Minutes 2011


Barbara August, Secretary

Meeting start 7:10 PM--meeting end 8:20 PM
Attended: Bill Luther-president / Erik / AJ / Susan / Mike /Jim / Cheryl / Barbara / Cat.

November general meeting was discussed. Members will present pictures of trips this past year.

Erik presented speaker for Jan.-Don Martin will talk on snow shoes. Tim Motte and Mike Rock will present. Erik will present if needed.

The newsletter was discussed. The idea of putting the newsletter on the web the month it is published was discussed. This will be done until April and see if this affects renewals.

Cat discussed free training for rolling instructors. Jim made a motion to go ahead-passed.

Discussed signing waivers-It was decided that if information outside of a program comes up a person should talk privately after the meeting.


Cat discussed organizing an entry level cold water paddle. She also brought up bring in instructors to offer classes for a reduced rate and hold as pay as go.

Paddles for the Girl Scouts will be presented at the Nov. meeting

Cat will be depositing money from the rolling clinics.

Should be thinking about the grants that will be considered for next year. In Feb. or March they will be announced.

Jim proposed trip leader T shirts-Chick Noreau will be contacted for the designs. Motion made and passed.

AJ will contactBill Hahn about the By-Laws.

Barbara August, Secretary

Meeting start 7:20 PM Meeting end 8:00 PM

In attendance: AJ Barbato- vice president/ Cheryl/ Susan/ Charlie/ Barbara/ Alan

The minutes were accepted as posted on the web. No treasurers report

Susan discussed the picnic and stated she had done everything AJ had done before. She did include that the board should start planning earlier. The board discussed changing up the picnic perhaps a clam bake with a place to paddle. More water and tea and leass soda are needed for next year.

RICKA doing river clean up is difficult. The club might want to to join up with Friends of the Blackstone. RICKA does need a conservation chair.

Honorary memberships were discussed. There was disagreement among those present. Discussed giving a ticket to the dinner plus the volunteer of the year trophy. It would start in 2012 and not be retroactivie. If a person getting the volunteer of year trophy can’t come to the picnic the ticket would be forfeited. This will be put on the web. Charlie made a motion for this and Cheryl seconded.

Discussion of RICKA having a fund for members in need. This was voted down by all members present.

Barbara August, Secretary

Meeting Start--7PM Meeting end 8:45PM

In attendance: Bill Luther president/Cheryl /AJ Barbato/Tom/MikeV./Jim/

Minutes of the last meeting were approved as posted on the web

how to keep members past the first few years after they join. Jim said about one half of the membership have been around for more than 10 years.

Members do renew when he sends post card reminders. This is a reason for getting Pay pal. Blackstone Valley Paddlers are important to the
membership. Ideas discussed: keeping members and recognizing long term members.These ideas will be discussed at the next meeting.

--Alternate site for executive board meetings. The president will determine the place for the executive board meetings. Places should be of no cost to RICKA. Asprey Boat House/Save the Bay/Community Boat House were discussed.

It is time to contact dealers to see if they can present programs.
Jim discussed the new SNEP site. The board voted Jim $43.20 to register his site.

Jim volunteered to produce a list of paddler preferences.
By laws will continue the revision in October; Bill Hahn will return to run the proceedings. The by laws are 50% finished

Future programs-November will be a member slide show. Erik will do January and Tim Motte will get something for Feb. and March.

Jim Cole has reordered the carabiners for his membership duties


Barbara August, Secretary

August 10, 2011

Meeting Start 7PM  Meeting end  8:30 PM

Attended: Bill Luther (President) / Andy Viera / Susan Engleman / Elijah Swift / Barbara August / Alan August / Jim Cole /Carleen McOsker / Charlie Larocque / Cat Radcliffe / Mike Vechinsky /Erik Eciklson


Discussed member meeting programs for the Fall. September would be weather and Erik possible for October.

Cat reported on training Carl Ladd would offer in the Fall. Cost would be $350. a day for up to 6 students. Two instructors would be needed for 12 people -the cost would be $600. There was discussion about non-members taking part in RICKA activities. There was a motion for Cat and Carleen would call people who want to participate to pay dues.

PayPal discussion-Jim discussed how Pay Pal works and how it will save him additional work. Remains to put PayPal on the web site.

There was discussion of removal / repair of the Bondsvile Dam. No blanket answer could be found.

Picnic discussion-Susan said there was an extention on the date for the party to August 20. Caterer wants a close estimate. It was decided to add 6 extra to the final total. The volunteer of the year bio will be sent to Erik.

Barbara August, Secretary

July 6, 2011

Meeting Start 7PM  Meeting end  8:30 PM

Attended: Bill Luther (President) /Cat Radcliff / Mike Vechinsky /Bill Brown / Susan Engleman / Jim Cole / Barbara August/Erik Eckilson / Tom Mchugh / Alan August / Charlie Larocque / Cheryl Thompson-Cameron


--August picnic was discussed-Bill has sent an initial deposit to Ft. Getty. The insurance has been paid and 2 more checks are needed before the event.Susan discussed payment to Becky’s. The menue will be BBQ chicken and pork with 2 sides. Included will be cornbread, cheesecake and watermelon. Susan and Robert will tweek the menue closer to date. Vegetarian lasagna will be offered on the menue. The caterer will provide soda and RICKA will supplement. Bill and Jim will try to organize a RICKA
ex-president photo. Awards will be done before the dinner.
--Reports on training and safety classes. Mike Rock’s class needs to have more encouragement. Jim put up a motion to charge $20 for training . This was withdrawn for further discussion. Leaders of trips need to practice rescue techniques. The wilderness and FA was given by Osprey. It was a 2 day class. July 23 Greg Pacquin (BCU 2 star)giving a paddle class. Posted on web. Discussion was brought up about are we training elite paddlers to be more elite or people to benefit the club? The question was also raised about if RICKA wants to put out any more money this year for training?
-There was discussion about getting more sea kayakers to attend executive board meetings regularly.
-SNEP links were discssed Jim will talk to Mark Roberts to get his link removed.
-The board discussed outfitter offers to RICKA members. Caryl Salisbury wrote a statement about it and it was given to Erik.
-A page will be set up for a wilderness tripping group


Barbara August, Secretary

June 1, 2011

Meeting Start 7PM  Meeting end  8:30 PM

Attended:  Bill Luther, president /AJ Barbato vice president /Cheryl Thompson -Cameron / Tom McHugh/ Cat Radcliff / Jim Cole / Mike Bussell / Barbara August / Alan August /Jean Josephson and Martha Frutchey from Girl Scouts

  • Minutes were approved as posted on the web


  • The Girl Scouts representatives were introduced to the e-board.  They discussed the canoe racing team from Camp Hoffman and how they competed at the General Clinton Regatta and placed in the sprints.  They representative had originally wanted a canoe with the money they were asking RICKA for .  They changed to asking for money to purchase 5 bent shaft paddles for their racers. Jim and Cat will contact Kayak Center and Osprey to see if they can get matching funds in order to get 6 paddles.
  • AJ discussed the party plans so far.  Papers are being signed-Becky’s is reserved.  The cost will be $12.50 -Bill made a motion to cover the expenses.
    AJ will get contracts signed, but he needs assistance.  Awards were discussed-Susan and Tom will handle.  Erik Johnson has the 2010 volunteer of the year.  Volunteer of the year for 2011 should be from outside the board.
  • Grants from RICKA information will be put on the web with a list of past receipents.
  • The board discussed an ask the paddler column for the newsletter and web.  If people have questions send to Cat and she will forward to the right person for an answer.
  • There was a discussion about using past presidents as mentors.  A list of past presidents will be put in the newsletter.
  • Alan presented a motion to get Jim Cole as a signer on the checking account and set up Pay Pal.  Motion passed by all that Jim will remain a signer as long as he needs to be and Bill Luther to be on as long as he is president.
  • RICKA message board traffic has gone down.


  • No Old Business

Barbara August, Secretary


ATTENDANCE President-BILL LUTHER/ Vice President-AJ Barbato/ Secretary-Barbara August/ Treasurer-Charlie Laroque/Cheryl Thompson-Cameron /Alan August /Bill Brown / Eril Eckilson/ Andy Viera/ Tom Mchugh/ Susan Engleman / Jim Cole

  • Minutes and Treasurer’s report of previous meeting have been posted to the board sites

New Business

  • At the start of the meeting Bill Luther said that it was the choice of the president that the executive boards are to start having more fun at the meetings. There is to be less in-fighting and start enjoying what we are supposed to be about. The executive board e mail should be considerate and we should respect each others ideas.
  • Erik is the new newsletter editor and he wants articles for the newsletter. It was suggested that a column be started for the newsletter. This would be paddle tips or suggestions.
  • Training for RICKA members will be organized by Cat. She hopes to organize training for FW/ WW/ and Sea Kayak and on the completion the club will pay half and the members the rest.
  • Donation status The information will be removed from the web page. Bill will make revisions. A motion was made by Bill and passed by all that Bill will send $250. to Last Green Valley for stream gages.
  • Membership deadlines-the By laws give members 3 months to renew. Jim wants to limit it to 2 months. He will send post cards as renewal reminders.
  • RICKA on Facebook-it was determined that it would help membership. Motion was made to have Andy and Susan establish a page and work it for a few months.
  • Bill Luther wants to finish the by laws in October and November.
  • Summer meetings6/20 Stump Pond / 7/18 Wakefield Pond /8/15 Providence River.

Old Business

  • Barbara will buy stamps for next month
  • Board voted to raise speakers fee (Jim made motion and it was passed by all.
  • Summer party was discussed. AJ reminded all that he posted planning for organizing the party.

Barbara August, Secretary

MARCH 2, 2011

Meeting start-7 PM Meeting end--8:30 PM
Attendance-Mark Roberts (President) /Barbara August (Secretary) / Cheryl Thompson-Cameron / Cat Radcliffe / Alan August / Jim Cole /Andy Viera /Bill Luther /Terry Meyer

  • Minutes of last meeting were approved as posted on the web
  • Treasurer’s report was approved as postd to the board site.


  • Topic- Nominations tabled until Erik present
  • Topic-Handling of first class and email newsletters
    Made by Jim Cole-
    Passed and Approved by all
  • Topic-PayPal cost per membership-to renew for another year.
    made by Jim Cole
    2nd by Mark
    Passd and approved by all
  • Topic-Members pay 2 year membership
    Passed and approved by all


  • Topic-Party for the Planet at Roger Williams Park Zoo
    Made by Cat-she will organize
  • Topic-High school paddle program in New London ,Ct area
    Made by -Mark
    Approved/discussed by all
  • Topic-Stamps for newsletters
    Made by Terry (she will by buying and holding for newsletter mailing)
    Approved by all


  • Topic-Guide lines for RICKA donating money
    Made by-Bill (he will organize for next meeting)
    Approved and passed by all
  • Topic-Guidelines for educational training of members first aid/sea kayak/flat water/white water/ boat building
    Made by Cat
    2nd by-Terry
    Approved and passed by all

The FEBRUARY, 2011 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING was cancelled due to severe weather.

Barbara August, Secretary

January 5, 2011

Meeting start: 7 PM
Meeting end: 8:30 PM

Attended: Mark Roberts (President) ,Barbara August, Cat Radcliffe/Terry Meyer/Andy Viera
Absent: AJ Barbato/Charlie Laroque/Cheryl Thompson-Cameron/Alan August/Bill Brown/Elijah Swift/ Erik Eckilson/Carleen McOsker/Jim Cole/Mike Bussell/Benn Thompson

Minutes of the last meeting were approved as posted on the web

Treasurer’s report will be forth comming


  • Motion-Cat will pay Paddle America Club membership at the 18 month rate.
    Motion made by-Cat
    2nd by-Mark
    Approved by all and passed


  • Motion-Blackstone Valley Heritage Corridor letter
    Made by-Mark
    2nd by Cat
    Approved- By all to endorse the letter
  • Motion-To determine the time table for the April election ;and head of the nomination committee
    Made by-Barbara (will contact Erik)
  • Motion-To work on topics for general meetings
    Made by-Mark
    2nd by Cat
    Approved -by all to be researched. Passed


  • Motion-Bill Luther taught flatwater class at Stump Pond ; would like assistance
    Made by -Bill
    2nd by Mark
    Approved by- all Passed