Minutes 2015
RICKA Executive Meeting February
15,2018 Executive Board meeting Attending: Danny, Sharon,
Cheryl, Erik and Henry Absent: Mike, Carleen,
Cat, Pat and Andy Meeting called to order by
Sharon at 7:06 PM A motion was made by Danny to approve minutes of the January
meeting. The motion was seconded by Cheryl and approved. A motion was made by Henry
and seconded by Danny to accept the treasurer's report as presented for
January. Motion was approved Old Business The location for the upcoming "Spring Fling" was discussed at
length. Pros and cons of Dan's Place vs. Chelo's were brought up.
Eventually Sharon made a motion that we return to Chelo's. The
motion was seconded by Cheryl and approved. It was decided that the event will be held on March 22nd,
Arrival time will be 6:00 and meeting time will be 6:30. Sports
bags with towels are to be raffled off. Once those are
distributed, the other attendees will receive iron-on club patches. Club picnic will be held
at Ninigret this year. Dates with favorable tides are August 25th,
September 8th and September 22nd. Henry made a motion to empower
Sharon to choose the date which best lines up with Ninigret's
availability, when she visits with them next week. The motion was
seconded and approved. The tentative membership
meetings are April- West Greenwich Library with REI May- Kayak Center (either of the above may be substituted with Joe Sherlock) June, July and August- on the water September- on the water New Business Flatwater planning meeting is scheduled for April 7th.
DECEMBER 2, 2015
Attended-Susan Engleman- President/ Jim/ Barbara/ Cheryl/ Lori/ Sharon/
Meeting start 7 p.m. Meeting end
8:15 p.m.
*Sharon made a motion to approve the minutes as they were posted to the
web. Cheryl seconded and all approved.
*Jim made a motion to approve the
Treasurer’s report as was posted to the board members. Sharon seconded
the motion and all approved.
*Cat stated that the ACA membership is up for renewal. Susan stated that
a check will be drafted to the ACA for this.
*Movie night-Susan reported that the
church is not happy with the way RICKA left the church after movie
night. The church did not ask RICKA for repairs. Susan will ask ACA to
see if RICKA will be covered for damages.
She will also go over the contract again.
*The decals will be split among several people. Sharon was given the
*Picnic venue-Lori looked into Colt
State Park.There is a $100 charge for the pavilion that can accommodate
100. She said there is no additional insurance required and that
reservations can start January 5.
The board brought up that the flat water paddle might be a problem, several possible places were suggested. Sea kayakers can put in from the park. Possible dates were discussed. Lori will check into them. August 20 is the first choice and 13th is the second choice -if it does not work then August 21 or 14. If Colt State Park does not work out then Jim will try for Ninnigret for the picnic.
*Geo coins-Lori explained what they are and how popular they have
become. She went into how the Geo coins are made and the cost. This
was of interest to the board and will be further discussed at the next
board meeting.
*Rescued canoe-Jim described and
showed pictures of a canoe he got from a caller who wanted to get rid of
it because he was moving. This is a donation to RICKA. Jim wants to sell
the boat.
The boat is a Northern lights 18ft. Fiberglass with cane seats. The front seat is a sliding seat.
*Speaker update-April 19 th Marshall Moore and Jean Gerber will speak
about their trip on the McKenzie River. Susan will contact Matt
Hopkinton about his trip on the Penobscott River.
consider the vendors for
membership. His idea was that if a vendor sells a boat and PFD the buyer
would get a 1 year e-membership. Speakers are needed for March and May. *Membership “deals” -Susan will wait to share more after the holidays. Jim wants to This will have to be brought to the individual vendors.
*Rolling clinic- no updates-Cat will contact the JCC.
*2016 executive board meeting change. The change will be 8/ 3/ 16 to change
to 8/10/15
*Estate check-Susan reported on the $100 gift to RICKA from the estate of
Arthur Hamilton Stutz.
*$200 donation that was given to the RI Veterans Home in memory of Manny
Point who was the founder of RICKA.
*Jim announced he will represent Charleston on the Wild and Scenic committee
for the Pawcatuck River.
November 4th, 2015
Meeting start 7 p.m. Meeting end 8:25 p.m Attended: Susan Engleman- President/ Tom/ Lori/ Jim/ Erik/ Mike/ Barbara/ Bill
*Move was made by Susan to approve the minutes of the last executive board
meeting as were posted to the web-all approved.
*Jim made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report that was posted to the
executive board. Erik seconded and all approved.
*Jim discussed the put in at the new Post Office Lane access that is below
the Potter Hill Dam. The board discussed the probability of making it a
spring trip.
*Wilderness trips were discussed. Burlingame canoe area was the first. Jim
described this trip and that he will apply for the permit. Jim said 16
people would be a good number.
He wants people to reply early. At the planning meeting he will talk to Cheryl. The next trip is the trip to Selden Neck Island in Connecticut. There are 4 campsites and will be scheduled for June. There will be a $5.00 charge per camper. Jim wants to limit the group to 16. Reservations can start after January 16 and he will apply for reservations. Jim will need a list of campers 2 weeks before the trip Jim will bring this up at the Flat water planning meeting.
*Favorite places to paddle was discussed by the board members. Executive
Board members were asked to send a few places to Erik with a short write-up.
*Susan discussed some details she received after talking with the Kayak
Centre about the Facebook and the electronic membership.
*Susan discussed some last minute movie night details.
*2016 picnic location and date were discussed. August my be a better month.
We will do the same type of picnic again. The December executive board will
decide to pick a date and make a decision on the place.
*Jim discussed the Wood Pawcatuck Association is going through trying to get
the Wild and Scenic designation and what it involves.
October 7, 2015
Meeting started at 7PM Meeting ended 7:50PM
Attended: Susan -president / Henry/
Cheryl/ Jim/ Tom/ Barbara/ Alan/ Andy/ Lori/ Ric/ Sharon
Call to order
September 2, 2015
Attended: Susan Engleman-President/
Henry/ Cheryl/ Sharon/ Jim/ Tom/ Cat/ Barbara/ Alan
Meeting start 7 PM Meeting end 8:14 PM
Susan has rented coolers for liquids
(tea/water). Tom and Henry will buy meat/slaw/corn/cookies and water melon.
Paper goods such as plates ,napkins, cups and cutlery will be provided.
Susan has duct tape. Lisa will assist with the set up. Cat will do the
auction of the lamp and the free raffle of the gift card. The gift card
will be as a free door prize. Notices of the picnic will be put on Facebook
and the message boards for RICKA.
Cat announced that she has contacted CCRI
about the Rolling Clinic. She will wait to hear about the cost. Cat will
be going to the Newman YMCA for further information.
Susan announced Marshal Moore will do a
presentation about his trip on the Mackenzie River. Possible dates to offer
him March/ April or May. He will be asked to pick a month. Another possible
speaker-Matt Hopkins and his trip down the Pennobscott River, he will choose
an open month. Jim Cole will speak about GPS- this will as a reserve. Henry
will speak on maps and compass reading in October.
September 2, 2015
Attended: Susan Engleman-President/ Henry/ Cheryl/ Sharon/ Jim/ Tom/ Cat/
Barbara/ Alan
Meeting start 7 PM Meeting end 8:14 PM
Susan has rented coolers for liquids (tea/water). Tom and Henry will buy
meat/slaw/corn/cookies and water melon. Paper goods such as plates ,napkins,
cups and cutlery will
be provided. Lisa will assist with the set up. Cat will do the auction of the lamp and the free raffle of the gift card. The gift card will be as a free door prize. Notices of the picnic will be put on Facebook and the message boards for RICKA.
Cat announced that she has contacted CCRI about the Rolling Clinic. She
will wait to hear about the cost. Cat will be going to the Newman YMCA for
further information.
Susan announced Marshal Moore will do a presentation about his trip on the
Mackenzie River. Possible dates to offer him March/ April or May. He will
be asked to pick a month.
Another possible speaker-Matt Hopkins and his trip down the Pennobscott River, he will choose an open month. Jim Cole will speak about GPS- this will as a reserve. Henry will speak on maps and compass reading in October.
Rhode Island Canoe & Kayak Association
Executive Board Meeting
August 12, 2015
August meeting had been postponed
from end of July.
ATTENDED: Susan Engleman- President/ Cheryl/ Carleen/ Lysa/ Tom/
Barbara/ Alan/ Cat/ Bill.
Meeting start 7:11 PM Meeting
end 8 PM
*Susan made a motion to approve the minutes of the last executive
board meeting as had been posted to the web. It was approved by
*Susan made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report as was
reported to the board members. This was approved by all.
*Henry sent a report through Cheryl about checking out paddle
racing. Henry found that racing is not popular in our area and it
was decided not to pursue it.
*Susan checked on Luke’s
presentation in September at the new meeting place.
*The new volunteer of the year was decided. The name will be
withheld until after the picnic. The presenter was discussed and
decided on.
*Susan will look at her notes from last year before the name will be
engraved on the plaque.
-The final menu will be
hamburgers, hot dogs and pulled pork-that will be done ahead. Henry
and Tom will buy items at BJ’s. Final plans will be at the
September executive board meeting.
-Any awards for the picnic should be emailed to Susan.
-Jim received a $50 gift card from a former RICKA board member. He
suggested to give the card as an award at the RICKA picnic.
-Susan has the lamp
-Bill brought the golden keyboard-this award was discussed.
*The March general RICKA meeting will change to March 29 due to
schedule problems. Susan is awaiting confirmation from Jim regarding
his GPS navigation presentation. He had OK’d the date change.
*Susan brought up that the
conservation chair wants to resign. Bill is conservation chair and
publicity chair and has resigned from both positions. He has asked
several people.
Cat made a motion for the board to recognize all that Bill has done for RICKA. All board members approved.
*Barbara brought up water proof containers for chip enabled keys. A
short discussion followed.
The meeting adjourned at 8 PM.
Attended-Susan Engleman President/ Cat/ Henry/ Cheryl/ Jim/ Lysa/ Tom/
Barbara/ Alan/ Andy/ Carleen
Meeting start 6:55 PM Meeting end 7:55 PM
*Susan called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the minutes
from the last meeting that were posted to the web. They were approved
by all.
*Susan asked for approval of the Treasurer’s Report as was posted to the
board. Jim seconded and all approved.
*Publicity and Membership for RICKA was tabled until the August
executive board meeting when the respective chairs are present. Barbara
brought up canoe and kayak racing for publicity.
A short discussion followed-Henry volunteered to look into what other clubs are doing or have done about racing.
*St. Martin’s Church update-general meetings will start on Tuesday in
September. Susan booked the September / October meetings in the
Stearn’s room at the church. She also booked the November movie night
at the church in the social hall at the church. The projector has been included fro the meetings. There is plenty of parking around the church. General meeting dates -September 22/ October 20/ November 17. These are for 7-9 PM. The membership will be notified of this temporary change.
*Speakers- Susan will contact Luke from the JCC for a September fitness
program. In October Henry will do a map and compass program. November
will be movie night.
*The Dutch oven presentation was successful. Twenty four people were in
attendance. Susan was asked about setting up tarps. Discussion followed
about doing this before a meeting on the water-car topping and knot
making were also brought up.
It was brought up to make this a discussion because of daylight constraints .
*Rolling Clinic-not much has started as far as planning goes. Cat is
looking into other pools such as CCRI in Lincoln and in Woonsocket. Cat
will ask Erik to assist in the calling of Woonsocket. Cat is tentative
about February.
She favors March because the weather is better.
*Volunteer of Year trophy-Earl will be asked to bring the trophy back
for repair. Volunteer of Year nominees should be sent to Susan.
*Jim related an experience in Florida when he was looking for a PFD that
fit his granddaughter who needed one. He found that BOAT US will loan
JUNE 3, 2015
Attended: Susan Engleman-president/ Cheryl/ Tom/ Bill/ Jim/ Sharon/
Meeting start- 7 PM Meeting end 8:10 PM
* Minutes of previous executive board meeting . Sharon made a motion to
approve as posted to the web. All approved.
*Treasurer’s report as posted to the board. Jim made a motion to approve
this. All approve.
*Due to construction at the JCC, RICKA has been asked to find a new
site for the next few months. Several were looked into including:
Nathan Bishop Middle School/St. Martin’s on Orchard Street/St. Thomas in
Greenville/and Slater Mill Museum.
A different place each month was suggested-this was thought to be too confusing. Sharon made a motion to go to St. Martin’s because the cost would be acceptable to RICKA compared to the others. St.Martin’s would be reserved for 3 months. One person voted no. Nathan Bishop cost $75 plus custodial services. St. Martin’s $75 only. St. Thomas $50 per meeting when meeting space is available. Slater Mill $200 plus $250 security deposit.
Matt Hopkins will be approached to be a speaker later. September
meeting-Susan will contact Luke from the JCC to check and see if he is
OK with the of season paddling fitness.
October-Jim was going to look at Jim Dana however this may be put on hold. November will be the members slide show.
*There is a need to bring up the member attendance at monthly meetings.
The idea of making in house presentations by the members. Jim suggested
a publicity chairperson who would release
information to the papers. It was decided to continue this discussion about building memberships at the next executive board meeting.
*RIDEM proposal for the Pawcatuck River. This involves the White Dam
removal and rerouting the river so fish will have a way to go up river.
*Terry Meyers was approached and does not want to be Conservation Chair.
*Sharon wants to buy hand stamps to assist her. Jim made a motion to OK
the purchase. Cheryl seconded and all approve.
*Wood River Watershed membership, Sharon proposed
$75 donation. Jim seconded. Bill brought up donations to other groups.
All approved-no opposed.
MAY 5,2015
Meeting attended Susan Engleman-president/Henry/ Cheryl/ Sharon/ Lysa/
Jim/ Carleen/ Barbara
Meeting start 7 PM Meeting end 7:45 PM
Minutes--Susan made a motion to approve the minutes from the last
meeting- all approved.
Treasurer’s report-Susan made a motion approve the treasurer’s report-
all approved.
*Jim discussed another hearing being scheduled for hunting and fishing
permits. RICKA would be should involved because of the parking.
Jim stated that DEM officers are aware of the permit problems and he feels DEM officers do not want to be involved and more of the RICKA board and membership should. Jim stated that RICKA is following the DEM rules.
*Susan discussed the new RICKA calendar that she and Lysa found for
executive board use. No paddles would be put on it.
It would be used for posting meetings/ speakers/ and picnic. Items can be put on it well in advance. Susan will send out the link for the calendar again.
*Paperwork for Flat water training-Cheryl and Cat will complete it.
*Susan wants Luc from the JCC to present at the September JCC meeting on
fitness for paddlers.
*Nick Shade is being researched for an October meeting on kayak
building. Jim Dana and Carl Ladd are being looked into.
*June is the time for filing for non-proftit status.
*Sharon moved that Jim Cole be given member-for-life status. This was
approved by all.
*Susan brought up about having general meetings in January and
February. These meeting should be canceled because of holidays and
The June meeting is scheduled. Sharon made a motion to cancel January and February meetings-this was approved by all.
*BVP has a 15 year anniversary next week.
April 1 , 2015
Meeting start 7 PM Meeting end 8 PM
Attended: Susan Engleman-President / Sharon/ Tom/ Andy/ Jim/ Cat/ Alan/
Barbara/ Bill
*Minutes-Susan made a motion to approve the minutes as posted to the web.
Jim seconded-all approved.
*Treasurer’s report-Susan made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report as
posted to the board. Sharon seconded and all approved.
*Lysa will look into a Google calendar when she returns next month.
*Cat thanked Susan for canceling the rolling clinic.
-SAVE THE LAKES sent Susan an email about RICKA having a table at the Bass
Pro Shop at Foxboro this Saturday. Tom will take some brochures to the
-Larry Hayrik from the USCG would like assistance from RICKA when he holds a
class at the Barrington library. Sharon made a motion and Jim seconded that
this information be put on Facebook.
-Peter Brady from the North Shore Paddlers Network emailed Susan about
meeting sites. Susan referred him to Jim and they corresponded.
*Training for the Summer months. Susaan had been questioned rolling and
rescue clinics outside. Cat stated that she will start in protected water,
considering Blue Bell Cove, and then work out to deeper water.
Flat water training would be organized by Cheryl. Susan will put the training on the agenda for next month to see how far its progress is.
*DEM meeting-Jim attended and referred to his prepared information about
2015-2016 fresh water fishing regulations that DEM has proposed. Jim stated
that he tried to inform the people there on comments and
recommendations ,however he was cut off and not allowed to complete what he wanted to say. Other people spoke at the meeting. Jim stated that to go any further, we have to wait until the document is reviewed.
*Susan asked about having a river or water reading program at a meeting.
Kevin Allsworth and Mike Rock names came up to instruct. It was mentioned
that Flatwater, Ocean and White water should be included.
*Bill Luther stated he wants to step down as Conservation chair. He will
wait until a new one is found.
*Cat mentioned that The Buzzards Bay Conservation Center is looking for a
new outdoor education director.
MARCH 11, 2015
Attended--Susan Engleman-president/ Tom/ Lysa/ Jim/ Cheryl/ Barbara/ Erik
Meeting start 7 PM Meeting end 8:09 PM
* The board approved the motion by Susan to approve the minutes of the
last meeting as posted to the web. Lysa seconded the motion.
*The board approved the motion made by Susan to approve the Treasurer’s
report as posted to the board. Motion was seconded by Cheryl .
* Rolling and Rescue clinic was discussed. So far one person has signed up.
Con Yak clinic information was presented to the board for discussion.
Since 8 people are needed to break even; the board decided to cancel the
rolling clinic for this year.
Susan will contact Andy to see if he has sent the JCC money for pool reservation. Since Andy has not sent money, Susan will contact the JCC to get the policy and procedure for refund and canceling. A motion to cancel was made by Jim and was past by all because of lack of enrollment and time constraints. Susan will contact Cat about the board findings.
*RICKA general meetings. Susan proposed to the board not have meetings in
January and February but this will be discussed later in the year.
She wants to change the meetings. The April meeting will be Chris Fox from Wood Pawcatuck. May will be Tamsen Venn. At the June meeting Jim suggested a Dutch oven demo with samples. September meetings will be discussed during the Summer.
*Picnic food/ menu-Tom came up with a menu of salads/ deserts to share/
pulled port sandwiches/ veggie wraps/ hamburger and hot dogs to cook there.
Tom stated he will need two people
to help with the grills. Also will need charcoal.
*Officer nominations-The list will be read at the March meeting. In April
names for positions will be accepted from the floor.
Other new business
*March 30 fishing regulations are to be discussed at DEM.
*RICKA should put FA and CPR on calendar.
Attended: Susan Engleman- President/ Sharron/ Tom/ Jim/ Cat/ Henry/
Cheryl/ Alan/ Barbara
Meeting Start 7:10 PM Meeting End 8:14 PM
Minutes from the last meeting--Henry made a motion to approve as posted
to the web. This was approved by all.
Treasurer’s report-Henry made a motion to approve as sent to board
members. This was approved by all.
*Rolling Clinic- Before it can be put to the membership the rolling
clinic needs to get a final OK from URI. That should be by February 11.
Cat discussed the particulars of pricing for the
rolling and rescue clinics. Cat presented the board with a breakdown of the possible costs.
*Picnic Plans-Five hundred dollars has ben approved to hold the picnic
at Ninigret. It was decided to cook hot dogs and hamburgers at the site;
members would be asked to bring deserts and to decide on salads closer
to the time.
September 19 (Saturday) or Sunday 20 (Sunday) are the dates to be decided ;because of tides.
*Speaker Update-The speaker for February is set. Tamsin Venn will be
speaking in May about her book Best Journey.
*RICKA donations should be on a case by case basis. Cat brought up that
the donation consideration should be made on how it can benefit the
*Cat brought up that the ACA wants to publish different Paddle America
Club in each ACA newsletter. She will look into it.
*Jim suggested that the treasury issue Blackstonr Valley Paddle Club
their money that is due them on a quarterly basis. This will be brought
up to Andy. It is hoped that this will keep better track of treasury
*April 18 will be the Flat water planning meeting at River Bend Farm.
*Cat announced that the training and instruction committee will meet to
discuss guide lines for RICKA training and instruction.
1 /7 /2015
Attended :Susan Engleman-President/ Carleen/ Sharon/ Jim/ Barbara
Meeting start 7:04 PM meeting end 8:04 PM.
*Jim made a motion to approve the minutes of the last executive board
meetings posted to the web. Sharon seconded-was approved by all.
*Jim made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report as posted to the
board. Sharon seconded and was approved by all.
*Finish the discussion on inactive members getting newsletters. Jim
suggested former presidents to board members,who expressed an interest
getting newsletters via email. Jim and Sharon discussed how to deal with the list of people . The action taken will be for Jim to form a list of names for email distribution. Sharon made a motion and Jim seconded- it was passed by all.
*Rolling clinic-this was tabled until Cat will be in attendance.
*Speaker Confirmation--Jan. JCC Jan. 26/ Feb. Julie R. Watersheds