DiscountsDiscounts for MembersRemember to ASK for the discount. The retailers have the right to stop offering the discount at any time. Ask before purchasing. The Kayak Centre: 70 Brown Street, Wickford Village. 1-888-SEA-KAYAK, New updated discounts and an online code for RICKA members only. WaveLength MagazinWavelength Surf Magazine (
Outdoor Play
Narrow River Kayaks:
15% off rentals, tours, and accessories; 5% off kayak, SUP and canoe purchases. 10% off purchase of second kayak, canoe or SUP. 10% off any paddle accessiories or store merchanise. 15% off any kayak, canoe or SUP rental. 15% off any quided excursion. 94B Middlebridge Road, Narragansett, RI (401) 789-0334 Atlantic Coastal Kayaker. Click on the link below to access our free blog." ACK link The Outfitters Shop At Zoar Outdoor: 10% off accessories. 7 Main St, Charlemont, MA. (413) 339 8596. Zoar Outdoors ![]()
The BAG LADY is making bags to protect your boats
and gear. Please take a moment to visit her
new website.
Inclusion on this list does not imply endorsement by RICKA of any business or person.