Minutes 2021
Rhode Island Canoe and Kayak Association
November 3, 2021 RICKA Board Meeting Held via Zoom videoconferencing
Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Ron Entringer, Peter Hill, Sharon Dragon, Marty O' Loughlin, Bill Luther, Sean Murphy, Erik Eckilson, Richard Coupland, Chuck Horbert, and Cheryl Thompson
Meeting called to Order at 7:00 by Pat
Approval of minutes from October 2021 There was a motion made by Cheryl, seconded by Marty, and there was a unanimous vote to approve.
Treasurer's reports for October 2021 No report, will table until next meeting
New Business:
Pool sessions - Richard discussed hosting 3 sessions totaling $750. He has not contacted the YMCA yet as he wanted to talk with the board first. There was discussion about ACA membership and waivers. Sharon made a motion to approve 3 pool sessions at a cost not to exceed $1000. Skye seconded it and there was a unanimous vote to approve.
Conservation Chair Put-in adoption program - Peter said he would go through the CRMC list to see which would be appropriate for kayaks
Fall Meetings There will be no December EBM or general meeting
November Movie night - we will do a practice run on 11/15 at 7pm with those who submitted videos December Pat - Christmas Paddle - December 4; meet at 11:30 for a 12:10 launch at Town Wharf near Gardners Seafood. RSVP to Pat. Wetsuits or dry suits are required
Open discussion - there was a brief discussion on the AMC's approach to COVID
Motion to adjourn made by Peter and seconded by Chuck - there was a unanimous vote.
Meeting adjourned at 19:35
Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie
October 6, 2021 RICKA Board Meeting Held via Zoom videoconferencing
Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Ron Entringer, Peter Hill, Marty O' Loughlin, Bill Luther, Daniel O'Shea, Sean Murphy, Erik Eckilson, Brenda Rashleigh, Chuck Horbert, and Cheryl Thompson
Meeting called to Order at 7:01 by Pat
Approval of minutes from September 2021 There was a motion made by Marty, seconded by Cheryl and there was a unanimous vote to approve.
Treasurer's reports for August & September 2021 August: There was a motion to approve made by Danny and seconded by Bill, and a unanimous vote to approve September: There was a motion made by Bill and seconded by Danny there was a unanimous vote to approve.
Old Business: There was a recap of the picnic - attendees really liked the location; perhaps we could use some non-gluten free sandwiches in addition to the gluten free. The food was well organized and lunch went smoothly.
New Business: ACA Membership - Bill discussed renewal which is $175. This provides and opportunity for insurance for such activities as rolling clinics. Bill made a motion to renew, Chuck seconded it, and there was a unanimous vote.
Conservation Chair – Put-in adoption program - Peter discussed adopting a CRMC right of way that would be suitable for flatwater and sea kayaking. They can be adopted by more than one entity at a time; once a month, we would ensure it is accessible and perhaps cut back vegetation. Erik asked whether there would be a sign at the site, and Peter thought we would be responsible for putting one up. Brenda suggested we put something in the newsletter about the CRMC GIS system. Peter proposed we have CRMC speak at a meeting in the future.
AIS (Aquatic Invasive Species)– Ron – gave an update on Save the Lakes - they will be running a survey that he would like to have our members participate in. We will help to publicize this on our website and in the newsletter.
Adirondacks - Chuck - Cindy and he will be going to be going to England during the usual early August trip time. He contacted Henry who said he would not be participating. Chuck said he was considering doing an Adirondacks trip in September instead. He would need a co-leader if it was to be a RICKA trip, and may need to limit the size of the group. Discussion ensued about scheduling this.
Fall Meetings
October – Brenda - presentation on Seakayers trip to Norway - the date may not be convenient for Brenda and Tim due to travel. We may move it to October 25. November – Movie night - work on your videos and photos - will discuss more next month December – Pat - Christmas Paddle - will table to next month
Open discussion - Cheryl said that Wallum Lake would normally charge $30 for RI'ers to park, but Bonnie and Suzanne from worked it out that we can park free for the turkey paddle.
Motion to adjourn made by Bill and seconded by Cheryl - there was a unanimous vote.
Meeting adjourned at 20:05
Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie
September 1, 2021 RICKA Board Meeting Held via Zoom videoconferencing Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Peter Hill, Ron Entringer, Marty O' Loughlin, Sharon Dragon, Bill Luther, Daniel O'Shea, Sean Murphy, Erik Eckilson, and Cheryl Thompson Meeting called to Order at 7:00 by Pat Approval of minutes from August 2021 There was a motion made by Bill and seconded by Danny there was a unanimous vote to approve. Treasurer's report for August 2021 To be read in October when received Old Business: None New Business: Conservation Chair Pat - Save Seapowet - Update - Feedback from David Rose, primary intervener or objector to the application. He asked if we know of others that have sent letters or have objections to the proposed Aquaculture Lease site, as they may not be included in the CRMC documents. He can help to get this done. David confirmed that our letter was included in the CRMC documents. AIS (Aquatic Invasive Species)– Pat and Ron – Johnson’s Pond and Reynolds Pond - Ron said that Johnson's Pond was very low when he visited. He went upstream of Zeke's Bridge and didn’t see water chestnut there. He suggested that we check in June, working with the lake association on recognizance and getting an early start on removal. Bill recommended we invite other groups as well. Alzar alumna: Bill Luther - he got a series of emails regarding sending some of their students to us; they have leadership and adventure-based training. Cheryl posted some information on the school on our website. They are based in Idaho. September 25th – Picnic - Pat dropped off the volunteer of the year trophy for engraving and the lucite trophies are in progress (they will feature a canoeist vs. a kayaker depending on recipient). The caterer is set as is the watermelon and cheese. October Brenda - presentation on Seakayers trip to Norway November Movie night - start working on presentations. Erik is happy to help put videos together December Pat - Christmas Paddle - we should be able to paddle regardless of whether they have the Santa festivities Open discussion - Sharon said she would like to purchase a gas fueled heater for use for events such as the Turkey Paddle when held outside. It could be used in the Adirondacks and at other events. It would be around $150. Pat made a motion to spend $300 to get the adapter and propane (unless Sharon finds enough of a deal that she can purchase 2). Marty mentioned Rocket Logs which can be lit and burn from the inside out. They are under $20 and can be extinguished with water. Cheryl said she has a gas heater and would recommend it. Danny seconded the motion. There was a unanimous vote to purchase. COVID update: no changes, masks to be worn on shuttles Peter said there is a put-in at the salt pond that is looking for an organization to adopt it. Peter will get more information on how to do this and what it entails Motion to adjourn made by Peter and seconded by Sharon - there was a unanimous vote. Meeting adjourned at 19:51 Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie
August 4, 2021 RICKA Board Meeting Minutes Held via Zoom videoconferencing Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Peter Hill, Ron Entringer, Marty O' Loughlin, Gary Powers, Bill Luther, Daniel O'Shea, Sean Murphy, Brenda Rashleigh, Erik Eckilson, and Cheryl Thompson Meeting called to Order at 7:00 by Pat Approval of minutes from July 2021 There was a motion made by Danny and seconded by Cheryl there was a unanimous vote to approve. Treasurer's report for June 2021 and July 2021 There was a motion made by Skye and seconded by Bill to approve and there was a unanimous vote to approve Old Business: None New Business: Conservation - Pat said she sent the letters regarding Save Seapowet but has not received a response yet. Fall meetings: September 25 picnic - Pat has sent the list of items to be engraved/personalized October meeting - Brenda said that Tim Gleason will speak about the sea kayaker's trip to Norway November - Movie Night - encourage people to take photos and videos. Erik said he is happy to help to put together slideshows. Christmas paddle - Pat said we would likely paddle in Wickford either way, but hopes that the larger event takes place Danny spoke on the idea of participating in the 2022 Bristol 4th of July parade, with the theme of safety, possibly towing canoes and kayaks on carts, with PFDs, lights, our banner, etc. Pat mentioned using Terry's vehicle with a frame to hold the banner. There was discussion about the patriotic theme, vehicles, participation, and deadlines. Open discussion - Pat asked if anyone thought our COVID rules need to change. Cheryl said that she doesn't feel that we need changes to our protocols yet. There was discussion about vaccination and masks. Motion to adjourn made by Peter and seconded by Danny - there was a unanimous vote. Meeting adjourned at 19:47 July 7, 2021 RICKA Board Meeting Held via Zoom videoconferencing Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Sharon Dragon, Peter Hill, Ron Entringer, Daniel O'Shea, Sean Murphy, Brenda Rashleigh, Erik Eckilson, and Cheryl Thompson Meeting called to Order at 7:00 by Pat Approval of minutes from June 2021 There was a motion made by Cheryl and seconded by Danny there was a unanimous vote to approve. Treasurer's report for June 2021 Not available - will be read next month Old Business: None New Business: Conservation chair - Ron - Ron said that he received a message from Jonathan Sharlin regarding a project -saveseapowet.org is the website - and invited to Brenda to speak on it along with him. Sea kayak chair - Brenda received the same message as Ron suggesting there could be an impact on access. The problem is large aquaculture projects approximately 9’ x 200’; obstruction, environmental impacts, etc. Pat asked if someone could speak at a meeting but Ron thought that the decision making would occur in the next few weeks. Cheryl said she would put a message out on put website and in our newsletter. Erik suggested we could send a letter. He said there was a public notice about a hearing on 3/16/2021. Brenda said she would ask Jonathan for more information. She suggested we submit a comment via saveseapowet.org - information about RICKA, our values, and the fact that we want to be sure the permit considers our values - particularly safety and access. Individual members can also comment. Peter asked if we should donate to the fight. Cheryl said that Jonathan was worried about total loss of access to the waterway - once we have more information, we can consider making a donation. Brenda said the launch is protected and a good place for level 2 trips - she said there is a trip out of there later this month if anyone wants to see it. Fall meetings September 25 picnic - Sharon said that the cost of lunch is $13.50 and asked whether we want to charge the attendees that much or subsidize. Pat made a motion to charge $13.50 for lunch, Danny seconded it, and there was a unanimous vote. Pat will bring watermelon and cheese and Sharon will bring cookies. Erik brought up awards - since we usually alternate sea kayakers and flatwater for volunteer of the year, he asked Brenda if she had any ideas. She suggested Rich Copeland who ran the pool sessions and the consensus was that he was a great idea - Brenda said she’d get back to us within a week if anyone had any others in mind. Pat mentioned giving one to Chuck for his preparedness on wilderness trips, which was also well received. If others have ideas, they should bring them up. Cheryl brought up Jose as a rookie of the year which several agreed with. Erik asked that we put a list of leaders in the Paddler for recognition; Sharon said we could read their names at the picnic October meeting - please think about potential speakers; Brenda someone could present on the 5 sea kayakers’ trip to Norway November - Movie Night Open discussion - Cheryl wanted to recognize Ron for his efforts putting invasive information on paddle descriptions and helping to publicize cleanups Motion to adjourn made by Peter and seconded by Cheryl - there was a unanimous vote. Meeting adjourned at 19:45 Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie June 2, 2021 RICKA Board Meeting Held via Zoom videoconferencing Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Sharon Dragon, Marty O'Loughlin, Peter Hill, Erik Eckilson, Daniel O'Shea, Bill Luther, Frank Cortesa, Sean Murphy, Brenda Rashleigh, and Cheryl Thompson Meeting called to Order at 7:02 by Pat Approval of minutes from May 6, 2021 There was a motion made by Cheryl and seconded by Bill; there was a unanimous vote to approve. Treasurer's report for May 2021 There was a motion made by Skye and seconded by Danny; there was a unanimous vote to approve. Old Business: None New Business: We welcome Brenda Rashleigh as our new sea
kayaking chair. She introduced herself and gave a little background. Spring meetings - June meeting on the water will be held on the Wood River, starting at WPWA, and led by Pat and Danny Sea kayakers' planning meeting will be June 5 at 3pm Open discussion - Pat spoke on RSVPs and brought up using the Meetup system as a pilot if leaders desire(vs. email or message board). You could list something on the message board and still have RSVPs go to Meetup. Cheryl said this has been attempted in the past and a lot of confusion ensued. Erik said he thinks there should be only one way of listing paddles - if we go with Meetups, it should be across the board. Peter said that we may not want to pay for the site. He also brought up membership confusion. Sharon said she does not see the value added. Danny said he likes the idea and that it's easy to see who is going. Brenda said that she has used Meetups in the past but that the sea kayakers message board works fine for their purposes. Pat said that she will not bring this to a vote. New COVID - 19 guidance - The new COVID - 19 guidance from the newsletter: "RICKA continues to recommend that members follow all guidelines with respect to COVID-19. With recent changes in COVID-19 guidelines at the federal, state and local level, this means that masks are no longer required on RICKA trips for fully vaccinated individuals. Masks are still required on RICKA trips for unvaccinated individuals anytime social distancing cannot be maintained. Similar to the guidance for public transportation, we do recommend that everyone wear a mask when riding with others in group shuttle vehicles. RSVP’s will no longer be required for RICKA trips unless requested by the leader. As always, we encourage all members to be
cautious and to continue to exercise good judgment to help prevent the
spread of COVID-19." Pat asked if we should go back to just shuttling with whoever was at the paddle vs. preplanned shuttles, or leave it up to leaders. Skye requested the "recommendation" of wearing a mask during shuttling to be changed to required and the group agreed with this and the remainder of the above quoted change by unanimous show of hands. Executive Board Meetings - Pat Marty asked about the cost of Zoom which is $15 per month. Cheryl said she is not sure REI would accept us. Cheryl said we have better participation on Zoom. Others mentioned not wanting to be in a small room nor driving to and from. Sharon said it's even good for the environment. We will continue on Zoom for now. Motion to adjourn made by Danny and seconded by Frank - there was a unanimous vote. Meeting adjourned at 20:01 Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie May 5, 2021 RICKA Board Meeting Held via Zoom videoconferencing Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Sharon Dragon, Marty O'Loughlin, Peter Hill, Erik Eckilson, Daniel O'Shea, Bill Luther, Ron Entringer, Frank Cortesa, and Cheryl Thompson Meeting called to Order at 7:02 by Pat Approval of minutes from April 7, 2021 There was a motion made by Sharon and seconded by Danny; there was a unanimous vote to approve. Treasurer's report for March 2021 There was a motion made by Cheryl and
seconded by Sharon; there was a unanimous vote to approve. There was a motion made by Bill and seconded by Erik; there was a unanimous vote to approve. Old Business: Peter Hill wanted to clarify that the building where the picnic is being held is not called the Wickford Community Center and is not in Wickford but is in North Kingstown New Business: May Meeting 17th, 7:00 PM on Zoom Update by Pat -Gabby DeMeillon and Mary Gannon from DEM will provide a presentation on Reptiles and Amphibians and the impact of wildlife disease and sanitizing equipment. Description of meeting has been submitted to Erik for our newsletter. June meeting on the water will be led by Pat on the Wood River Conservation Chair - Update - Save the Lakes Pat: Check has been mailed to Judy Colaluca. Judy thanked us for the donation and will use $50.00 towards their membership. Annual Picnic Sharon said that Fireworks was still interested in catering for us special diets discussed. Pat will bring the cheese. September 25, Saturday. We reserved the North Kingstown Town Beach Community Center from 9 am - 5 pm. Pat said that people have requested more instruction on when to wear masks. Cheryl read what was written in the flatwater trips. The website also mentions and links to current state guidelines. Peter said that Carleen suggested we only allow vaccinated people to attend, and that he believes we should be clear in our mask statement. Frank mentioned that state guidelines can change and suggested that we mention to check back before the trip to see if there have been changes. Sharon mentioned that requiring vaccination would put the leaders in the position of policing such and it would be uncomfortable. Bill brought up that people could bring kids who are too young to be vaccinated. After a discussion, and a unanimous vote, it was decided that we will not make changes to our standpoint on mask wearing at this time but that this could be updated in future months. Sharon said that she received the debit card from the bank, but couldn't activate it because she does not have signing writes. The address listed with the state is Pat's address and we cannot change the bank address unless the state listed address is changed. Sharon requested permission to change the state listed address to her house. No one voiced concern about this. Sharon also mentioned that PayPal is in the name of a previous member and we don't know how to get a hold of him. If something were to go wrong, we would be up a creek without a paddle. Sharon suggested we could open a new PayPal account. Sharon could unlink the checking from PayPal as well. Sharon asked if anyone would like to open the PayPal account but she is happy do so as the membership chair. No one voiced concern about this nor interest in hosting the PayPal account. Motion to adjourn made by Peter and seconded by Erik - there was a unanimous vote. Meeting adjourned at 19:58 Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie April 7, 2021 RICKA Board Meeting- Held via Zoom videoconferencing Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Sharon Dragon, Marty O'Loughlin, Peter Hill, Erik Eckilson, Daniel O'Shea, Bill Luther, Ron Entringer, and Cheryl Thompson Meeting called to Order at 7:03 by Pat Approval of minutes from March 3, 2021 There was a motion made by Sharon and seconded by Danny; there was a unanimous vote to approve. The treasurers' report was not available by the time of the meeting and will be tabled Old Business: Pat was thanked for her nice thank you letter to Narrow River Kayaks New Business: Ron Entringer gave a Conservation update. He proposed that leaders check the DEM website for what is in the water for each paddle - being cautious to prevent issues in pristine waters and to avoid taking problems out of waters where they already exist. We may add this link. Cheryl asked if he could write a paragraph for each problem so that leaders could add it to their trip write up. Pat proposed that we donate $100 to Save the Lakes for Aquatic Invasive Species. Danny made a motion that we donate $100 to Save the Lakes for Aquatic Invasive Species. Peter mentioned that we could consider also doing this for Save the Bay. Cheryl seconded the motion. It passed with one abstention, one opposed, and 8 in favor Peter mentioned that we should try to balance flatwater, sea kayaking, and whitewater issues. Pat invited Peter to encourage more sea kayakers to join the board. Danny gave an update on the Trail Advisory Council. There have been grants relevant to paddle sports available and there will be in the future. April Meeting - Kayak Center virtual demo day - all set May Meeting Pat - Gabby DeMeillon and Mary Gannon from DEM will provide a presentation on Reptiles and Amphibians and the impact of wildlife disease and sanitizing equipment. Erik's Flatwater leadership training is this Friday night at 7pm on Zoom Flat Water Planning Meeting - Cheryl Kent Pavilion in Chepachet Walkie Talkies to be distributed, Cheryl has a list of recipients. Pat has Wild & Scenic Rivers hats and water bottles with stickers on them. You can fill them with bleach to wash your boat, or alcohol gel for washing your hands. Finally, spring colored masks Pat has sewn fresh. Cheryl said bringing chairs would be wise. Peter has helped us to secure the Wickford Beach Community Center and beach for our picnic on 9/25. Sharon asked whether we could plan ahead for flatwater paddlers, since they may need to launch somewhere else depending on conditions. Cheryl said it may be safer to just plan a trip from Wilson Park for the less experienced or those with shorter boats. Catering was also discussed, in particular, accommodating dietary needs. Cheryl said that BVPC had their meeting on 4/3 and has 17 trips on their calendar along with the approval of the park service Pat said that WPWA is having an Earth Day cleanup on 4/24 from 9-12- she will know soon how large it will be and whether all of RICKA can attend Motion to adjourn made by Bill and seconded by Peter - there was a unanimous vote. Meeting adjourned at 19:58 Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie March 3, 2021 RICKA Board Meeting Held via Zoom videoconferencing Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Sharon Dragon, Marty O'Loughlin, Peter Hill, Ron Entringer, Chuck Horbert, Erik Eckilson, Daniel O'Shea, Gary Powers, Carleen McOsker, and Cheryl Thompson Meeting called to Order at 7:00 by Pat Approval of minutes from February 6, 2021 There was a motion made by Marty and seconded by Cheryl; there was a unanimous vote to approve. Approval of treasurer's reports for February, 6, 2021: There was a motion made by Danny and seconded by Sharon; there was a unanimous vote to approve. Old Business: none New Business: Pat introduced Ron Entringer who will be the new Co-Chair for Conservation and Member at Large. He gave some information on his background and vision. Sharon said we got a $250 financial donation from Narrow River Kayaks. There was discussion on what could be done with it - perhaps safety signage on the Narrow River or other education March Meeting: Review Communications for invitations - Invasive Plants in RI Waterways - Katie DeGoosh-DiMarzio, Environmental Analyst with DEM's Office of Water Resources. Pat has invited WPWSR Council member along with WGCC. There are about 22 attending so far. April Meeting: Review Communication - Pat Kayak Center virtual demo day May Meeting Update Pat - Gabby DeMeillon and Mary Gannon from DEM will provide a presentation on Reptiles and Amphibians and the impact of wildlife disease and sanitizing equipment. Flat Water Planning Meeting- Update - Cheryl Kent Pavilion in Chepachet – Walkie Talkies to be distributed, Cheryl has a list of recipients. Sea Kayakers Planning Meeting Updates - Carleen - this will be in May Cheryl gave an update on BVPC - she said that Suzanne confirmed the Corridor's insurance will cover us and we have 17 leaders signed up Regarding the picnic: Danny said he looked at Haines Park and it does not have a pavilion. There was discussion on other locations. We will revisit next month Motion to adjourn made by Chuck and seconded by Danny - there was a unanimous vote. Meeting adjourned at 20:19 Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie February 3, 2021 RICKA Board Meeting Held via Zoom videoconferencing Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Sharon Dragon, Marty O'Loughlin, Chuck Horbert, Erik Eckilson, Daniel O'Shea, Bill Luther, Gary Powers and Cheryl Thompson Meeting called to Order at 7:02 by Pat Approval of minutes from January 6, 2021 There was a motion made by Sharon and seconded by Danny; there was a unanimous vote to approve. Approval of treasurer's reports for January 6, 2021: There was a motion made by Marty and seconded by Bill; there was a unanimous vote to approve. Old Business: none New Business: Spring meetings (virtual) - Katie DeGoosh-DiMarzio will do a presentation on invasive species in March. The April meeting will be the Kayak Centre with a demo day. The May meeting might be someone from DEM speaking on wildlife. This could be in fall if not possible to schedule it May. Bill also mentioned having a talk on geology that was offered as a VIP virtual program, and Cheryl mentioned potentially also having an upcoming wilderness first aid they are offering. Pat said that Steve Prime from Better Bay Alliance reached out to her regarding their program and we might use him for part of a program in the future. Flatwater planning meeting - Kent Pavilion in Chepachet, April 10, rain date April 11. Most likely people will bring individual picnics for themselves. Adirondacks will be the second week of August. Summer picnic - various locations were discussed and more concrete information will be brought to the next meeting Motion to adjourn made by Chuck and seconded by Danny- there was a unanimous vote. Meeting adjourned at 20:04 Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie January 6, 2021 RICKA Board Meeting
Held via Zoom videoconferencing Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Sharon Dragon, Marty O'Loughlin, Sean Murphy, Peter Hill, Daniel O'Shea, Bill Luther, and Cheryl Thompson
Meeting called to Order at 7:02 by Pat
Approval of minutes from November 2020: There was a motion made by Sharon and seconded by Cheryl; there was a unanimous vote to approve.
Approval of treasurer's reports for November 2020 and December 2020: There was a motion made by Skye and seconded by Peter; there was a unanimous vote to approve.
New Business:
Spring meetings (virtual) - Richard Copeland is one potential speaker for March, April or May. We can also ask the Kayak Centre about another presentation.
Soirée - there was discussion about having it outdoors in spring versus waiting or having it as a hike. We will regroup in February. It might be moved to April. There is a nice pavilion in Chepachet we could eat under. Danny brought up that we need to have an election the next time we meet. A Zoom alternative was also mentioned as a backup.
Sea kayakers planning meeting - usually April
Sharon made a motion that we renew our membership to WPWA with a $100 donation; Peter seconded it and there was a unanimous vote Motion to adjourn made by Skye and seconded by Peter - there was a unanimous vote. Meeting adjourned at 19:44 Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie