the newsletter about having a logo redesigned 
Motion to adjourned made by Steve and seconded by Frank
Meeting adjourned at 20:13

Rhode Island Canoe and Kayak Association

January 5, 2022 RICKA Board Meeting 

Held via Zoom videoconferencing 

 Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Steve Pechie, Ron Entringer, Peter Hill, Sharon Dragon, Marty O' Loughlin, Gary Powers, Sean Murphy, Brenda Rashleigh, Erik Eckilson, Danny O' Shea, Frank Cortesa, and Cheryl Thompson 

Meeting called to Order at 7:02 by Pat

 Approval of minutes from November 2021

There was a motion made by Steve, seconded by Gary, and there was a unanimous vote to approve.

 Treasurer's report for November 2021

No report, will table until next meeting  

New Business:

 Nominations: Erik said that he and Cheryl have worked hard on the slate - Frank as president, Skye as secretary, Danny as Vice President. Brenda Rashleigh recommended Richard Coupland as member at large, and treasurer is a work in progress. Pat mentioned Jen Stanton and Deb Britt as members at large if they are interested.

Erik proposed a by-law change to add the wilderness committee to the by-laws which requires 2 months of posting the change. He made a motion that we move forward to make the wilderness committee a standing committee. Steve seconded it and there was a unanimous vote.


Pool practice: Brenda said we planned to do 3 indoor sessions this year, but due to COVID we will not be moving forward with it. She mentioned doing a warm season rolling session at Tuckertown Pond.

 Spring Meetings: March would normally be the soirée, but we need to wait on the COVID status. Peter mentioned someone from CRMC as a guest speaker at one of the meetings. April is usually something with the Kayak Centre - perhaps we can do another virtual program. Pat said that the WPWA is working on water trails and wants our board members to look them over when finished - that could be another virtual program. 

Open discussion: Cheryl said that Alan August has racing bibs and wondered if the club would use them in the future. Danny said he would pick them up in case we find a use in the future.


Frank said that Bonnie Combs from Blackstone Valley mentioned watershed-wide cleanup events later this year, one on August 27th. We will add it to our calendar.

 Meeting adjourned at 19:33