Minutes 2020 

November 4, 2020 RICKA Board Meeting 

Held via Zoom videoconferencing 

Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Danny O' Shea, Sharon Dragon, Carleen McOsker, Erik Eckilson, Marty O'Loughlin, Peter Hill, Bill Luther, and Cheryl Thompson

Meeting called to Order at 7:01 by Pat

Approval of minutes from October 2020:

There was a motion made by Sharon and seconded by Cheryl; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Approval of treasurer's reports for September and October 2020: 

There was a motion made by Danny and seconded by Marty; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Old Business:

Pat purchased 5 2 packs of FRS radios. They will be distributed at the planning meeting unless requested and approved before that.

New Business:


Fall meetings: Pat said that there have been at least been a few movies submitted for movie night so far.

Pat mentioned that Bill had brought up a reenactment Roger Williams row from Providence to Newport - paddlers to join staff from the Roger Williams National Memorial, in 2021. We will get more details and find out what our role would be.

Cheryl said that the gathering limit is now 10 in R.I. The turkey paddle is in CT this year and there is no meal afterwards.

There is no executive board meeting or Paddler for December.


Motion to adjourn made by Marty and seconded by Danny - there was a unanimous vote.


Meeting adjourned at 19:36

Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie 


October 7, 2020 RICKA Board Meeting 

Held via Zoom videoconferencing 

Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Danny O' Shea, Sharon Dragon, Carleen McOsker, Peter Hill, Erik Eckilson, and Cheryl Thompson

Meeting called to Order at 7:03 by Pat


Approval of Minutes from September 2020:

There was a motion made by Danny and seconded by Sharon; there was a unanimous vote to approve.


There was no treasurer's report available by the time of the meeting, so the September report will be addressed in November


Old Business:

Pat proposed purchasing 5, 2 packs of FRS radios. Cheryl said we could go by who requests radios and then go over how active the person is as a leader. Sharon said that we could use the flatwater meeting next spring to help make the decision. There was a unanimous vote to have Pat purchase 5, 2 packs of Motorola FRS radios.

New Business:


Pat said that we will have Zoom meetings through the fall. Erik said he would do a presentation on the Blackstone for October. He said we should do a movie night in November. Pat said it would be easier to have movies on YouTube for presentation.


Pat said that Danny would host the Santa paddle if it happens this year.


Pat said that Ron Entriger would like to be on our spring meeting schedule for his conservation organization. We discussed having meetings each month rather than skipping January, because doing it remotely would make weather a non-issue and people may be looking for things to do


Pat mentioned WPWA hosting enjoyable activities in the spring, like geocaching or some incentive for paddling all of their rivers. This could be something where you submit a photo of yourself paddling past one of their signs on each river, or next to an item

Cheryl said that there are multiple trips this weekend and we have some new leaders hosting trips going forward.


Motion to adjourn made by Peter and seconded by Skye - there was a unanimous vote.


Meeting adjourned at 19:51

Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie 


September 2, 2020 RICKA Board Meeting -

 Held via Zoom videoconferencing  

Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Danny O' Shea, Sharon Dragon, Peter Hill,

Bill Luther, Marty OLoughlin, Erik Eckilson, and Cheryl Thompson

 Meeting called to Order at 7:06 by Pat

 Approval of Minutes from August 2020:

 There was a motion made by Bill and seconded by Danny; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

 Approval of Treasurer's Report from August 2020:

 There was a motion made by Skye and seconded by Cheryl; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

 Old Business:

 We received the patch order and Pat has been making and giving out masks with the patch on them.

 We have not yet decided what radios or other safety equipment to buy with the proceeds of the sale of the donated items - there was a discussion about radio features to look for and how to issue them. Skye will look into multi packs of waterproof floating radios and come back to the next meeting with information.

 New Business:

 Pat said that we are okay to hold the picnic after she spoke to the state and can have up to 100 attendees. We will be the first event at the venue this year. There are about 10 signed up. The plaques and trophy are ready.

 RICKA Organized Paddles – Cheryl said there are 12 paddles on the calendar right now and a few more in the works, so September and October look pretty good. She also said that after discussion with Blackstone Valley leaders, they will be having a season next year.

 Motion to adjourn made by Pat and seconded by Peter - there was a unanimous vote.

  Meeting adjourned at 19:45

Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie
August 5, 2020 RICKA Board Meeting 
Held via Zoom videoconferencing 

Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Danny O' Shea, Sharon Dragon, Peter Hill, Bill Luther, 
Marty OLoughlin, Erik Eckilson, Sean Murphy, Gary Powers, and Paul LeClerc

Meeting called to Order at 7:01pm by Pat

Approval of Minutes from July 2020:
There was a motion made by Danny and seconded by Sharon; there was a unanimous vote to 

Approval of Treasurer's Report from July 2020: 
There was a motion made by Skye and seconded by Peter; there was a unanimous vote to 

Old Business:
There was discussion about limits on gatherings/paddles and how it applies to the picnic, 
as well as a new caterer as Fireworks has not responded to our contact. It was decided 
that Pat would contact the Department of Health regarding having paddlers eat their own 
meals that they brought for themselves, and limits on how many can attend. Bill will 
inquire about applying the deposit to next year if we should have to cancel due to 
changing regulations. We will make the decision via email once those answers are 
New Business:
Erik made a motion to spend up to $200 to buy more patches, in part so that Pat can make 
more masks to give out at the picnic. Sharon seconded this and there was a unanimous 
vote. Sharon mentioned that she has hundreds of stickers still available.

Pat brought up using the money from the donated equipment that was sold to buy safety 
equipment such as radios. Skye mentioned considering tow ropes as well. Sharon said she 
did not know whether we should look at marine radios instead of FRS/walkie-talkies. 
Sharon suggested that we get prices and bring them to the next meeting.

Club paddles: There is only one calendar paddle for August. Danny suggested we revisit 
Meetup as a tool to manage contact tracing and size of the group. There was discussion 
about confusion and complications. Encouraging more leaders to host trips through 
apprenticeships, acknowledging designated leaders, and mini-trainings was also 
brought up. Pat also said that we have not distributed our brochures for a while and this 
might be good to do next year.
Motion to adjourn made by Peter and seconded by Skye - there was a unanimous vote.
Meeting adjourned at 20:13 

July 1, 2020 RICKA Board Meeting  minutes

Held via Zoom videoconferencing 

Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Danny O' Shea, Sharon Dragon, Carleen McOsker, Peter Hill, Bill Luther, Marty OLoughlin, Sean Murphy, Gary Powers, Erik Eckilson, and Cheryl Thompson

Meeting called to Order at 7:01pm by Pat

Approval of Minutes from June 2020:

There was a motion made by Sharon and seconded by Cheryl; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Approval of Treasurer's Report from June 2020: 

There was a motion made by Skye and seconded by Peter; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Old Business:

Message board paddles have been rolled out and have gone well.

WPWA's Kassi Archambault asked if they could model their methods on ours as they thought we did such a good job.

Discussion ensued regarding how we ensured safety and accountability during these trips. Carleen said that the sea kayakers would like to continue to only use Show and Go and not ready to commit to certain weekends. Carleen said she would start referring to the paddles as message board sea kayak paddles to make it clear that they are organized paddles with RSVPs.

New Business:

Cheryl said she spoke to park management and we can still have our picnic at Lincoln Woods on 7/24 - up to 50 people, 6 feet apart, masks to be worn. Discussion continued regarding people bringing their own food. Pat mentioned having box lunches might be an option for the September picnic. Gary mentioned that the park closes when it gets overfilled.

Pat had a vote asking for how many votes for canceling the July picnic altogether - there was a majority vote to cancel, 10/2. Gary said that we could keep the sites for a paddle (without a picnic) if we cannot get a refund- based on how many RSVPs we get for the paddle. 

Pat said that she confirmed that the harbormaster and town expect us at the September picnic. We will revisit the decision of box lunches or bringing our own meals next month.

RICKA Organized Paddles â€“ Cheryl said she received 3 proposals for calendar paddles so far. There was discussion on continuing to use the message board only compared to calendar.

Erik made a motion that we reopen scheduled RICKA calendar paddles; Danny seconded the motion and the majority was in favor of opening calendar trips. Leaders will use phone or email to keep track of attendees for size limits and potential contact tracing. Message board trips would be tracked on the message board as they have been.

Cheryl said that she received a donated boat and a bin of gear - we will try to sell it in the Paddler for now and maybe put it on Craigslist in the future.

 Motion to adjourn made by Peter and seconded by Skye - there was a unanimous vote.

 Meeting adjourned at 20:11


June 3, 2020 RICKA Board Meeting 

Held via Zoom videoconferencing 

Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Danny O' Shea, Sharon Dragon, Peter Hill, Gary Powers, Bill Luther, Marty OLoughlin, Sean Murphy, Erik Eckilson, and Cheryl Thompson

Meeting called to Order at 7:01pm by Pat

Approval of Minutes from May 2020:

There was a motion made by Danny and seconded by Sharon; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Approval of Treasurer's Report from May 2020: 

There was a motion made by Cheryl and seconded by Skye; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Old Business:

May Meetings 

May 26  Richard Verdi – Measuring the Flow of Water by the Velocity of Water – Update by Pat

We had about 14 people log on and the presentation was distributed afterwards. It was a great program.

New Business: 

RICKA Organized Paddles â€“ Sharon suggested we have two separate conversations: one about the ad hoc message board paddles and one for the official RICKA sponsored paddles.

Erik commented that the State of RI has entered Phase II of it reopening plan that eliminates the stay at home order and increase social groups to 15, which makes it more practical to resume some trips. Sharon pointed out that not all of the paddles would be in RI. Sean mentioned that we could put up a disclaimer state that all state and local laws must be followed. Discussion ensued covering insurance, liability, limits, other clubs, mask use, and rules. The idea of RSVPs on the message board was brought up in order to keep track of the group size. Erik asked whether we were all okay with opening the message board - with "if you use our board you must follow state and local guidelines" included. Sharon suggested a banner at the top of the message board with the requirements, a link to the requirements, or a statement. Bill suggested that we highly suggest people wear face masks while on land. 

Erik made a motion that we reopen the message board including a permanent message at the top with guidelines for members and links to state and local regulations. Danny seconded the motion and there was a vote to approve the motion resulting in 9 for and 2 against.

Discussion moved on to official RICKA paddles. The wording in the draft Paddler was referenced. Leaders and screening trips were discussed. It was brought up that we could schedule an extra meeting in a few weeks to schedule official trips. Contact tracing was also mentioned - Skye said that this could be taken care of using the message board and a list of attendees. Gary said that we have all the information we need to make a decision - waiting will not change the picture. Sharon said that we should not rush and should stick to the message board paddles for now - Cheryl agreed. Bill asked if we could have official paddles ready to go so that when we have our next EBM, we can quickly put together the start of the calendar. Gary asked if we would want to start a RICKA meetup. It was decided by majority that we would revisit the official paddle topic at the July EBM. 

Motion to adjourn made by Peter and seconded by Bill 

Meeting adjourned at 20:33

Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie 

May 6, 2020 RICKA Board Meeting

Held via Zoom videoconferencing 

Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Danny O' Shea, Sharon Dragon, Peter Hill, Gary Powers,

Bill Luther, Carleen McOsker, Marty OLoughlin, Sean Murphy, Erik Eckilson, and Cheryl Thompson

Meeting called to Order at 7:03pm by Pat

Approval of Minutes from April 2020:

There was a motion made by Danny and seconded by Cheryl; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Approval of Treasurer's Report from April 2020: 

There was a motion made by Danny and seconded by Skye; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Old Business:

May Meetings

 May 5th  Kayak Center Virtual Demo Day  Update by Pat

We had a good attendance, around 20 people, and Pat has gotten good feedback already  

May 26  Richard Verdi  Measuring the Flow of Water by the Velocity of Water  Update by Pat

We have 9-10 people already requesting invitations so attendance should be good 

 New Business: 

RICKA Organized Paddles -Sharon leads discussion:

Sharon said we should start thinking of what things are going to look like going forward - she mentioned thinking of this as a paddle leader. Pat brought up a test paddle SNEP had with staggered starts with their own leader, every 15 minutes, of 5 paddlers each, not helping each other and keeping good distance in an open, large pond. Danny mentioned that SNEP has the capacity to have RSVP and group limits. Sharon said that the RSVP idea or message board signup are ideas we need to consider, rather than a show and go. Further discussion on talking with paddle leaders, potential rescues, loosening state restrictions, and disinfection preparation ensued. Some said they didn’t think RICKA should host any official trips in this climate - Gary proposed we come up with a set of criteria for when we would start to schedule paddles versus a scheduled date at this time. The majority agreed that May should be a wash for official paddles and we will revisit the idea in June. 

Criteria we agreed upon included:

How we would have RSVPs or otherwise reserve using a message board or similar

Everyone would have to have a mask on their person

Staggered launches and extra leaders to ensure small groups

No shuttles 

Avoidance of very narrow rivers and need for paddlers to assist each other 

A statement that will be comply with DEM boating regulations and RI state guidelines

Carrying radios to enable us to stay further apart when having discussions 

A statement that if you are at all ill, you must stay home 

Safety speech when starting paddle, conveying rules and importance of staying alert

 Motion to adjourn made by Danny and seconded by Peter 

 Meeting adjourned at 19:54

Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie 

April 1, 2020 RICKA Board Meeting 

Held via Zoom videoconferencing 
Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Danny O' Shea, Sharon Dragon, Sean Murphy, Peter Hill, Gary Powers, Bill Luther, Carleen McOsker, Marty OLoughlin, Erik Eckilson, and Cheryl Thompson

Meeting called to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Pat

Approval of Minutes from March 2020:

There was a motion made by Danny and seconded by Sharon; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Approval of Treasurer's Report from March 2020: 

There was a motion made by Skye and seconded by Cheryl; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Old Business:

Rolling Sessions -

 March pool practice had 10 participants.

April Pool Practice has been canceled due to COVID-19 and a refund has been requested from the YMCA. Sharon asked if we might want to donate the money to the YMCA instead of getting it refunded. Sean also thought this was a good idea. Sharon made a motion to donate the $250 paid for April pool practice to YMCA and not to request it refunded - Pat seconded it and there was a unanimous vote.

New business:

Upcoming Meetings - 

March 19th Spring Soiree - was canceled due to COVID - 19 - the restaurant was closed anyway. 
April 's  West Greenwich Community Center, Date of Thursday, April 23, 7:00 PM - canceled due to COVID - 19. The speakers have been advised we may use them in the fall. This is normally our election meeting.

Pat made a motion that we hold off on elections until the next physical meeting can be held. Danny seconded it and there was a unanimous vote.

 May- Date of Tuesday, May 5, 7:00 PM - speaker Richard Coupland. The Kayak Centre can host us that night if they are open. We will revisit whether we can have this meeting later. Pat will let the Kayak Centre know if we have to cancel.

 Danny spoke about the Recreational Trail Advisory Committee - they have not met recently due to open meeting laws, but it seems valuable for RICKA to be represented as water trails are part of the discussion. 

Cheryl spoke on scheduling paddles via email since the planning meetings were canceled. Blackstone Valley has halted volunteering through April for now. People have emailed her regarding trips they want to lead. We will revisit paddle planning when the outlook is clearer and we know when it’s safe to schedule paddles.

Pat suggested we replay movies from Movie Night and put up pleasant memories as an alternative to the news- Cheryl said she has been posting videos on the website. Erik said he would put stories from past trips in the Paddler - Gary suggested asking members to submit old photos to share. Carleen asked if Rich Coupland should present a video to share online - she said she would ask what he thought of it. 

Carleen asked about ACA training this year as opposed to BC 2 star again, as the program has changed. Pat suggested we could try to do both this year - depending on COVID - 19 restrictions. 

 Meeting adjourned at 19:49

Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie 


March 3, 2020 RICKA Board Meeting 

REI Cranston

22 Chapel View Blvd

Cranston, RI 02920 

Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Gary Powers, Danny O' Shea, Sharon Dragon, Sean Murphy, Marty O' Loughlin, Peter Hill, and Cheryl Thompson

Meeting called to Order at 7:02 p.m. by Pat

Approval of Minutes from February 2020:

There was a motion made by Danny and seconded by Sharon; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Approval of Treasurer's Report from February 2020: 

There was a motion made by Skye and seconded by Sean; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Old Business:

Rolling Sessions -

 Pat reported that 10 attended the February pool session and all waivers were completed. 

 March Pool Practice will be handled by Marty O' Loughlin  Date: March 8 

April Pool Practice will be handled by Sean Murphy Date: April 5

New business:

Upcoming Meetings - 

March Spring Soiree- Chelo's- Date March 19, 6:00 PM - note the gratuity for groups is 20%. Sharon said that about 20 people have signed up so far.

April  West Greenwich Community Center, Date – Thursday, April 23, 7:00 PM USGS Richard Verdi and Chris Bruet will do a presentation on velocity of water flow.  

May- Date  Tuesday, May 5, 7:00 PM - speaker Richard Coupland. The Kayak Centre can host us that night and we will cover their chair rental.

 September Picnic - Sharon asked whether we would be using Fireworks catering and it was decided to use them again. The picnic is at Bristol Town beach on September 19.

Gary said that the Lincoln Woods gathering, optional casual paddle, and picnic will be Friday, July 24, 2020 at sites 45 and 46. The total cost to reserve the sites is $10. We will have attendees bring their own dinner. 

 Meeting adjourned at 19:40 after a motion made by Skye, seconded by Sharon and a unanimous vote

Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie 

February 5, 2020 RICKA Board Meeting 
REI Cranston
22 Chapel View Blvd
Cranston, RI 02920
Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Gary Powers, Danny O' Shea, Marty O' Loughlin, Peter Hill, and Bill Luther 
Meeting called to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Pat
Approval of Minutes from January 2020:
There was a motion made by Danny and seconded by Marty; there was a unanimous vote to approve.
Approval of Treasurer's Report from January 2020: 
There was a motion made by Skye and seconded by Danny; there was a unanimous vote to approve.
Old Business:
Rolling Sessions -
Pat reported that 12 attended the January pool session and all waivers were completed.  All but 3 had ACA membership, so the total club cost for non-ACA members $15.  

February Pool Practice waivers will be handled by Danny O’Shea. Date: Feb. 9
March Pool Practice will be handled by Marty OLoughlin – Date: March 8
April Pool Practice will be handled by Sean Murphy – Date: April 5
New business:
Upcoming Meetings -
March EBM Date March 4th.  This date conflicts with the Kayak Center Reel Paddling Film Festival. We discussed rescheduling, perhaps meeting early and having it at the same night as the Soiree, but there was concern about having adequate time. It was decided to move the EBM to Tuesday March 3, tentatively at REI, pending availability.
March  Spring Soiree- Chelo’s- Date – March 19, 6:00 PM - note the gratuity for groups is 20%
April  West Greenwich Community Center, Date Thursday, April 23, 7:00 PM USGS Richard Verdi and Chris Bruet will do a presentation on velocity of water flow. 

May- Date  possibly Tuesday, May 5, 7:00 PM Proposed speaker Richard Coupland.  Danny O'Shea will has spoken with Richard and will be sure he can make that date, which had to be changed to avoid the start of the BV Tuesday night paddling season. We will also see whether the Kayak Centre can host us that night.

September Picnic - Pat said that thanks to Bill's legwork, Bristol Town beach is approved by Bristol Parks and recreation as well as Bristol Harbor Master. Cost $200  date September 19.
Gary brought some mesh bags from the Ocean Conservancy to collect trash - we will bring them to the next cleanup 
Bill mentioned that there used to be a summer BBQ meeting at Lincoln Woods, with families attending - hot dogs and hamburgers provided by RICKA, side dishes brought by the members. Pat mentioned that this could be combined with a meeting on the water - we could paddle and also bring our families and eat together, maybe in July. Gary will look into availability of sites and we will discuss scheduling by email.

Meeting adjourned at 20:00 after a motion made by Danny, seconded by Skye and a unanimous vote
Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie 

January 8, 2020 RICKA Board Meeting 
REI Cranston
22 Chapel View Blvd
Cranston, RI 02920

Present: Pat Lardner, Skye Pechie, Cheryl Thompson, Erik Eckilson, Steven Pechie, Sharon Dragon, Danny O' Shea, Marty O' Loughlin, and Sean Murphy

Meeting called to Order at 7:03 p.m. by Pat

Approval of Minutes from November 2019:
There was a motion made by Danny and seconded by Sharon; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Approval of Treasurer's Report from November and December 2019:
There was a motion made by Cheryl and seconded by Sharon; there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Old Business:

Pat said that the insurance is all set for the rolling sessions and that she will be taking waivers for the first session. Danny will be there for February, Marty will do March and Elaine and Sean will take April.

New business:

Sharon said that it would be helpful for her to have a laptop in order to perform her membership chair duties during the day. There are over 200 members to process. She checked into Best Buy for a laptop and Excel and the total would be $374.80. The laptop would belong to the club for the use by the member during their service.

Steve asked about maintenance, upgrades, and replacement. Discussion ensued and the consensus was that the cost of the laptop is so low that a maintenance contract would not be worthwhile. He also asked about keeping records on who has custody of what club equipment, and Pat said that the minutes would reflect who has what. Skye brought up the idea of making a balance sheet going forward, to account for everything owned by the club and where it is located. Pat said that any equipment owned by the club will be logged in the future, on a page on our website. Changes in custody should be brought to the president.

Erik made a motion to spend up to $400 for a laptop with Excel for use by the membership chair in performance of their duties. This was seconded by Skye and there was a unanimous vote.

Erik proposed up RICKA joining American Whitewater to support their conservation and other efforts and also give our members a discount on their own memberships. Pat made a motion that we join at the cost of $100 and Danny seconded it. There was a unanimous vote.

Pat mentioned that we would usually contribute to the Wood-Pawcatuck Wateshed Association. Danny made a motion to donate $100, Erik seconded it, and there was a unanimous vote.

Pat also brought up donating to the West Greenwich library in thanks for use of their building for our programs. We have had 4 meetings there at no cost in recent months. Sharon made a motion that we donate $100 to the West Greenwich library; Sean seconded it and there was a unanimous vote.

Sharon offered to call ahead to Chelo's for the soir'e which will be March 19 at 6pm

There was discussion on speakers for April (meeting will be the 20th at 7pm) and May.

Danny said that Bristol Town Beach looks to be a good site but we may have to share the property or move the date depending on whether there is a soccer game.

Erik said that all of our officers have agreed to continue in their posts. The proposed slate of officers for 2020 is:

President: Pat Lardner
Vice President: Danny O'Shea
Secretary: Skye Pechie
Treasurer: Andy Viera

The election will be on April 20 at 7pm, tentatively at West Greenwich library.
Meeting adjourned at 19:53 after a motion made by Danny, seconded by Sharon and a unanimous vote

Minutes submitted by Skye Pechie