RICKA Annual Awards 2024

Volunteer of the Year Award Sharon Dragon

Sharon is a long-time RICKA member who served as Membership Chair from 2012 to 2022, Vice President in 2016, President from 2017 to 2018, and Treasurer in 2024. She remains on the Executive board as a Member at Large. In addition, Sharon is an experienced Flatwater leader who runs several trips a year at venues like the Wood/Pawacatuck River, the South County Salt Ponds, and other sites around New England. Based on her long history of supporting RICKA through her work on the Executive Board and as a Flatwater leader, Sharon has earned the 2024 Volunteer of the Year.

Sea Kayak Leadership Award

Tim Gleason, Brenda Rashleigh, Kelly Gable, Rick Brooks
For coaching and leading training programs for new and experience sea kayakers.

Flatwater Leadership Award

Bob Larrivee for his leadership of flatwater trips.

Bob has been a part of the flatwater group for several years. He is always there to help carry boats

 and help people get on the water safely.  He volunteers to sweep on most paddles and lends a hand wherever he can, with a smile.

Blackstone Valley Paddle Club Leadership Award

Manny Terezakis is a long time dedicated leader with the club and has been the secretary for several years. Manny takes minutes of any meetings we have. He also has driven to most of our paddle locations and has updated the directions and descriptions of the paddles, which was needed.

Roscoe Skurka for his years of dedication to the club and for handling the club’s volunteer coordinator responsibilities. Roscoe takes attendance at the paddles, maintains the sign in books and logs the volunteer hours online for the Blackstone National Heritage Corridor. The corridor uses the VIP (Volunteer in Park) hours to help procure their funding.

Conservation Award

Gary Powers For his dedication and efforts to promote conservation, and for organizing the Earth Day Clean up paddles.

Wilderness Leadership Award

Dan Foster For his wilderness camping skills and amazing cooking over the campfire

Rubber Ducky Award

Erik Eckilson and Bill Luther for their well-documented swim at the Bradford Fish Weirs on the Pawcatuck River.